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Everything posted by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0

  1. very nice :thumbsup: why not add shockwave player (msi) too? Passive silent switch: /qb; Full silent switc: /qn. (You can use ricktendo's smaller msi too) The msi is recommended because the exe installer also installs some usless junk (google chrome or other junk) Cheers & Regards.
  2. remember ot change the name as the script :beerchug: Hello, Could you please create such a auto-button-click au3 sript for the IDM original uninstaller? (Uninstall.exe). Also, full mode uninstall is required. Thanks.
  3. Hey, thanks but I dont need your script now. I have added the capability to uninstall any existing version of IDM installed using the original installer, in my new release (gonna upload) See this: Cheers & regards.
  4. Hello, This is nice script, but this is or the silent install, not for uninstalling.My repack btw closes all the IDM processes before installing. Cheers & regards.
  5. This one is already made by rick: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10819-proper-microsoft-directx-redistributable-june-2010/ Cheers & Regards.
  6. Updated to IDM v6.23b2 & Fixed the google chrome integration problem. And also, I think, there is now no damaged integration popups also. (Not sure, just tested by fully uninstalling IDM, removing all the registry keys & integration keys, restarted the pc, and the installed IDM using my repack, there was no damaged integration dialog box, and the integration was installed successully).
  7. In a few days I will be back again on repacking & updating the repacks.. Cheers
  8. IDM is a trial version. You can buy a permanent license for 25$ at http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/buy.html . As bphlpt has said, cracks & pre-activated things arent allowed here. See the forum rules . Cheers & Regards.
  9. Thanks, will add all of these in the next release... BTW Does this contain all the IDM toolbar styles available in the internet? Cheers & Regards.
  10. Can somebody please check whether still there is the registration info? Cheers & Regards.
  11. Yeah, thats a good idea Or, there should be a seperate section for wtk, as only wtk made me join this forum. It is such a program too. After all, I had joined the forum at first only for donwloading wtk , and then got into those member project, repacking, sfx, etc BTW where's the topic in wtk section? And, many people are still posting wtk win8.1 integration problems in Win7>WinToolkit section.
  12. Then I think you or the OP should ask this question to Lego, by starting this thread in wintoolkit section. Cheers.
  13. Is your current system running win8.1, or is your dism the latest version (6.3.9600)? I tried to integrate win8.1 updates into a win8.1 iso in a system running win8.1, but only 1/38 updates were integrated At last, I installed the latest DISM from here and, all the updates integrated succesfully. Cheers & Regards BTW this topic should have been posted in WinToolkit section.
  14. And, IDM (original) installer doesn't have a silent switch. You can use my repack (see the installer repacks section of the forum) & specify it's silent switch (/VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP-)(all other option switches are given in the thread main post), or you can use the silent installer for IDM (see the silent switchles installers section of forum)(no silent install switch required, it is already silent). Silent Installers means they are already silent. No switches are needed. In many installers, running the setup with the /? or /h or /help or -? or -h or -help switch shows a dialog box which contains the switches of the installer. If any installer has the .msi file extension, its silent install switch would be: /qn /norestart. Another trick: Open an installer, & press the cancel button. If the cancel windows looks like this: then the installer is built using inno. And the silent install switch for installers made using inno is this: /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- (for eg. uniextract & 7zip(32bit) installer) And, if the cancel dialog looks like this: then the installer is built using nsis, & all installers built using nsis have the switch: /S (for eg. notepad++ & wintoolkit installer) BTW you can post a new question (topic) regarding your uefi related (and any other) problems in the wintoolkit section of forum. Best Regards
  15. @niTe_RiDeR_Pro, you didn't help matters when you egged him on referring to his posts as "nonsense" and saying that he was a "strange person". I have edited your posts to remove those statements. Let us all please remember to treat all members of the board with the same respect that we want them to treat us. So instead of criticizing the way the addon creator chose to make an addon: Cheers and Regards Yeah, I agree. OK. Sorry for my language,I was really angry at that time & as my laptop keyboard & mouse were making me mad I am currently in a cyber cafe, the laptop is gone for servicing BTW I think now I should learn to control my anger
  16. Very nice, thank you so much :thumbsup:
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