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  1. Like
    [Rebuilt] NET Framework 4.5.2 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64- by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo .NET Framework AIO for XP x86   - by Ricktendo .NET Framework 3.5 x86 Only Vista - by Gabee [AiO] Adobe Flash Player + Shockwave Player + Adobe AIR  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Adobe Shockwave Player - by Ricktendo Java SE Runtime Environment - by Alan_fox Java SE Runtime Environment v7u76 Dual x86-x64 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64 - by Kelsenellenelvian [Proper] Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) - by Ricktendo Microsoft Silverlight - by Ricktendo [AIO] Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition ENU x86/x64 - by Ricktendo. [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64 - by Ricktendo [bonus] Microsoft Visual Basic/C++ Runtimes 1.1.1 - by Ricktendo Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64 - by StopLooking Antivirus / Security Software:
    Avast! Free Antivirus v9.0.2021.515 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avast! Free Antivirus 2016 [Multilang] - by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus 2017 [Multilang] by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus v2015.5856 [Dual x86+x64 Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avira.Free v15.0.16.282 Free [English] [Silent] - by Alfreire Microsoft Security Essentials x86/x64 4.5.216 (Intl) - by Ricktendo SpywareBlaster 5.2 (7/17/2015)   - by Ricktendo Archive Managers/Extractors:
    7-Zip AiO x86-x64  - by Kanyos InnoExtractor - by Kanyos [Repak] Universal Extractor  - by Ricktendo PDF Readers/Editors:
    Adobe Acrobat DC Pro - by alan_fox Adobe Reader XI Lite (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr) - by Ricktendo Adobe Reader XI EN, FR & NL (01-2014) - by Jaynbe [Slim] doPDF installer - by tro11_tmn Foxit PhantomPDF Standard  [Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Slim] Foxit Reader  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 PC Optimization, Disk, File Backup/Recovery & System-Hardware-info Tools:  AIDA64 Extreme - by Ricktendo CPU-Z - by Kanyos Defraggler (multiple editions) - by alan_fox Disk Drill for Windows - by kanyos Eraser - by Vandit Eraser - by Kanyos HWiNFO  - by Kanyos Intel SSD Toolbox - by Ricktendo LightScribe System Software - by Ricktendo [Dual x86+x64] Macrium Reflect Free - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Recuva - by alan_fox SiSoftware Sandra Lite SP1 - by kanyos Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway - by Kanyos Media Players & other Media-Related Software:
    Camfrog Video Chat - by kanyos DAEMON Tools Lite - by Ricktendo DAUM Potplayer - by Alfreire  JPEGsnoop - by kanyos  KM-Player - by alfreire MediaInfo Lite - by Vandit Media Player Classic HC [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Obsolete] Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - by Ricktendo Paint.NET - by Ricktendo Skype (Multilanguage)  - by Ricktendo Windows Media Player 11 + KB970159 - by Ricktendo Web Browsers:
    Google Chrome [Multilang] - by coua Mozilla Firefox [Multilang] - by coua Windows Updates: 
    KB2917500 Revoked Root Certificate - by Ricktendo KB931125 Windows Root Certificate (March) - by Ricktendo Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.320 - by Ricktendo Other Tools / Misc:
    [Slim] + [Full] Advanced Installer 12.8 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 AxCrypt Setup (x86-x64) Unattended - by JCM [Modded] DriverPack Solution + PhysX - by kanyos Free Alarm Clock - by kanyos IDM Backup Manager  - by Kanyos [SendTo] InstallShield Cabinet-Log File Viewer - by Ricktendo Internet Download Manager - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Internet Download Manager - by alfreire [Bundle] Inno Setup Bundl - by Vandit [Modded] InstEd (LZX:21) - by Ricktendo MSI Afterburner - by Kanyos Resource Hacker FX - by Ricktendo Resource Hacker - by Vandit RT 7 Lite - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Rufus  - by geodasoft Unchecky - by niT€_RiDeR_Pr0 μTorrent [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 VirtualBox - by Kanyos VirtualBox [Multilanguage] - by alfreire VMware Workstation Lite - by Ricktendo Wise JetSearch - by kanyos Last Updated on 17.4.2017
  2. Like
    Hello everybody,
    Today I will show you how to install Windows 10 on a PC without a CD/DVD/USB, directly onto the HDD, even without the installation wizard/setup ! [Fastest Method]
    Yesterday my new hard drive for my laptop arrived, and instead of cloning my existing disk, I decided to do a clean install of Windows 10. But I didnt have much time, cuz after installing windows 10, I had to copy my existing downloads, pictures, videos, install programs, etc. & I thought there must be some other way to easily install windows 10 without that installation wizard/setup. After some research, I made my own method, & installed it succesfully, faster than their setup wizard! Now I am gonna show you how to accomplish that. Lets Begin!  
    Seperate Hard Drive with atleast 20GB space, with only 2 primary partitions [where you have to install Win10] [An empty/new hard drive is highly recommended] Working PC/laptop with Windows XP or above installed, with Internet access  Procedure:
    Firstly, download Windows 10 ISO using Windows 10 Download Tool from here & extract it to C:\win10 using some archive manager like 7zip/winrar.  Now connect that seperate hard drive to your PC (If you have externel harddrive cage, then connect to it, else buy a SATA to USB hard disk enclosure like this one) Open a command prompt as administrator (Go to start menu > search cmd > Rightclick on the first search result & RUn as administrator) Type: diskpart Now type: list disk It will show the disks connected to your PC. According to the size, you should be able to know which is your disk.  Type: select disk X  [Replace X with the disk number which you saw in the previous guide, in my case it was disk 1] Type the following one by one:  create partition primary size=350 format fs=ntfs unit=4096 label="System Reserved" quick active assign letter=P create partition primary size="Any size convenient for you, in MB" format fs=ntfs label="Windows 10" quick assign letter=Q exit Your partitions have been configured! Now, if you are in Windows 7 (or below), download DISM from here, open the file, when It will ask for extraction folder, change the location to: C:\dism
    Now, this is the most important step. All the windows files will be copied to the partition.  
    cd c:\dism ## Skip the above line if you are running Windows 8 & above. Dism /apply-image /imagefile:C:\win10\sources\install.esd /index:1 /ApplyDir:Q:\ ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] If you downloaded Windows 10 normal edition using the Download Tool, ## & if you want to install Win10 Home then replace /index:1 with /index:2. ## For Win10 pro it is /index:1. Windows XP & Windows 8 users may (cuz I havent tested in them, but it works in 8.1 & 10) need to convert the install.esd file into an install.wim file (if some error shows up). Search in Google How to convert esd to wim
    Now you have successfully extracted all the files for windows! Now all you have to do is prepare the boot files in the System Reserved partition.
    Now you are gonna prepare the System Reserved partition for booting succesfully. Run the following in administrator CMD:
    bcdboot Q:\Windows /l en-us /s P: /f ALL ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] You can replace en-us with your locale, ## For eg. en-in, en-gb, en-ru etc. Everything is done! Now you are ready to go! Now boot into the drive. If you did everything correctly & succesfully, then Windows will boot to the welcome screen. Done! Enjoy the manually installed Windows!   
    Hope this guide was helpful & easy to you. If you have doubt about something or you got any errors, or if windows doesnt boot, then feel free to post below.
    Cheers & Regards,
  3. Thanks
    Hello everybody,
    Today I will show you how to install Windows 8/8.1 on a PC without a CD/DVD/USB, directly onto the HDD, even without the installation wizard/setup ! [Fastest Method]
    Yesterday my new hard drive for my laptop arrived, and instead of cloning my existing disk, I decided to do a clean install of Windows 10. But I didnt have much time, cuz after installing windows 10, I had to copy my existing downloads, pictures, videos, install programs, etc. & I thought there must be some other way to easily install windows 10 without that installation wizard/setup. After some research, I made my own method, & installed it succesfully, faster than their setup wizard! Now I am gonna show you how to accomplish that. [This guide will work for Windows 8/8.1 also] Lets Begin!   
    Seperate Hard Drive with atleast 20GB space, with only 2 primary partitions [where you have to install Win8/8.1] [An empty/new hard drive is highly recommended] Working PC/laptop with Windows XP or above installed, with Internet access  Procedure:
    Firstly, download Windows 8/8.1 ISO & extract it to C:\win8 using some archive manager like 7zip/winrar, or COpy the Windows 8/8.1 CD contents to C:\win8. Now connect that separate hard drive to your PC (If you have externel harddrive cage, then connect to it, else buy a SATA to USB hard disk enclosure like this one) Open a command prompt as administrator (Go to start menu > search cmd > Rightclick on the first search result & RUn as administrator) Type: diskpart Now type: list disk It will show the disks connected to your PC. According to the size shown, you should be able to know which is your disk.  Type: select disk X  [Replace X with the disk number which you saw in the previous guide, in my case it was disk 1] Type the following one by one:  create partition primary size=350 format fs=ntfs unit=4096 label="System Reserved" quick active assign letter=P create partition primary size="Any size convenient for you, in MB" format fs=ntfs label="Windows 8" quick assign letter=Q exit Your partitions have been configured! Now, if you are in Windows 7 (or below), download DISM from here, open the file, when It will ask for extraction folder, change the location to: C:\dism
    Now in Windows Explorer, browse to c:\win8\sources (sources folder inside the folder where you copied/extracted setup files) & check whether you have install.esd or install.wim. Now you have to know the index number in the wim/esd file, of the Win8/8.1 edition which you want to install. Type the following commands in an administrator CMD: 
    cd c:\dism ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] Skip the first line if you are running Windows 8/above. dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:C:\win8\sources\install.esd ## This should output the index numbers of different windows 8/8.1 editios. ## Note down the index number of your chosen edition. ## Also, if you have an insall.wim instead of install.esd in your \sources folder, ## Then replace install.esd with install.wim (in 2nd command). Now, this is the most important step. All the windows files will be copied to the partition. 
    cd c:\dism Dism /apply-image /imagefile:C:\win8\sources\install.esd /index:1 /ApplyDir:Q:\ ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] You can replace /index:1 with the index number which we ## found out earlier. ## Also, if you have an insall.wim instead of install.exe in your \sources folder, ## Then replace install.esd with install.wim (in 2nd command). If you have an install.esd file instead of wim file, Windows XP & Windows 8 users may (cuz I havent tested in them, but it works in 8.1 & 10) need to convert the install.esd file into an install.wim file (if some error shows up). Search in Google How to convert esd to wim Now you have successfully extracted all the files for windows! Now all you have to do is prepare the boot files in the System Reserved partition.
    Now you are gonna prepare the System Reserved partition for booting into Win8/8.1 succesfully. Type the following in administrator CMD:
    bcdboot Q:\Windows /l en-us /s P: /f ALL ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] You can replace en-us with your locale, ## For eg. en-in, en-gb, en-ru etc. Everything is done! You are now ready to go! Now boot into the drive. If you did everything correctly & succesfully, then Windows will boot to the welcome screen. Done! Enjoy the manually installed Windows!   
    Hope this guide was helpful & easy to you. If you have doubt about something or you got any errors, or if windows doesnt boot after performing all the steps correctly, then feel free to post below.
    Cheers & Regards,
  4. Like
    INFO: Internet Download Manager v6.25 Build 21 - RePack v3.0 by - =niTe_RiDeR_Pro=-
    CATEGORY: Download Managers, Download Speed Boosters
    Changelog Of RePack (Setup)
    Added .docx, dotm, .dot, .pptx, .pptm, .xls & .xlsx into the documents download category. Added .application, .bat, .cmd, .a3x & .au3 to the Programs download category. Added 8 stylish nice toolbar styles. Click here for the list See here for the latest switchless fullly silent sfx installer of this repack: [Currently Uploading latest Version] NEW: Added option to install IDM Backup Manager Credits: Credits to @alfreire for my setup wizard theming methods/tips. Command Line Parameters/Options: http://pastebin.com/Q375704
      IMPORTANT NOTE: The file is 100% clean, no virus, no malware/spyware/adware/trojan. See the virustotal.com report for full virus scan details (Detection ratio: 0/54).  In case mistakenly google chrome does not allow the download of the file, or shows that it is malware/'will harm your browing experience'; don't click 'dismiss' on the bottom downloads bar. Instead, click on 'Show all downloads', OR press Ctrl+J from the keyboard  and then on the downloads page that opens, follow the steps as shown: 

    (Click on the image for full zoom)
    BTW, I cant understand why the heck google chrome is telling that it is a malware??!!  :shifty:
    Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  5. Like
    RT Se7en Lite v2.6.0 Beta - x86 + x64 2-in-1 RePack [Installer]
    About RePack: Removed all other app languages except Spanish & English; & replaced old 7z.exe & 7z.dll with latest version (15.14). Setup size reduced from (total) 30.8 MB to (repack) 23.1 MB [7.7 MB decreased].

    Optional Command Line Switches:

    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!8w4WxRJL!rIQRkahNv0CR9-loJO087rWwbVyN8m7w3VYNRXHv7_E
    File Name:  RT7Lite_2.6.0.Dual_RePack.exe 
    File Size: 23.1 MB 
  6. Like
    Internet Download Manager (IDM) - v6.21 Build 16 Final (Trial) + Extra IDM ToolbarStyles
    INFO: I have added some cool IDM toolbar styles also.

    File Name: idman621build16_addon-_-niTe_RiDeR.WA
    File Size: 6.13 MB (64,31,047 bytes)
    SHA1: EF1590A46FA204050937BFF1BCEBC4B2D6FC87E7
    MD5: 4B1D3763294E9027B8DC00EF44261D41
    Architecture: Dual

    Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  7. Like
    [Rebuilt] NET Framework 4.5.2 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64- by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo .NET Framework AIO for XP x86   - by Ricktendo .NET Framework 3.5 x86 Only Vista - by Gabee [AiO] Adobe Flash Player + Shockwave Player + Adobe AIR  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Adobe Shockwave Player - by Ricktendo Java SE Runtime Environment - by Alan_fox Java SE Runtime Environment v7u76 Dual x86-x64 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64 - by Kelsenellenelvian [Proper] Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) - by Ricktendo Microsoft Silverlight - by Ricktendo [AIO] Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition ENU x86/x64 - by Ricktendo. [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64 - by Ricktendo [bonus] Microsoft Visual Basic/C++ Runtimes 1.1.1 - by Ricktendo Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64 - by StopLooking Antivirus / Security Software:
    Avast! Free Antivirus v9.0.2021.515 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avast! Free Antivirus 2016 [Multilang] - by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus 2017 [Multilang] by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus v2015.5856 [Dual x86+x64 Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avira.Free v15.0.16.282 Free [English] [Silent] - by Alfreire Microsoft Security Essentials x86/x64 4.5.216 (Intl) - by Ricktendo SpywareBlaster 5.2 (7/17/2015)   - by Ricktendo Archive Managers/Extractors:
    7-Zip AiO x86-x64  - by Kanyos InnoExtractor - by Kanyos [Repak] Universal Extractor  - by Ricktendo PDF Readers/Editors:
    Adobe Acrobat DC Pro - by alan_fox Adobe Reader XI Lite (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr) - by Ricktendo Adobe Reader XI EN, FR & NL (01-2014) - by Jaynbe [Slim] doPDF installer - by tro11_tmn Foxit PhantomPDF Standard  [Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Slim] Foxit Reader  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 PC Optimization, Disk, File Backup/Recovery & System-Hardware-info Tools:  AIDA64 Extreme - by Ricktendo CPU-Z - by Kanyos Defraggler (multiple editions) - by alan_fox Disk Drill for Windows - by kanyos Eraser - by Vandit Eraser - by Kanyos HWiNFO  - by Kanyos Intel SSD Toolbox - by Ricktendo LightScribe System Software - by Ricktendo [Dual x86+x64] Macrium Reflect Free - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Recuva - by alan_fox SiSoftware Sandra Lite SP1 - by kanyos Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway - by Kanyos Media Players & other Media-Related Software:
    Camfrog Video Chat - by kanyos DAEMON Tools Lite - by Ricktendo DAUM Potplayer - by Alfreire  JPEGsnoop - by kanyos  KM-Player - by alfreire MediaInfo Lite - by Vandit Media Player Classic HC [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Obsolete] Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - by Ricktendo Paint.NET - by Ricktendo Skype (Multilanguage)  - by Ricktendo Windows Media Player 11 + KB970159 - by Ricktendo Web Browsers:
    Google Chrome [Multilang] - by coua Mozilla Firefox [Multilang] - by coua Windows Updates: 
    KB2917500 Revoked Root Certificate - by Ricktendo KB931125 Windows Root Certificate (March) - by Ricktendo Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.320 - by Ricktendo Other Tools / Misc:
    [Slim] + [Full] Advanced Installer 12.8 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 AxCrypt Setup (x86-x64) Unattended - by JCM [Modded] DriverPack Solution + PhysX - by kanyos Free Alarm Clock - by kanyos IDM Backup Manager  - by Kanyos [SendTo] InstallShield Cabinet-Log File Viewer - by Ricktendo Internet Download Manager - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Internet Download Manager - by alfreire [Bundle] Inno Setup Bundl - by Vandit [Modded] InstEd (LZX:21) - by Ricktendo MSI Afterburner - by Kanyos Resource Hacker FX - by Ricktendo Resource Hacker - by Vandit RT 7 Lite - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Rufus  - by geodasoft Unchecky - by niT€_RiDeR_Pr0 μTorrent [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 VirtualBox - by Kanyos VirtualBox [Multilanguage] - by alfreire VMware Workstation Lite - by Ricktendo Wise JetSearch - by kanyos Last Updated on 17.4.2017
  8. Like
    IrfanView v4.4.4 - x86/x64 + Plugins + Toolbars + Languages - 5-in-1 RePack
    About RePack (info):
    Multilanguage installer.   Installer contains: IrfanView-x86 files, IrfanView-x64 files, all plugins, all languages & 21 toolbar skins. Added IrfanPaint 3rd party plugin and Shell Extensions Installer installs x86/x64 version according to your Windows architecture. Optional Command-Line Switches:

    Download: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxE7TpGda882SmNOaTRpMS0xbHM
    File Name: IrfanView_4.4.4.Dual_RePack.exe
    File Name: 30.2 MB
    MD5 Hash: B6D1ACB40002CCB6ACF5D115A92D14EC
    Alternative Download Link: https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/files/file/50-irfanview-v444-repack-x86x64pluginstoolbarslanguages-5-in-1/

  9. Like
    any eng version?
  10. Like
    IrfanView v4.4.4 - x86/x64 + Plugins + Toolbars + Languages - 5-in-1 RePack
    About RePack (info):
    Multilanguage installer.   Installer contains: IrfanView-x86 files, IrfanView-x64 files, all plugins, all languages & 21 toolbar skins. Added IrfanPaint 3rd party plugin and Shell Extensions Installer installs x86/x64 version according to your Windows architecture. Optional Command-Line Switches:

    Download: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxE7TpGda882SmNOaTRpMS0xbHM
    File Name: IrfanView_4.4.4.Dual_RePack.exe
    File Name: 30.2 MB
    MD5 Hash: B6D1ACB40002CCB6ACF5D115A92D14EC
    Alternative Download Link: https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/files/file/50-irfanview-v444-repack-x86x64pluginstoolbarslanguages-5-in-1/

  11. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from kevins in [INDEX] Complete RePacks List [Updated on 17-4-2017]   
    I'm sorry I didnt update the pinned repacks index since a year 
    I'll update the list today 
  12. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from kevins in [INDEX] Complete RePacks List [Updated on 17-4-2017]   
    [Rebuilt] NET Framework 4.5.2 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64- by Ricktendo [Slim] .NET Framework 4 Full x86/x64  - by Ricktendo .NET Framework AIO for XP x86   - by Ricktendo .NET Framework 3.5 x86 Only Vista - by Gabee [AiO] Adobe Flash Player + Shockwave Player + Adobe AIR  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Adobe Shockwave Player - by Ricktendo Java SE Runtime Environment - by Alan_fox Java SE Runtime Environment v7u76 Dual x86-x64 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Java7 update 51 Dual x32 & x64 - by Kelsenellenelvian [Proper] Microsoft DirectX Redistributable (June 2010) - by Ricktendo Microsoft Silverlight - by Ricktendo [AIO] Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition ENU x86/x64 - by Ricktendo. [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64 - by Ricktendo [bonus] Microsoft Visual Basic/C++ Runtimes 1.1.1 - by Ricktendo Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64 - by StopLooking Antivirus / Security Software:
    Avast! Free Antivirus v9.0.2021.515 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avast! Free Antivirus 2016 [Multilang] - by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus 2017 [Multilang] by alfreire AVG Free Antivirus v2015.5856 [Dual x86+x64 Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Avira.Free v15.0.16.282 Free [English] [Silent] - by Alfreire Microsoft Security Essentials x86/x64 4.5.216 (Intl) - by Ricktendo SpywareBlaster 5.2 (7/17/2015)   - by Ricktendo Archive Managers/Extractors:
    7-Zip AiO x86-x64  - by Kanyos InnoExtractor - by Kanyos [Repak] Universal Extractor  - by Ricktendo PDF Readers/Editors:
    Adobe Acrobat DC Pro - by alan_fox Adobe Reader XI Lite (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr) - by Ricktendo Adobe Reader XI EN, FR & NL (01-2014) - by Jaynbe [Slim] doPDF installer - by tro11_tmn Foxit PhantomPDF Standard  [Highly Compressed] - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Slim] Foxit Reader  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 PC Optimization, Disk, File Backup/Recovery & System-Hardware-info Tools:  AIDA64 Extreme - by Ricktendo CPU-Z - by Kanyos Defraggler (multiple editions) - by alan_fox Disk Drill for Windows - by kanyos Eraser - by Vandit Eraser - by Kanyos HWiNFO  - by Kanyos Intel SSD Toolbox - by Ricktendo LightScribe System Software - by Ricktendo [Dual x86+x64] Macrium Reflect Free - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Recuva - by alan_fox SiSoftware Sandra Lite SP1 - by kanyos Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway - by Kanyos Media Players & other Media-Related Software:
    Camfrog Video Chat - by kanyos DAEMON Tools Lite - by Ricktendo DAUM Potplayer - by Alfreire  JPEGsnoop - by kanyos  KM-Player - by alfreire MediaInfo Lite - by Vandit Media Player Classic HC [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 [Obsolete] Microsoft Camera Codec Pack - by Ricktendo Paint.NET - by Ricktendo Skype (Multilanguage)  - by Ricktendo Windows Media Player 11 + KB970159 - by Ricktendo Web Browsers:
    Google Chrome [Multilang] - by coua Mozilla Firefox [Multilang] - by coua Windows Updates: 
    KB2917500 Revoked Root Certificate - by Ricktendo KB931125 Windows Root Certificate (March) - by Ricktendo Windows Update Agent 7.6.7600.320 - by Ricktendo Other Tools / Misc:
    [Slim] + [Full] Advanced Installer 12.8 - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 AxCrypt Setup (x86-x64) Unattended - by JCM [Modded] DriverPack Solution + PhysX - by kanyos Free Alarm Clock - by kanyos IDM Backup Manager  - by Kanyos [SendTo] InstallShield Cabinet-Log File Viewer - by Ricktendo Internet Download Manager - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Internet Download Manager - by alfreire [Bundle] Inno Setup Bundl - by Vandit [Modded] InstEd (LZX:21) - by Ricktendo MSI Afterburner - by Kanyos Resource Hacker FX - by Ricktendo Resource Hacker - by Vandit RT 7 Lite - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 Rufus  - by geodasoft Unchecky - by niT€_RiDeR_Pr0 μTorrent [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]  - by niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 VirtualBox - by Kanyos VirtualBox [Multilanguage] - by alfreire VMware Workstation Lite - by Ricktendo Wise JetSearch - by kanyos Last Updated on 17.4.2017
  13. Like
    Found out what the issue was, & fixed it. Sorry for the delay, was busy with studies.
    Here's the link:  https://mega.nz/#!RlhR2LCJ!jzY-3YLfm3zrfgJfocqyTvBzNe-Gk1kKcQvQYBxa6kA
    I am not able to edit the topic due to site issues. 
    Cheers & Regards
  14. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from Mig60 in ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]   
    ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 - RePack [by Ruben Alamina]
    About: This repack wasn't made by me, it was made by Ruben Alamina (his forum name is ajua) (See his page here). I am just sharing with you guys. Also, this is an msi, so it doesnt contain any crapware. Credits & Thanks to Ruben Alamika @ajua.
    About ImgBurn: ImgBurn is a lightweight & powerful CD Images / CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!
    Command-line Switches
    Download: http://rubenalamina.mx/download/137/ (Note: This link always points out to the latest version, even if this topic isn't updated)
    File Size: 3.29MB

  15. Like
    INFO: Internet Download Manager v6.25 Build 21 - RePack v3.0 by - =niTe_RiDeR_Pro=-
    CATEGORY: Download Managers, Download Speed Boosters
    Changelog Of RePack (Setup)
    Added .docx, dotm, .dot, .pptx, .pptm, .xls & .xlsx into the documents download category. Added .application, .bat, .cmd, .a3x & .au3 to the Programs download category. Added 8 stylish nice toolbar styles. Click here for the list See here for the latest switchless fullly silent sfx installer of this repack: [Currently Uploading latest Version] NEW: Added option to install IDM Backup Manager Credits: Credits to @alfreire for my setup wizard theming methods/tips. Command Line Parameters/Options: http://pastebin.com/Q375704
      IMPORTANT NOTE: The file is 100% clean, no virus, no malware/spyware/adware/trojan. See the virustotal.com report for full virus scan details (Detection ratio: 0/54).  In case mistakenly google chrome does not allow the download of the file, or shows that it is malware/'will harm your browing experience'; don't click 'dismiss' on the bottom downloads bar. Instead, click on 'Show all downloads', OR press Ctrl+J from the keyboard  and then on the downloads page that opens, follow the steps as shown: 

    (Click on the image for full zoom)
    BTW, I cant understand why the heck google chrome is telling that it is a malware??!!  :shifty:
    Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  16. Like
    CATEGORY: Adobe Runtimes/AiOs
    ABOUT: Adobe Flash Player v21.0.0.242 & v22.0.0.168beta (PPAPI+NPAPI Plugin & ActiveX) + Shockwave Player + Adobe AIR v21.0.0.215 & v22.0.0.149beta Runtimes --> All-in-One RePack. [13.6.2016]

    + +
    You can select which runtimes to install in the setup wizard. Shockwave player original msi installer repacked by me to slim it up (better compression, LZMA2). Removed Shockwave Player 10 compatibility files. NEW: Also added beta version AiO, containing latest beta versions of the runtimes. Updated on 13 June 2016.  
    Stable version: https://mega.nz/#!poRT2LxJ!KnikLatcxudi2HO3snwUhXbf6N5VRAG2IsuEdgVveqU
    Beta version: https://mega.nz/#!15QxRRZJ!W2ROf4zgxhLi2rVtOzUdazdMGkKKxVQw-mu9hWINsFA
    Architecture: x86 & x64
    VirusTotal Scan Report: Will be uploading later, but I am sure it is 100% safe.

  17. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from funkyman in [Slim RePack] Adobe Shockwave Player v12.2.4.194   
    Adobe Shockwave Player v12.2.4.194 - Slim RePack [Installer]
    About RePack: Deleted Shockwave Player 10 files (that is required only is some old games/content) & improved/enhanced the compression (LZMA2). Reduced file size from 23.6 MB to 12.4 MB (11.2 MB Decreased). The installer source is Adobe's official distribution msi, so unlike the .exe installers, it DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY ADWARE/CRAPWARE/USELESS JUNK.

    Optional Command-Line Switches: 

    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!YkhyDZRL!5eJLeCyKIdHyBFr3uYIKauybxn5HyBwJ2u6t78hs3Vs
    File Name:  ShockwavePlayer_12.2.4_Full.RePack.exe
    File Name: 12.4 MB
    File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/vP41LLC7


    Cheers & Regards...
  18. Like
    Macrium Reflect Free Edition v6.1 Build 1225 - Dual x86+x64 RePack by niT€_RiDeR_Pr0
    About RePack: Nothing is removed/added/modified. Only optimized/enhanced & improved the compression, to reduce the file size. [Note: If you download the original (official) setup files, they would be a total of 79.4 MB, after repacking it has been reduced to 41.4 MB, i.e. 38 MB lesser.]
    Optional Command-Line Options:
    DOWNLOAD: Mega | File Name: MacriumReflect_6.1.1225.Dual_RePack.exe | File Size: 41.4 MB  | File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/N2UZWqXN
  19. Like
    About: Foxit PhantomPDF Standard v7.3.4.311 - PDF Editor & Tools ~ Highly Compressed RePack. Nothing Added/Removed/Modified/Edited. Compressed from 114.2 MB (original msi) to 49.4 MB [Saves 63.8 MB].
    NOTE: You can choose to activate a 30-day trial of the full application (dont forget to register with your email id in the app, for access of all the features duing trial period) or the free express edition (with limited functions). You can also buy a full license.
    Command-Line Parameters:
    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!h44Gka4Y!32fRNB5rtZOkYKlGJ717wXODBHmOWdZ3T47ntEGS8-4
    File Name: FoxitPhantomPDF.Standard_7.3.4.311_RePack.exe
    File Size: 49.4 MB
    Architecture Supported: x86 & x64
    File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/q3HtN3P9
    Cheers & Regards...
  20. Like
    RT Se7en Lite v2.6.0 Beta - x86 + x64 2-in-1 RePack [Installer]
    About RePack: Removed all other app languages except Spanish & English; & replaced old 7z.exe & 7z.dll with latest version (15.14). Setup size reduced from (total) 30.8 MB to (repack) 23.1 MB [7.7 MB decreased].

    Optional Command Line Switches:

    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!8w4WxRJL!rIQRkahNv0CR9-loJO087rWwbVyN8m7w3VYNRXHv7_E
    File Name:  RT7Lite_2.6.0.Dual_RePack.exe 
    File Size: 23.1 MB 
  21. Like
  22. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from filter in Repack installer request?   
    I will consider it.
    Cheers & Regards
  23. Like
    niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 got a reaction from Pink_Freud in ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]   
    ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 - RePack [by Ruben Alamina]
    About: This repack wasn't made by me, it was made by Ruben Alamina (his forum name is ajua) (See his page here). I am just sharing with you guys. Also, this is an msi, so it doesnt contain any crapware. Credits & Thanks to Ruben Alamika @ajua.
    About ImgBurn: ImgBurn is a lightweight & powerful CD Images / CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!
    Command-line Switches
    Download: http://rubenalamina.mx/download/137/ (Note: This link always points out to the latest version, even if this topic isn't updated)
    File Size: 3.29MB

  24. Like
    Updated on 16.4.2016.
    Cheers & Regards.;)
  25. Like
    RT Se7en Lite v2.6.0 Beta - x86 + x64 2-in-1 RePack [Installer]
    About RePack: Removed all other app languages except Spanish & English; & replaced old 7z.exe & 7z.dll with latest version (15.14). Setup size reduced from (total) 30.8 MB to (repack) 23.1 MB [7.7 MB decreased].

    Optional Command Line Switches:

    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!8w4WxRJL!rIQRkahNv0CR9-loJO087rWwbVyN8m7w3VYNRXHv7_E
    File Name:  RT7Lite_2.6.0.Dual_RePack.exe 
    File Size: 23.1 MB 