great job. But can I ask you a question for my nero addon shortcut? The orginal Nero ControlCenter shortcut target line is "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Nero Web\SetupX.exe" MODE="update" and i want prepare it for my addon shortcut This is my code in nero.inf for Nero ControlCenter shortcut [Nero.Webcut] Name =Nero ControlCenter CmdLine =16427,"Nero\Nero Web",SetupX.exe MODE="update" SubDir ="Nero\Setup" WorkingDir=16422,"Nero\%PROG_NAME%" IconPath =16427,"Nero\Nero Web",nps.dll IconIndex =0 InfoTip ="Update The Legendary Burner!" But when i install addon this shotcut target line is become to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\Nero Web\SetupX.exe" MODE=update so it doesn't work. How i add invert commas("") in shortcut target line?