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Everything posted by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0

  1. Thanks for fixing and updating! 1 small "cosmetic" bug is still present: the installer leaves a temp-folder in the same path where the installer is; it should not, if possible. Thiersee Thanks for reporting! Currently Fixing & Uploading... Fixed on October 17 - 12:03 PM IST! :thumbsup: Regards, niTe_RiDeR
  2. CATEGORY: Adobe Runtimes/AiOs ABOUT: Adobe Flash Player v21.0.0.242 & v22.0.0.168beta (PPAPI+NPAPI Plugin & ActiveX) + Shockwave Player + Adobe AIR v21.0.0.215 & v22.0.0.149beta Runtimes --> All-in-One RePack. [13.6.2016] + + INFO/NOTES: You can select which runtimes to install in the setup wizard. Shockwave player original msi installer repacked by me to slim it up (better compression, LZMA2). Removed Shockwave Player 10 compatibility files. NEW: Also added beta version AiO, containing latest beta versions of the runtimes. Updated on 13 June 2016. Examples: DOWNLOADS: Stable version: https://mega.nz/#!poRT2LxJ!KnikLatcxudi2HO3snwUhXbf6N5VRAG2IsuEdgVveqU Beta version: https://mega.nz/#!15QxRRZJ!W2ROf4zgxhLi2rVtOzUdazdMGkKKxVQw-mu9hWINsFA Architecture: x86 & x64 VirusTotal Scan Report: Will be uploading later, but I am sure it is 100% safe. Enjoy! Cheers...
  3. Hmmm...Let me see... This one works only for x86 systems, I think. Sorry!
  4. It's easy. let me tell you what I did: I first downloaded the exe. Ran it. Then I found that it extracts the msi to the following folder: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jre1.8.0_20. Then I extracted the msi using MsiX extraction method in UniExtractor. In the extracted files, there is a file named: Binary.installerexe. Rename the file to Binaryinstaller.exe. Now extract files from the exe using 7-zip. Here it is! Now here are the files. Now only you have to do is to repack them. NOTE==> The program files are only the 2 folders 'bin' and 'lib'. The other files like COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, README, release, etc are useless. I also found out that the installer is an InstallShield Wizard. So, to repack it, you can either import the main msi(which extracts to the AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jre1.8.0_20 folder) in Advanced Installer and then add the 7-zip extracted files(as Advanced Installer doesnt automatically detect the program files) OR Directly edit/import the msi using InstallShield.
  5. Hi... try this: (not installed junk) https://mega.co.nz/#!d1IzRJia!eJmE1SeQDbLy8pwlhghrldn8IDhbseX412AC9lgwmzQRegards... ;-) How about my Avast Free antivirus RePack with stylish GUI: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/12693-repack-avast-free-antivirus-v902021515-repack-with-silent-install-switch/
  6. @alfreire Just created my own RePack of IDM v6.21b1, without the help of your repack. Its not an Inno Setup, neither did I use your script. here is my own version, created by me independently, with stylish GUI. It's an Advanced Installer project. http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/12694-repackinternet-download-manager-v62111-with-silent-install-switch/ I didnt even know that RePacking IDM was possible at the beginning . But after your RepAck then I tried and it worked! : BTW, your Inno Setup is locked version (unable to extract even with InnoUnp & UniExtractor). How did you do it? What tool did you use?
  7. Here is one simplified helpful software for the same (based on the 7z modified SFX module) with ALL the functions of the modified SFX module and is better than 7-zip SFX Maker: http://sourceforge.net/projects/s-zipsfxbuilder/ I use this for building 7zip SFX type RePacks. Easy!
  8. INFO: Internet Download Manager v6.25 Build 21 - RePack v3.0 by - =niTe_RiDeR_Pro=- CATEGORY: Download Managers, Download Speed Boosters Changelog Of RePack (Setup) NOTES & ENHANCEMENTS (MODIFICATIONS): Added .docx, dotm, .dot, .pptx, .pptm, .xls & .xlsx into the documents download category. Added .application, .bat, .cmd, .a3x & .au3 to the Programs download category. Added 8 stylish nice toolbar styles. Click here for the list See here for the latest switchless fullly silent sfx installer of this repack: [Currently Uploading latest Version] NEW: Added option to install IDM Backup Manager Credits: Credits to @alfreire for my setup wizard theming methods/tips. Command Line Parameters/Options: http://pastebin.com/Q375704 IMPORTANT NOTE: The file is 100% clean, no virus, no malware/spyware/adware/trojan. See the virustotal.com report for full virus scan details (Detection ratio: 0/54). In case mistakenly google chrome does not allow the download of the file, or shows that it is malware/'will harm your browing experience'; don't click 'dismiss' on the bottom downloads bar. Instead, click on 'Show all downloads', OR press Ctrl+J from the keyboard and then on the downloads page that opens, follow the steps as shown: (Click on the image for full zoom) BTW, I cant understand why the heck google chrome is telling that it is a malware??!! :shifty: Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  9. There is an error. The setup runs into maintenance mode every time. Im currently fixiing it. ===EDIT ON 13 October 2014 7:45 PM IST Time (Iam an Indian)=== And, now it's fixed! Uploaded the new fixed version. This one's 100% working - tested in my computer(running windows 8 & also win7 x86.)
  10. Avast! Free Antivirus v9.0.2021 RePack by niTe_RiDeR_Pro Avast Free Antivirus v9.0.2021.515 RePack with cool stylish UI. RePack By niTe_RiDeR_Pro ====================================================================================== Command Line Usage Parameters: =>For basic silent installation (only progress display and no user interaction), use: "avast_free_antivirus_9_repack.exe" /exebasicui /qb /norestart==>For full 100% silent installation (no UI display at all) use: "avast_free_antivirus_9_repack.exe" /exenoui /qn /norestart==>For full command line usage switch list(help dialog box), run: "avast_free_antivirus_9_repack.exe" /?========================================================= ================================================================================================== File Details: File Name: avast_free_antivirus_9_repack.exe File Size: 66.7 MB MD5: 1834df9da3770ed3229ddeeece7cf7ee SHA-1: 55be53ca9836e730299823ff337e6404e423adc6 CRC-32: 13e36bd4 =============================================================== Enjoy! :thumbsup: ======================================================================================
  11. alfeire, Could you please upload the Inno Script file so that I can make a few changes in it?
  12. You mean the 7-zip sfx modified module, right!
  13. Thanks a lot! Could you post a topic of the same so that others can also download it?
  14. Thnaks, Ricktendo! : I used Advanced Installer to repack. Now may I ask which software did you use to repack "Microsoft Security Essentials": http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11016-repak-microsoft-security-essentials-x86x64-45216-intl/? Also updated my topic just a little bit.
  15. Hi, @Ricktendo http://www.wincert.net/forum/user/29-ricktendo/, could you pleas make a silent repack of Internet Download Manager? Here's the link: http://mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com/idman621build11.exe?b=1&filename=idman621build11.exe I want to silently install this software, but even after a lot of research in google, I couldn't find a silent install. Yes, there was a silent repack made by someone: http://kickass.to/internet-download-manager-6-21-build-10-silent-install-kpojiuk-t9573023.html but there was some error (IDM integration error), it was saying that some spyware has damaged IDM intgration to browsers; this means that there is some crapware or something in it. So I want a proper repack, and you, Rick, you are the only person I know who can help me. So please repack it also with a silent install switch! Thank You, niTe_RiDeR
  16. About: Java Platform SE Runtime Environment v7 Update 80 - Highly Compressed Dual (2-in-1) RePack (x86-x64). Modifications: Original MSIs were only edited using InstallShield 2010 to disable Auto Update Check (AUTOUPDATECHECK=0) and enabled Web Java (WEB_JAVA=1). Compressed from 127MB to 28MB. Command-Line Switches: JRE-7u80-Windows-Dual-RePack.exe /qn /norestart INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Java 7u80" (Mega Hosting) (Click the above button to download) File Name: JRE-7u80-Windows-Dual-RePack.exe File Size: 27.9 MB (292,68,710 bytes) Architecture Supported: x86 & x64 (Windows) MD5: ffcc048a038e2ba2aa4995e94536886dSHA-1: 2c0a43ec20bd770965c4a8849f1e512a9a65e879SHA-256: 13e6db13a82a5f4cefdae43cb5a3c7987a88fc3f9333a233176dd526370f31e5MetaScan.com scan report: https://www.metascan-online.com/en/scanresult/file/508066fa411d43e193f5d511a8705ce1 :icon_cool:
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