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Everything posted by JBrinley

  1. Foxit PDF Reader http://downloads.foxitsoftware.com/foxitre...xitReader22.zip RAMCleaner http://www.benutec.com/download/ramcleaner_trial.exe thanks
  2. anyway for this to replace the windows defrag? So when i click defrag in disk properties, it will load this app?
  3. when i used this, i went into the hash tab and there was no "hashs" selected to display. So I had to right-click, goto settings, and check which ones to display. Anyway to have them displayed by default?
  4. is it just me, or is there no download link? EDIT: nvm, the picture didint load for some reason. Got it now Thanks
  5. thanks for the update!
  6. thanks man! I am going to try to make one now, lol We will see how it goes