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Everything posted by Rud

  1. Link does not work.
  2. <br /><br /><br /><br />It didn't help me.Edit: Jdownloader capture the link and downloaded the file. Thanks!
  3. Please, correct the download link, it leads to your site, not to the file. Thanks
  4. Ad1. No, I use Polish XP and the update pack has nothing to do. I use Polish Hotfixes released after SP3. Ad2. Yes, created addon with onepieces maker. Ad3. I do not remember exactly what files installator could not copy. There was "ieframe" but do not remember of its extension. Earlier I used WMP11 Slipstreamer and than nLite, it was sufficient way, until I wanted to integrate ie8. I hope this information help you.
  5. I had problem to make proper installation. It helped me when in the first step, on clean xp sp3 with RVM 1.6 I used nonno fabio's Onepiece IE7-8 XP/2003 Addon Maker v090730. Next WMP11 Slipstreamer, than nLite with the rest. Maybe it is obvious sequence but before I did it subtly in different way. Tip: To avoid file swapping of shell32.dll in the exFAT hotfix I was installed it in the same way as in this topic. I modified my addon for different branch SP3GDR.
  6. Update to XPtsp PL inetcpl.mui.res corrected bitmap and it is more compatible with ie8. inetcpl.mui.7z Size: 856 KB md5: fb171f1759c4734f42ee1d5bb40c1e6b
  7. Rud replied to Geej's post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    Thanks! Please, add more plugins for example: OpenOffice. The are more than English interface: Bulgarian, Byelarussian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hellenic, Hrvatski, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Valencian, Vietnamese.
  8. New version of compressor 1.0b. Added ico to the pack. As it before, unpack Compressor v1.b.7z to yours unpacked "XPtsp.v1.4.7.1_batch" catalogue. It is demanded to put some extra code in XPtsp.bat for removing the compressor after integration. Replace :end for %%i in ("7ztmp" "%tmp%" "%res%" "NRIE7en" "ie8" "%xtra%" "%sptmp%" "mcetmp" "wmptmp" "Programs") do if exist %%i rd /s /q %%i It is easily to find at the end of XPtsp.bat. With this: :end for %%i in ("7ztmp" "%tmp%" "%res%" "NRIE7en" "ie8" "%xtra%" "%sptmp%" "mcetmp" "wmptmp" "Compressor" "Programs") do if exist %%i rd /s /q %%i del "recompression_7zsfx.cmd" /q /f Run recompression_7zsfx.cmd and you receive new smaller updated XPtsp pack. In file XPtsp.batch_7zsfx.txt there is line Title="XP Theme Source Patcher v.1.4.x" It is the name of window, you can change for accurate name. Compressor v1.b.7z Size: 254 kB md5: 44682f230e15018e782db017b058b8f5
  9. There is not new idea for save space to use 7z for compression instead rar. I prepared small extension for XPtsp. Content of compressor.exe put into XPtsp folder. recompression_7zsfx.cmd can compress XPtsp by 7z and makes sfx. In result there is new exe-pack It is demanded to put code in XPtsp.bat for removing the compressor after integration. It can look that :end for %%i in ("7ztmp" "%tmp%" "%res%" "NRIE7en" "ie8" "%xtra%" "%sptmp%" "mcetmp" "wmptmp" "Compressor" "Programs") do if exist %%i rd /s /q %%i del "recompression_7zsfx.cmd" /q /f When you re-compress XPtsp1.4.7.1 the new size is 39,3 MB instead 58,3 MB. You can change whatever you like in the compressor.exe compressor.exe Size: 366 kB md5: ec7f922f73df9cfbf5a1d70162fc14f5
  10. XPtsp Green Polish I've made a Polish translation of XPtsp Green plus colored animation move=blue and delete=orange. Batch Scripts: File:XPtsp.v1.4.7.1_batch_pl.exe Size:39.6 mb md5:4ea81d9d63d59b32556979ea856cd216
  11. I use Restorator 2007.
  12. OK There are two examples of "deleting" and blue for "moving". Packed animation md5: f039b00555d4bf03456c14e5cd1cefe3 size: 915 KB
  13. Sometime, when I drag & drop some files are moved instead to be copied by swift hdd :grin: My eyes sometimes do not catch it what is written moving, coping even deleting, but for them it are easier to recognize colours. So, I changed colours of animation and it is easier to manage files for me. If you want to have the animation, let me know than I upload it.
  14. Hi I was absent for a while... In dialogue 4454 the bitmap is moved down in inetcpl.mui.res. In deskadp.dll.res the icon covers letters "p" and "y" (Adapter Type).
  15. It fixes position main bitmap. Now, it does not interfere with other components when you want to move them. It is necessary in my translation and put in order cryptui.dll.res.7z MD5: 85533e372d85b2077a5a9e0d90d1fcb4 Size: 294 KB
  16. I missed something, didn't I? Where will I find oemgen? Edit: Thanks You added it whilst I was witting
  17. OK Name: sysdm.cpl.res.string195.7z http://depositfiles.com/files/gz0va99g8 MD5: 80e6d263d8f0dfc19299cd2be387e4b5 Size: 470 KB
  18. Thanks! I see model "T5500" should go higher and "1.66 GHz", too. Edit Corrected: sysdm.cpl.res.7z Size: 470 KB MD5: 652f3087ad11277f5c3e1e0d9fb5e1b6 http://depositfiles.com/files/cpaxw4xta
  19. I corrected sysdm.cpl.res. I added text-box after "Customized By:" "XP-tsp Version:" and corrected localization of information about CPU, mem, etc. May someone test it. I have not English XP. http://depositfiles.com/files/1zp8w5pvw MD5: cfa5f272e070cb8e54314f2abf64fc99 Size: 469 KB
  20. Please, look at this awkward translation. I hope it helps you ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++;+ + ;+ Autorun for Windows + ;+ + ;+ (C) Boa Software aka Safonow Yuri & prokazzza + ;+ 28.09.2008 + ;+ + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ;Example configuration file loader ; ;After creating this file should be located ;In the directory and to have the name of the species ;<Program name>. INI ;All messages must be written in one line! ; Line is replaced by '|' [UserDefined] Win=%WinDir%\ Sys=%SystemRoot%\system32\ [Default] ; Here specify the window title bootloader Caption=Welcome to Microsoft Windows XP ; Here specify a hint, when nothing is selected ; DefaultHint = ; DefaultHintCaption = ; Computer:% COMPUTERNAME% | Username:% USERNAME% | DefaultHintImage=SUPPORT\logo_ms.bmp ; Here specify creator disc Creator=prokazzza ; Here you can point your mail EMail=prokazzza@list.ru ; Here specify homepage HomePage=www.forum.oszone.ru ; Size box (only the client area!) Height=400 Width=600 ; The path to the background picture BackGround=SUPPORT\backgrnd.bmp ; Transparency 0-255 (255-opaque) AlphaBlend=255 ; Smooth display of windows ShowBlend=1 ; Speed increments AlphaBlend If you do windows IncBlend=10 ; Type casting / background images, the possible values ; 0 Up ; 1 Down ; 2 Left ; 3 Right ; 4 HorzIn ; 5 HorzOut ; 6 VertIn ; 7 VertOut ; 8 TiledImage ; 9 StretchImage ; 10 ResizeToImage BackGroundType=0 ; Type a title and curb ; 0 without a title and curb ; 1 to border ; 2 with the border and the title (by default) ; 3 with border and a small headline BorderType=1 ; Is it possible to pull the window is not for the title ; 0 you can not (by default) ; 1 can Movable=0 ; Initial filling the background color (for 0 - 7) BackGroundColorIn=clBlue ; Final filling the background color (for 0 - 7) BackGroundColorOut=clBlack ; Settings signatures by default LabelFontName=Tahoma LabelFontSize=22 HintLabelFontColor=clBlack LabelFontBold=0 LabelFontItalic=0 LabelShadowColor=clBlack LabelShadowSize=0 ; Settings signature prompts by default HintLabelFontName=Tahoma HintLabelFontSize=12 HintLabelFontColor=clBlack HintLabelFontBold=0 HintLabelFontItalic=0 HintLabelShadowColor=clBlack HintLabelShadowSize=0 ; Settings button by default ButtonFontName=Tahoma ButtonFontSize=14 ButtonFontColor=ClWhite ButtonFontBold=0 ButtonFontItalic=0 ButtonFontActiveColor=clGray ButtonFonActiveUnderline=0 ; Sounds StartSound=SUPPORT\start.wav ClickSound=SUPPORT\click.wav SelectSound=SUPPORT\select.wav ; Check the presence of the files listed to start CheckFiles=0 ; Default page DefaultPage=1 ; Save settings AutosaveState=0 ; Name the key to preserving AutosaveRegKey=BoaSoftware\TestAutorun [Page_001] Height=600 Width=800 BackGroundType=10 BackGround=SUPPORT\1.bmp BackGroundColorIn=clBlue BackGroundColorOut=clBlack [Page_002] Height=600 Width=800 BackGroundType=10 BackGround=SUPPORT\2.bmp BackGroundColorIn=clBlue BackGroundColorOut=clBlack [Page_003] [Page_004] ;==================================================== [Item_001] ; Logo on the second page Type=HintImage Page=2 Left=570 Top=40 [Item_002] ; Tips 1 line Type=hintcaptionlabel Page=0 Left=80 Top=55 FontColor=ClWhite ShadowColor=clBlack ShadowSize=0 FontSize=14 FontBold=1 [Item_003] ; Tips Line 2 Type=hintlabel Page=0 Left=80 Top=120 FontColor=ClWhite ShadowColor=clBlack FontSize=11 FontBold=0 ; 1 page ============================================ [Item_010] ; Title 1 Type=label Page=1 Left=155 Top=55 FontColor=ClWhite ShadowColor=clBlack ShadowSize=0 FontSize=14 FontBold=1 Caption=Welcome to Microsoft Windows XP |General information about computer %COMPUTERNAME% [Item_011] ; Title 2 (displaying variables) Type=label Page=1 Left=155 Top=120 FontColor=ClWhite ShadowColor=clBlack FontSize=11 FontBold=0 Caption=OS: %ProductName% %sp% Build %Build%|Produkt Id: %PID%|CPU: %CpuName%|Number of Processor: %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%, Processor Architecture: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%|Memory: %MemSize% kb|Register user: %USERNAME%|Register org: %RegOrg%|Systemdrive: %SYSTEMDRIVE% [Item_012] ; Cover avatar Type=Image Page=1 Left=56 Top=52 Image=SUPPORT\userfon.bmp Hint= Action= Cmd= Param= [Item_013] ; Image icon Type=Image Page=1 Left=60 Top=55 Image=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\%USERNAME%.bmp Hint= Action=#run Cmd=%SystemRoot%\System32\Control.exe Param=nusrmgr.cpl [Item_014] ; Button set FontName=Tahoma FontBold=1 FontSize=20 Type=button Page=1 Left=145 Top=400 image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Install Windows XP HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_ARROW.BMP Action=#runclose Cmd=i386\winnt32.exe Param= [Item_015] ; logo XP Type=Image Page=1 Left=500 Top=280 Image=SUPPORT\logo.bmp Hint= Action= Cmd= Param= ; 2 page =================================================== [Item_020] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=210 image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Install Windows XP Hint=Run Install Windows XP HintCaption=Install |Windows XP HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_1.bmp Action=#runclose Cmd=i386\winnt32.exe Param= [Item_021] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=240 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Learn more about the setup process Hint=Learn more about the setup process HintCaption=Learn more |about the setup process HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_2.bmp Action=#run Cmd=%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe Param=SETUPXP.HTM [Item_022] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=270 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Install optional Windows components Hint=Run Install optional Windows components HintCaption=Install |optional Windows components HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_3.bmp Action=#run Cmd=%SystemRoot%\system32\sysocmgr.exe Param="/x /y /i:sysoc.inf" [Item_023] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=300 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Check my system automatically Hint=Run Check my system automatically HintCaption=Check |my system automatically HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_4.bmp Action=#run Cmd=i386\winnt32.exe Param="/checkupgradeonly" [Item_024] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=330 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Visit the compatibility Web site Hint=Visit the compatibility Web site HintCaption=Visit|the compatibility Web site HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_5.bmp Action=#ebrowse Cmd= Param=http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=whistler&sbp=pro&pver=5.1&ar=compat [Item_025] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=360 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Set up Remote Desktop Connection Hint=Run Set up Remote Desktop Connection HintCaption=Set up |Remote Desktop Connection HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_6.bmp Action=#run Cmd=support\tools\msrdpcli.exe Param= [Item_026] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=390 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Set up a home or small office network Hint=Run Set up a home or small office network HintCaption=Set up |a home or small office network HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_7.bmp Action=#run Cmd=i386\netsetup.exe Param= [Item_027] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=420 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Transfer files and settings Hint=Run Transfer files and settings HintCaption=Transfer |files and settings HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_8.bmp Action=#run Cmd=support\tools\fastwiz.exe Param= [Item_028] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=450 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=Browse this CD Hint=Browse this CD HintCaption=Browse |this CD HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_9.bmp Action=#browse Cmd= Param= [Item_029] Type=button Page=2 Left=80 Top=480 Image=SUPPORT\ARROW.BMP Caption=View the release notes Hint=View the release notes HintCaption=View |the release notes HintImage=SUPPORT\logo_10.bmp Action=#run Cmd=%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe Param=README.HTM ; Other active buttons and inscriptions ===================================== [Item_01E] FontName=Tahoma Type=BUTTON FontColor=ClWhite FontActiveColor=clRed Page=1 Left=650 Top=-35 FontSize=12 FontBold=1 Caption=More Image=SUPPORT\MORE.BMP Hint= Action=#page Cmd= Param=2 [Item_02D] FontName=Tahoma Type=BUTTON FontColor=ClWhite FontActiveColor=clRed Page=2 Left=650 Top=-35 FontSize=12 FontBold=1 Caption=Back Image=SUPPORT\LESS.BMP Hint= Action=#page Cmd= Param=1 [Item_03E] FontName=Tahoma Type=BUTTON FontColor=ClWhite FontActiveColor=clRed Page=1 Left=22 Top=-35 FontSize=12 FontBold=1 Caption=Exit Image=SUPPORT\CLOSE.BMP Hint= Action=#close Cmd= Param=2 [Item_04E] FontName=Tahoma Type=BUTTON FontColor=ClWhite FontActiveColor=clRed Page=2 Left=22 Top=-35 FontSize=12 FontBold=1 Caption=Exit Image=SUPPORT\CLOSE.BMP Hint= Action=#close Cmd= Param=2 [Item_06E] FontName=Tahoma ;Type=BUTTON FontActiveColor=ClWhite FontColor=ClWhite Page=1 Left=275 Top=535 FontSize=8 FontBold=1 Caption=
  21. Thanks, that Autorun 2009 looks very good. In line 211 of setup.ini is small error. After Memory: %MemSize% should be MB instead of ę
  22. Yes, it is OK. Thanks Now, I think it is worth to put blue version into one pack. It was mentioned about prokazzza's autorun and last time when I checked it, the main setup.ini was in English. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4827 That autorun is easier to translate and use Polish characters.
  23. So, it is to necessary to add extra batch and some files to enable recompress entire XPtsp with itself :-) With those extra files the pack should be smaller. Please look at small addon to XPtsp. Extract to your "XPtsp.v1.3_batch" folder and run "compress 7zsfx.cmd". The result is saved in ..\ Modify the addon as you wish. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zlotnqwknun Size: 512 KB Md5: CE96EE13433F1108CF85E99250550D9D
  24. Name:XPtsp.v1.3pl.7z.exe Size: 33,8 MB If someone would like to use sfx of 7z Config.7z ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="XP Theme Source Patcher v.1.3" BeginPrompt="\tDo wykorzystania z Windows XP.\n\nXPTSP podmienia zasoby takie jak: ikony, bitmapy, \nAVI itp. z innych modifikator
  25. Polish version XPtsp v.1.3 with last amnesia's update "_Update.01.11.09" http://depositfiles.com/files/39aflnf27 md5: B33D465B4C5AE1D75DD6637E9429693E