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    bYHexadecimal reacted to abbodi1406 in Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes   

    The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install runtime components that are required to run applications that are developed by using Visual Studio. These packages install run-time components of these libraries: C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, ATL, MFC, C++ AMP, OpenMP and MSDIA. read more.

    OS: Windows All

    VC++ 2022: 14.44.34823.2 VC++ 2013: 12.0.40664.0 VC++ 2012: 11.0.61135.400 VC++ 2010: 10.0.40219.473 VC++ 2008: 9.0.30729.7523 VC++ 2005: 8.0.61187 VC++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0 Vc++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0 + Legacy Visual Basic Runtimes Files Contents:
    vcredist_x64_Win7 / vcredist_x86_Win7: All runtimes for Windows 7 SP1 vcredist_x64_2022_WinAll / vcredist_x86_2022_WinAll: Visual C++ 2022 vcredist_x64_2013d_WinAll / vcredist_x86_2013d_WinAll: Visual C++ 2013, 2012, 2010, 2003, 2002 Visual Basic 6.0 Runtimes vcredist_x64_SxS_Win7 / vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7: Visual C++ 2008, 2005 for Windows 7 SP1 vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810 / vcredist_x86_SxS_Win810: Visual C++ 2008, 2005 for Windows 8.1/10 Important Notes:
    # Integrating SxS 2008/2005 addons require launching Wintoolkit with TrustedInstaller privileges, to gain write access to WinSxS directory
    for that, you need to use NSudo (or other similar tools):
    - download and extract latest release Binary.zip
    - launch Win32\NSudo.exe or x64\NSudo.exe, or run NSudo.bat as administrator
    - make sure User is set to TrustedInstaller
    - check "Enable All Privileges"
    - paste Wintoolkit.exe path in the lower box (or Browse to the file)
    - click run
    if you are using Windows 7 Simplix Update Pack, you don't need that, it already handle the required privileges
    # vcredist_x64_Win7 / vcredist_x86_Win7 is AIO addon, mainly to be used with Simplix Update Pack, or else you need Wintoolkit with NSudo
    # VC++ 2022 runtimes are binary compatible and upgrade to VC++ 2015-2017-2019 and cover all VS 2015-2017-2019-2022 programs
    # To complete VC++ 2022 functions for Windows 7/8.1, you need to integrate Universal CRT components, which is available with latest Monthly Rollup, or updates KB3118401/KB2999226
    you can find latest releases -> here
    SHA1 checksums:
    05e938f354c059d89d846d2e9a7591d05154aa70 *vcredist_x64_2013d_WinAll.WA 534f1e53080819aeb58e3b060d7c6a0a76b4d4d4 *vcredist_x86_2013d_WinAll.WA 8cc9f65fc444a878d8cabd0ad317597edb552f07 *vcredist_x64_SxS_Win7.WA 886faa949e7d51a40dc8d467f65c373f887c2ec3 *vcredist_x86_SxS_Win7.WA 94e267e5e6ff89854bd64b6260333664a266c754 *vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810.WA 206fda69fa2d3fd838dd9e3ee33f35c4cd7a2cae *vcredist_x86_SxS_Win810.WA Credits to ricktendo for original repack AIO
  2. Thanks
    The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX — the core Windows® technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC. read more.
    Info: The addon will Slipstream DirectX runtimes into the windows image as Pre-Installed
    OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 - x86 / x64
    Version: 9.29.1974
    Mirror - Mirror
    Size: 13.13 MB
    MD5 : 19d9de7038fc9f869e3126f20a785785
    SHA1: a2a0880986ed464403035822d296fc2b76f7ff25
    Mirror - Mirror
    Size: 27.83 MB
    MD5 : 78797de2739070bbc6329bc52a75d440
    SHA1: 7244d80c532c882a0a945d9d97e0067dd0b35294
    Note: on Windows 8/8.1/10 you need first to enable .NET Framework 3.5 feature
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    bYHexadecimal reacted to StopLooking in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
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    bYHexadecimal reacted to NIM in Decimal to Hex via VB script.   
    decNum = Inputbox("Enter the Decimal Value you want to convert:")
    hexNum = hex(decNum)
    MsgBox "Decimal Value You Entered: " & decNum & vbCRLF & "Hex Value Conversion: " & hexNum