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Bálint Krisztián

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    Update April 13, 2014
    I will no no longer be updating my add ons which are found throughout this forum. all files will eventually be deleted. Moving forward, I need my online storage for other projects. It was a pleasure to work with Win Toolkit. It is certainly a workhorse that i want in my Deployment Kit. Thanks everyone. I will continue to visit for as long as this project remains active. I really like the community here. PEACE OUT!

    Microsoft Security Essentials x86/x64 v4.2.223 (Int'l)
    Integrated: The latest virus definition version is: 1.145.381.0  |  Released: March 5, 2013 03:49 PM UTC
    Integrated: Network Inspection System (NIS) version is: 17.36 / 18.36

    About: This installer should work for ALL languages & architectures. Run this installer with /? or /h for detailed language mode (MUI) instructions. The default system language is used if not specified. Add these as silent installers. All switches are optional.

    Link RemovedFile: mseinstall_x86_x64_Intl_March_5_2013.exe (159.5 MB)MD5: 9c5c27ca6c192b8bd09ecc5539295b1a Config:
    ;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"GUIFlags="8"RunProgram="hidcon:setini.exe \"%%T\\%%P\\setup.ini\" Compat Market RunProgram="%%P\\setup.exe /s /runwgacheck /o"RunProgram="x86:mpam-fe.exe /q"RunProgram="x64:mpam-fe%%P.exe /q"RunProgram="x86:nis_full.exe /q"RunProgram="x64:nis_full%%P.exe /q";Thanks goes out to 'ricktendo' for his insight and guidance in helping me create this installer.;!@InstallEnd@!Supported Languages:
    bg-BG cs-CZ da-DKde-DEel-GRen-USes-ESet-EEfi-FIfr-FRhr-HRhu-HUit-ITja-JPko-KRlt-LTlv-LVnb-NOnl-NLpl-PLpt-BRpt-PTro-ROru-RUsk-SKsv-SEth-THtr-TRuk-UAvi-VNzh-CNzh-TW