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    ruby reacted to Legolash2o in Final Year Project Details   
    OK so the last week or so, I've been thinking about designs and coding the DLL. From Sunday, I will be working on the GUI again so expect more releases next week
    I have to for my FYP do a lot of research and push myself to learn new things and, more importantly, produce better code!
  2. Like
    ruby reacted to Legolash2o in Final Year Project - WinToolkit v2 [Approved]   
    In case you didn't know, I've been drafting up my proposal to finally work on a new Wintoolkit v2 as my final year project at university. It will be EPIC. I've received feedback and made changes to my proposal, just awaiting for further feedback. Once that is done, I will submit it
    I will keep you guys up-do-date in this thread as soon as I hear anything. Basically it will be starting WinToolkit from scratch. Here are a few things you should expect.
     ·         Make more use of mutli-tasking
    All-In-One Integrator will integrate wallpapers, gadgets and others at the same time as other tasks, saving even more time. Run other tools whilst integration is in progress. Converting files, downloading and so fourth. Click here for multi-threading experiment results.
    ·         Run speed profile tests to see if code can be made more efficient.
    I want Win Toolkit v2 to be very very efficient and run as fast a possible. This includes running automated tests which tell me the slow areas of my code and then I basically plan how I can make it fast. Every millisecond will count! This WILL improve ALL-In-One Integrator dramatically!!!!!!!!
    ·         Conduct extensive testing to ensure final software meets requirements.
    I will have to do testing reports and documentation, hopefully you guys can help too.
    ·         Design and implement automated testing.
    I will use the tools available in Visual Studio to design automated testing. This will ensure that if i make a change it wont screw up anything that worked previously. Each method will have multiple automated tests.
    ·         Automated online databases
    The only database using SQL will keep automatically keep track of what of updates are LDR or GDR saving previous extracting time. Keep tracking of what updates can and can't be integrated. Allow me to add notes to updates so if an issue appears with an update I can make it show notes without havign to download a new version. The above three implementations will be amazing. You would not have update WinToolkit to solve integration issues, it will all be done without lifting a finger by anyone! It also includes other benefits.
    Keep tracking of Win Toolkit updates. Track errors and bugs.  
    ·         Automatic Updating
    Win Toolkit will update itself automatically (can be turned off) and will hopefully download only parts of the file which has changed saving your bandwidth. You will also have the option to download beta updates.
     ·         Consistent and predictable release cycle.
    Test Builds: Pretty much every night.Beta Builds: Every Saturday night.Main Builds: First Saturday of the month.  WinToolkit v1Wanted to know what Win Toolkit looks like in its physical form? I decided to print out all the code and will be painfully going through it all to look for areas of improvement! 
  3. Like
    ruby reacted to Legolash2o in McRip Updates   
    McRip servers are now offline. There is no link. However if you look in my signature, download the latest build for some alternatives
  4. Like
    ruby reacted to vipul_tilak in Win 7 & Win 8 WIMs in single bootable disk   
    Hi Gurus,
    I was just playing around with your brilliant tool and just got an thought of integrating the Win 7 and Win 8 both in a single disc.
    I will explain in detail:
    I have Win 7 in one folder and Win 8 in a different folder.
    At first step, I select either the Folder or the ISO of either of the Win versions.
    Can we have a method where in I can select two different folders and it loads all the versions found on those ISOs/Folders and then I could choose what all to integrate?
    For example, I want to select Win 7 x64 Ultimate as well as Win 8 Pro with Media Center x64.
    After selecting this - we should have an option to select updates for different Win versions but the silent installers, tweaks etc could be common.
    So when booting from my disc, it will show me both the Win versions and I could select any Windows version.
    Is this possible, or is it hypothetical or is it invalid?
    Help Gurus!!!
    Will wait for your replies.
  5. Like
    ruby reacted to Legolash2o in WinToolkit v1.5.0.x [What To Expect]   
    In case you're wondering why there has not been any releases for a while, it's because I'm preparing to start the v1.5 release.
    Before I can start that build i have to do a lot of 'code refactoring' which I haven't done since v1.2. Basically, this is where I update all of my old code to the new methods I have learned since originally coding that part of the code. It will make Win Toolkit more efficient and hopefully faster (last time it made it way faster). Most importantly it will allow me to easily add new features.
    This however does take time. We are talking about 1 person (me) individually checking 50,000+ lines of code and updating if necessary :-O
  6. Like
    ruby reacted to Legolash2o in v1.4.0 Sneak Peek   
    OK, i've updated All-In-One with the new design. I've also added the new Component Removal which doesn't work yet which is why there is two in the picture.
    What do you guys think?
  7. Like
    ruby reacted to *Reaper* in Microsoft 3D Pinball   
    Microsoft 3D Pinball

    3D Pinball for Windows has nine rank levels, ranging from Cadet to Fleet Admiral.
    Complete each mission and advance to the next rank, but you go back to Cadet at
    the beginning of each game.
    Version: 5.1.2600.5512
    Addon Release Date: August 15, 2011
    Shortcut created in: Games Folder
    Uninstallable: No
    Credit: *Reaper*
    Yeah! I Know.... Its old... I don't care.. I still Like it
    2.35 MB
    2.35 MB
  8. Like
    ruby reacted to LUZR4LIFE in [Theme] AIO Aero Theme Addon   
    If you have any other Aero Themes and would like me to add them, please provide a download link.
    Aero 5203
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero Concepts
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero Style (Glass - Beta 1)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero Style (Glass)
    Screen shot1
    Screen shot2
    Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero Style (Vista - Beta 2)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero UI (Day)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Aero UI (Night)
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2

    MD5 -A8CC45CDE78DB72C5060F2D502886E20
    Size - 3.86 MB
  9. Like
    ruby reacted to *Reaper* in Mozilla Firefox & Waterfox - v18.0.1   
    Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox web browser. Nuff said
    Waterfox is a high performance browser based on the Mozilla Firefox source code.
    Made specifically for 64-Bit systems, Waterfox has one thing in mind: speed.
    Firefox Version: 18.0.1
    Waterfox Version: 18.0.1
    Addon Release Date: January 24, 2013
    Uninstallable: Yes
    Credit: *Reaper*

    x64 Only!
    27.0 mb

    x86 Only!
    19.2 mb
  10. Like
    ruby reacted to *Reaper* in 7-Zip - v9.35 Beta   

    7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.

    What's new after 7-Zip 9.34 alpha:•The BUG was fixed: 7-Zip crashed during ZIP archive creation, if the number of CPU threads was more than 64.•The BUG in 9.31-9.34 was fixed: 7-Zip could not correctly extract ISO archives that are larger than 4 GiB.•The BUG in 9.33-9.34 was fixed: The option "Compress shared files" and -ssw switch didn't work.•The BUG in 9.26-9.34 was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager could crash for some archives open in "Flat View" mode.•Some bugs were fixed.Version: 9.35
    Platform: x86 & x64
    Addon Release Date: December 11, 2014
    Uninstallable: Yes
    Credit: *Reaper*

    NOTE: This is a dual addon... If your using a x64 system, it will install the x64 version of 7-Zip. If your using a x86 system, it will install the x86 version of 7-Zip.
    Must use Win Toolkit or higher!

    - 2.20 MB
    - cf652ed480c94dd950ab582054c613b5