Everything posted by mf3imp
[AddOn] 7-Zip Archiver v9.27 alpha (International)
Hi ricks, are you still interested in updating this addon with the latest version of 7-zip, 15.12 final?
- [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Aggiornato a settembre 2013!
[Release] Windows Media Player 11
Aggiornato a settembre 2013!
Repack installer request?
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to make a repack of Office File Validation addin that include the latest patch, so it can install everything at once. Here the link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=2807 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=27308 Thanks
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
[AddOn] FreePOPs v0.2.5 (Updated 09-23-07)
Hi, I know that this topic is almost 4 years old, but I was wondering if you are still interested in this software, which is stable to version 0.2.9 for quite some time, and now there are just update to the plugins when necessary. So I would ask if it was possible a further update to this addon. Thanks in advance! PS of course I am committed to provide all necessary feedback, because with a lot of webmail this software is still very useful to me!
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Aggiornato ad aprile, buona Pasqua e buon download!
[Release] Windows Media Player 11
Nuova release, buona Pasqua a tutti!
nLite Hwupgrade updatepack
Nuova release completa fino a gennaio 2011, tutto compreso per mantenere XP aggiornato!
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Nuova release, per iniziare l'anno aggiornati!
[Release] Windows Media Player 11
Anno nuovo, release nuova, buon download.
XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20160510
Yeah, what I really mean is that I know that this stuff are not just reg key, but in the pack they are. Well, I don't remeber that in this pack the MRT original exe file is replaced by a stubbed one, but you can agree that just the current version id added via reg key can satisfy the WU. As I mainly use an italian XP (and a relative updatepack), all I can say is that a stubbed exe for the browser choice is more necessary! WGAN is suppressed by a reg key, the legitcheckcontrol.dll is also part of the wga validation, and wgav is necessary to acces the WU website.
XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20160510
GDI+, MRT & WGAN are all just a regkey that set this elements as present in the system, even if they are not material present. Fontreg is executed one during the windows setup, then is deleted. For the browser choice, we have to thank the EU antitrust...
nLite Hwupgrade updatepack
Aggiunte le patch di agosto. Non c'
nLite Hwupgrade updatepack
Aggiornato con le patch di luglio
nLite Hwupgrade updatepack
Aggiornato a giugno!
[Release] Windows Media Player 11
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
- OnePiece's Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack Italian
nLite Hwupgrade updatepack
nLite hwupgrade update pack italiano L'updatepack contiene tutti gli aggiornamenti per Windows XP SP3 proposti da Windows Update. Comprende il supporto a Microsoft Update e per la validazione online del sistema, oltre alla versione pi
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Aggiornato con la patch cumulativa del 30 marzo e l'update di vbscript.
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Aggiornato l'elenco per la visualizzazione compatibilit
[Addon] Flash Player 10
Aggiornato alla versione, rilasciata il 12 febbraio.
[Release] Internet Explorer 8
Aggiornato, aggiunto l'hotfix 976662, che sostituisce il 971961