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  1. DAEMON Tools Lite 4356-0091 + SPTDinst-v174-x86 Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HFPZWSGE Mirrow: Dimensione: 10,0 MB (10.550.438 byte) MD5: 71D199FA4A4231647C8BC9B54522BCA6 Autore: Yza_K - TESTATO CON WMSERVER! Versione Perfetta. Informazioni: http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/ Commenti: Un'ottima utility che permette di caricare le Immagini dei nostri CD (ISO, CUE, NRG etc.) senza doverle masterizzare. Il programma crea una unit
  2. The Bat Think.. 4 indispensabili in un pack... Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YI72OSC2 Dimensione: 1,94 MB (2.038.732 byte) MD5: D537DA6944A550E3F88BA0B33307E6C0 Autore: Yza_k... beta-tester: BAT Commento dell'autore: Heheheheheh ! 7Zip 4.65, Unlocker 1.90, HashTab 3.0, UsbDeview 1.77 +Ita ....
  3. The Bat Think.. 3 indispensabili in un pack... Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7F16UZMZ Dimensione: 15,5 MB (16.312.586 byte) MD5: 8EA03BA0BCB123F6E8FC67E7EDCC1061 Autore: Yza_k... beta-tester e Co-Autore: BAT Commento dell'autore: Heheheheheh ! Eraser - WhatsRunning3_0 - TrueCrypt 7.0a - ALL IN ONE .... P.s. considero indispensabile WhatsRunning nella sicurezza...
  4. The Bat Think.. PDF-powerpack ... Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BI4ZBJUT Dimensione: 29,7 MB (31.204.564 byte) MD5: 1C19FCF48196D0BB4741F9F9436F7561 Autore: Yza_k... beta-tester e Co-Autore: BAT Commento dell'autore: Heheheheheh ! Adobe Reader 9.3 ITA - doPDF 7.1.345 - ALL IN ONE .... P.s. doPDF 7.1.345
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  6. Yza_K posted a post in a topic in AutoIt Scripts
    Per chi volesse installare l'ultima versione di DivXInstaller DIVX ; ; YZA_K 4 EnG2ItA Staff .... since 1982 to 2009 LOL ; Run("DivXInstaller.exe");nome del file Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) WinWaitActive ( "Language selection" ) send ("{ENTER}") WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup") ControlClick ( "DivX for" , "Welcome", "Button2" ) WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup","Copyright (c) DivX, Inc. 2009") send ("{tab}"&"{space}"&"{ENTER}") WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup","Choose Components") ; send ("{down}"&"{space}") sleep(88) send ("{down}"&"{space}") sleep(88) send ("{down}"&"{space}") sleep(88) send ("{down}"&"{space}") sleep(88) ; send ("{tab}"&"{tab}"&"{ENTER}") WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup","Choose Install Location") ControlClick ( "DivX for" , "Choose the folder", "Button2" ) ; WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup") ControlClick ( "DivX for" , "Free!", "Button4" ) send ("{ENTER}") ; WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup","Sign up for the DivX") ControlClick ( "DivX for" , "Keep up", "Button2" ) ; WinWaitactive ("DivX for Windows Setup","Installation Complete") ControlClick ( "DivX for" , "has been", "Button2" ) ; Bye sleep(2888) $PID = ProcessExists("firefox.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf $PID = ProcessExists("IEXPLORE.EXE") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf $PID = ProcessExists("opera.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) endif ; exit
  7. Yza_K posted a post in a topic in WinCert.net Italian
    Ho deciso che da oggi pubblichero qu
  8. DAEMON TOOLS LITE 4.30.4 V2 Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YV9XKJQ5 hr-host mirror Dimensione: 8,42 MB (8.838.997 byte) MD5: 1F937A13AC9B2569ED5763E159CE2C1C Autore: Yza_K - TESTATO CON WMSERVER! Versione Perfetta. Informazioni: http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/ Commenti: Un'ottima utility che permette di caricare le Immagini dei nostri CD (ISO, CUE, NRG etc.) senza doverle masterizzare. Il programma crea una unit
  9. Advanced WindowsCare 3.31V2 Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=089T9OZ5 hr-host mirror Dimensione: 7,45 MB (7.820.434 byte) MD5: 71CD6E78DA792F8400A224630A7EF65C Autore: Yza_k Informazioni: http://www.iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html * Eliminato la finestra di bakup... * Commenti: Sprigiona tutta la potenza del tuo pc. Advanced WindowsCare v3 Professional
  10. AutoGordianKnot v2.55 V2b Download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G6W0ZCLH hr-host mirror Dimensione: 12667109 MD5: 1ae18ee70972321b14cf99ec918ebe46 Autore: Yza_K - TESTATO CON WMSERVER Informazioni: http://www.autogk.me.uk/index.php Commenti: -THE tool for DivX / XviD backup utility. With support of DVDs, MPEG2 (such as DVB captures and transport streams), MPEG1 sources along with AVI/DV sources encoding into your favourite MPEG4 format was never as easy as now! Program features support of: - DVD/VOBs(unencrypted from hdd), MPEG2, MPEG1, transport streams (including multi-program ones) and AVI/DV input sources - XviD or DivX(5/6) output formats - AC3, DTS, PCM, MPA input audio tracks - AC3, DTS, MPA, CBR/VBR MP3 output audio tracks - two audio tracks in AVI - external (vobsub) or internal (burnt-in) subtitles (with support of forced subs) - HDTV input/output resolutions(upto 1920x***) and frame rates (50/60fps) - automatic crop and resize based on compressibility of the source to achieve best results - automatic detection of input source: PAL, NTSC, FILM, HYBRID - automatic deinterlacer and IVTC - automatic split into CD-sized chunks for main video and external sub -V2 eliminato piccolo bug in installazione. ok 100%
  11. VSO Image Resizer NOIE Download http://www.megaupload.com/it/?d=UDITSJ5V Dimensione: 6752388 MD5: fde4ae6adaca21d89d40d8ea84631489 Autore: Yza_k Informazioni: http://www.vso-software.fr/products.php?lang=it ImageResizer rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile per tutti coloro che archiviano le foto digitali sui propri PC e desiderano inviarle per posta elettronica, spostarle facilmente da una cartella ad un'altra o liberare spazio sul disco. Con un semplice clic del mouse,
  12. Adobe Reader 9.1 FULL ITA Download Mirror su Megaupload.com Dimensione: 26165629 MD5: 7d6382a826e894d76be85c318a5cb10a Autore: YZA_K Commenti:Adobe Reader
  13. Socio, mica potevo non pubblicare qu