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    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Update Notifications   
    Version 8.45 (12 December 2020): Added more DELL models and images; added new Insider and developer versions up to build 20277.
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    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Update Notifications   
    Version 8.39 (19 September 2020): Added new Insider and developer versions up to build 20215; added new builds for Office 2016/2019 for Mac; updated Bootstrap to version 4.5.2.
  3. Thanks
    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Update Notifications   
    Version 8.32 (26 February 2020): Added new Insider and developer versions up to build 19569; added more Dell models and images; added Windows 10 Home S (Dell).
  4. Thanks
    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Update Notifications   
    Version 8.30 (4 February 2020): Revamped start screen and side menu; rotating HeiDoc YouTube videos on start screen; added Office 2019 for Mac builds 16.32 and 16.33; added new Insider and developer versions; added more Dell models and images; updated Chinese localization; updated Bootstrap to version 4.4.1; randomized user agents to access Microsoft's API.
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    c3rt reacted to Legolash2o in FREE / HOME / PRO Editions   
    I've removed all references to licenses, adverts and donations on the latest release.
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    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Microsoft SHA1 Hash Archive no have 1809   
    Actually, I wrote a new script today, and have the dump here. Just trying to get the new data format into the db. Hopefully it's not gonna take much longer.
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    c3rt reacted to Jan Krohn in Update Notifications   
    Version 7.20 (29 November 2018): Added Windows 7 Home Basic; added Dell OEM images (experimental); added Office 2019 for Mac builds 16.18 and 16.19; removed warning from October 2018 Update; added the latest developer and Insider versions up to build 18282; removed XDK permanently; updated Luminati API; improved German localization; default security protocol TLS 1.2; updated donation link; hash calculation for large files optional.
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    Hello everybody,
    Today I will show you how to install Windows 10 on a PC without a CD/DVD/USB, directly onto the HDD, even without the installation wizard/setup ! [Fastest Method]
    Yesterday my new hard drive for my laptop arrived, and instead of cloning my existing disk, I decided to do a clean install of Windows 10. But I didnt have much time, cuz after installing windows 10, I had to copy my existing downloads, pictures, videos, install programs, etc. & I thought there must be some other way to easily install windows 10 without that installation wizard/setup. After some research, I made my own method, & installed it succesfully, faster than their setup wizard! Now I am gonna show you how to accomplish that. Lets Begin!  
    Seperate Hard Drive with atleast 20GB space, with only 2 primary partitions [where you have to install Win10] [An empty/new hard drive is highly recommended] Working PC/laptop with Windows XP or above installed, with Internet access  Procedure:
    Firstly, download Windows 10 ISO using Windows 10 Download Tool from here & extract it to C:\win10 using some archive manager like 7zip/winrar.  Now connect that seperate hard drive to your PC (If you have externel harddrive cage, then connect to it, else buy a SATA to USB hard disk enclosure like this one) Open a command prompt as administrator (Go to start menu > search cmd > Rightclick on the first search result & RUn as administrator) Type: diskpart Now type: list disk It will show the disks connected to your PC. According to the size, you should be able to know which is your disk.  Type: select disk X  [Replace X with the disk number which you saw in the previous guide, in my case it was disk 1] Type the following one by one:  create partition primary size=350 format fs=ntfs unit=4096 label="System Reserved" quick active assign letter=P create partition primary size="Any size convenient for you, in MB" format fs=ntfs label="Windows 10" quick assign letter=Q exit Your partitions have been configured! Now, if you are in Windows 7 (or below), download DISM from here, open the file, when It will ask for extraction folder, change the location to: C:\dism
    Now, this is the most important step. All the windows files will be copied to the partition.  
    cd c:\dism ## Skip the above line if you are running Windows 8 & above. Dism /apply-image /imagefile:C:\win10\sources\install.esd /index:1 /ApplyDir:Q:\ ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] If you downloaded Windows 10 normal edition using the Download Tool, ## & if you want to install Win10 Home then replace /index:1 with /index:2. ## For Win10 pro it is /index:1. Windows XP & Windows 8 users may (cuz I havent tested in them, but it works in 8.1 & 10) need to convert the install.esd file into an install.wim file (if some error shows up). Search in Google How to convert esd to wim
    Now you have successfully extracted all the files for windows! Now all you have to do is prepare the boot files in the System Reserved partition.
    Now you are gonna prepare the System Reserved partition for booting succesfully. Run the following in administrator CMD:
    bcdboot Q:\Windows /l en-us /s P: /f ALL ## [DO NOT TYPE THIS] You can replace en-us with your locale, ## For eg. en-in, en-gb, en-ru etc. Everything is done! Now you are ready to go! Now boot into the drive. If you did everything correctly & succesfully, then Windows will boot to the welcome screen. Done! Enjoy the manually installed Windows!   
    Hope this guide was helpful & easy to you. If you have doubt about something or you got any errors, or if windows doesnt boot, then feel free to post below.
    Cheers & Regards,