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Everything posted by adminadmin

  1. No major update yet, I think so. I am waiting for the version 2.4.7...
  2. Hi LUZR4LIFE! Thank u very much..
  3. But downloading problem is still exist..
  4. Thanks a lot.. Updated.
  5. Updated file is uploaded to another site. Thanks....
  6. Johndoe74's Addon is based on silent installer wheras mine is based on direct integration method.
  7. Hi all. I would like to submit IEpro2.4.x Addon. Actualy, this addon is based on Store88's addon. Thanks her for this nice addon's base. Her website is http://my.donews.com/store88/ I have updated the files only. Use this with Internet Explorer and enjoy its functionalities... Updated on 07.02.2009 to IEPRO2.4.5 Download link is- http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=855a644...04e75f6e8ebb871
  8. u r genius man..but what about the language pack?