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A.lemane reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)This is my updated, lite installer with a few Adobe Customization Wizard tweaks from this tutorial by Aaron Parker
Details: Integrated latest MSP update, old Visual C++ runtimes removed, also other stuff removed and made "Lite", recompiled MSI, applied custom MST tweaks (details bellow)
English United States (en-US) Updated
MD5: b67afb0cf53ab6bfe50db7dca4c55656
Size: 54.3 MB
German Germany (de-DE) Updated
MD5: 21d78e42d4de9579474a68af54c5cf3c
Size: 54.7 MB
Spanish Spain (es-ES) Updated
MD5: f98fd244b74adc30becd118e6d2f78e5
Size: 54.7 MB
French France (fr-FR) Updated
MD5: 628c6bbaa9c9540fec8ce73c4dd75ed4
Size: 54.7 MB
Hungarian Hungary (hu-HU) Updated
MD5: c94a243ed71a29b9bfba20ae7bc8af78
Size: 54.7 MB
Italian Italy (it-IT) (Mirror)
MD5: ff1d6364469fc164ac18761afd84173a
Size: 54.5 MB
Polish Poland (pl-PL) Updated
MD5: 89d69f6190a9b5cd1396c97965111249
Size: 54.7 MB
Portuguese Brazil (pt-BR) Updated
MD5: 9b521f9b07b1440ac7352e765df7bf75
Size: 54.7 MB
Russian Russia (ru-RU) (Mirror)
MD5: 84a70b1194ecac300042185f4914ce96
Size: 54.5 MB
Turkish Turkey (tr-TR) Updated
MD5: 3d3f746bde2dab1f23e0bdd54ec75c4f
Size: 54.7 MB
CustWiz and other tweaks
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//HideMenu.js // [File - Save As Other]app.hideMenuItem("SaveAsSubmenu"); // [File - Send File]app.hideMenuItem("Email"); // [Edit - Check Spelling]app.hideMenuItem("Spelling:Spelling"); // [Edit - Accessability]app.hideMenuItem("Accessibility"); // [View - Read Out Loud]app.hideMenuItem("ReadAloud"); // [Help - Online Support]app.hideMenuItem("OnlineSupport"); // [Help - Online Support - Knowledge Base]app.hideMenuItem("KnowledgeBase"); // [Help - Online Support - Adobe Support Programs]app.hideMenuItem("AdobeExpertSupport"); // [Help - Online Support - Adobe User Community]app.hideMenuItem("AdobeUserCommunity"); // [Help - Online Support - Accessibility Resource Center]app.hideMenuItem("AccessOnline"); // [Help - Online Support - Generate System Report]app.hideMenuItem("SystemInformation"); // [Help - Repair Adobe Reader Installation]app.hideMenuItem("DetectAndRepair");Some tools to create your own
Adobe Customization Wizard (repack/removed old runtimes)http://adf.ly/1713566/custwizInstEd (yumeyao LZX:21 mod)http://adf.ly/1713566/instedmsiSlim down your installers:http://adf.ly/1713566/msislim -
A.lemane reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)English updated
A.lemane reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.41212Why do you say this, if its because it is not offered to you on XP that is because they deemed it no longer compatible... This is only if you try to run it via the normal installer, if you extract it (like this one) the msi installs fine and the program works as well on XP
Yes and no, the multilanguage update has some files missing I like to also update... This is why I hate this installer because I have to go, one by one, and dl all 33x2 languages
A.lemane reacted to CHDevice in MInstAll - Software InstallerThe project is closed
A.lemane reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444Silent install: /qn (and/or other standard MSI switches, custom settings/options switches listed bellow)
New: Supported command line switches to add serial number, change installation directory, enable/disable shortcuts, automatic updates, etc. during silent or gui install
;;; To add your serial number SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 ;;; To change installation directory INSTALLDIR=<directory> ;;; Add =1 to enable or =0 to disable the following (their <default> state is listed) DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=<disabled> QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=<disabled> STARTMENU_SHORTCUT=<enabled> AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=<disabled> COMPONENTDOWNLOAD=<enabled> DATACOLLECTION=<disabled> Example: If you want to automatically install with serial number and re-enable desktop shortcut & automatic updates
<vmware-lite>.msi SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=1 /qn Optional: Version 11 no longer supports x86 so for 32 bit OS's you need to use version 10: http://adf.ly/1713566/vmwareliteold
Or you may prefer VirtualBox Lite
MD5: 4680873df8556af936fae393e471fbe2
Size: 70.3 MB
A.lemane reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)Its patch tuesdat, so I will be busy with other projects today. Maybe tomorrow I will get around to updating other non en-US versions
I can provide you with an host...
I have 6GB webhost with domain just lying around, doing nothing...
Updated comdlg32.ocx v6.1.98.41
Removed mirror links, new host should work fine (let me know of any problems completing downloads)