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Martin Mortensen

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  1. Hi Lego, I just modified the content from the log in my post, as the reason the log contained information about my install jobs was because I had started it manually. I have just run a fresh install and now the log is a lot shorter, as shown in my updated post. Thanks for the explanation about the "Running as system" error, however the install jobs have not been run, and since the only error in the log was by design, I have no clue as to why. Is there additional logging somewhere? Regards,
  2. Hello, I'm having some trouble with the Win Toolkit Run Once Installer, not running after the installation. The system32\WinToolkit_RunOnce_Log reports the following: Version: -----------------STARTING--------------Version: IsSystem: TrueIsAdministrator: TrueVersion: WriteValue:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce | !1WinToolkit=WinToolkitRunOnce.exe | StringVersion: Running as system. Aborting...If I start the WinToolkitRunOnce.exe manually everything runs without problems. Any help is much appreciated Regards, Martin