Everything posted by George King
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Hey Lego, is there any way haw make addon which will integrate some files into boot.wim, install.wim and DVD root? I want make addon for some modified files...
Windows 7 Forum Trash
This link work fine for me: http://www.hr-host.com/wincert/Legolash2o/W7T.msi
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Definition update for Microsoft Security Essentials is KB972696 Windows 7 Remote Administration Tools is KB958830 PlayReady PC Runtime for Windows 7 is KB971012 Microsoft Silverlight is KB974331 http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/uprl/2009/09/silverlight.3.0_8767a77b5b4636a3e83eb58e4bc0e9673af575ca.exe Can you fix it in W7T Updates list? And my pack is up-2-date
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Error if i want integrate update...
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Microsoft Security Essentials Definition update: x86 http://download.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/mpam-fe.exe x64 http://download.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/mpam-fex64.exe
Windows 7 Forum Trash
In new update list i downloaded x86 Update Pack (yours) and it download x64... And if x64 it download x64... I must download it manualy... http://hr-host.com/wincert/Legolash2o/LegoWin7RTMx86.7z
Windows 7 Forum Trash
I got this via WU Malicious Software Removal Tool KB890830 windows-kb890830-v2.14.exe http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=90&p=&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=ad724ae0-e72d-4f54-9ab3-75b8eb148356&u=http%3a%2f%2fdownload.microsoft.com%2fdownload%2f4%2fA%2fA%2f4AA524C6-239D-47FF-860B-5B397199CBF8%2fwindows-kb890830-v2.14.exe windows-kb890830-x64-v2.14.exe http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=90&p=&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=585d2bde-367f-495e-94e7-6349f4effc74&u=http%3a%2f%2fdownload.microsoft.com%2fdownload%2f2%2fC%2f5%2f2C563B99-54D9-4D85-A82B-45D3CD2F53CE%2fwindows-kb890830-x64-v2.14.exe
long time ago i have seen installer for Vista...
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Hey lego, you updated definitions, but why u dont add Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=7d2f6ad7-656b-4313-a005-4e344e43997d&displaylang=en
Is Hyper-V in Windows 7 Ultimate or only in Windows Server 2008?
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
[Release] Nero Lite-Micro EUROPA-ASIA
Hey, you write CZCH (CSY) version, but right its CZECH (CSY) and in installer where we can use language is CESKY, but right is Česky
Need some help with reg entries
If i monitoring registry and changing cursors i get this: You must delete this \S-1-5-21-3141826708-2193451549-4040042613-1001 after changing and exporting registry entries. Because this line is different at others PC
Script for extracting XP Hotfixes
Thanks, thi works great :thumbsup_anim: For %%A In (*.exe) DO ( Set FileName=%%~nA call :MDExtract ) :MDExtract %Filename%.exe /q /x:"%FileName% goto :eof
Script for extracting XP Hotfixes
I ve test your script and thus all not work... For %%A In (*.exe) DO (Set FileName=%%A %%A /q /x:"%FileName:~0,4%")
Script for extracting XP Hotfixes
But i have about 180 hotfixes and want have KB111111 in folder KB111111, KB222222 in KB222222.. This will extract all hotfixes into one folder...
Script for extracting XP Hotfixes
Does anybody know, how i can extract all hotifixes into folder? I want extract KBXXXXX to KBXXXXX ect... For %%A In (*.exe) DO %%A /q /x:"") I read about this %PATH:~0,-4% But dont know ho to add this line into my script...
- Microsoft.NET Framework True AddOn
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=7d2f6ad7-656b-4313-a005-4e344e43997d&displaylang=en
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Hmm, can you upload for me installer for build 32? I think update engine stopped work, but dont know why... EDIT naw i have it...
Windows 7 Forum Trash
2 bugs for me in b28: First: google translate: validity of a transaction has expired Second: google translate: path contains invalid characters
DreamScene for Windows 7 x86 & 64
I know, but only english ;-) This is original from Vista and support all 36 languages ;-) Your addon contain DreamScene.dll which version is 6.1.6801.0 dont know where you get it :sweatingbullets:
DreamScene for Windows 7 x86 & 64
DreamScene for Windows 7 x86 & 64 Enables DreamSecens in Windows 7. These packs are language neutral :thumbsup_anim: , because include all 36 languages :welcome: x86 x64 Fixed build error during integration
But how to integrate or install it :sweatingbullets:
I found on MDL this update Windows6.1-KB974333, but is only CAB. I tried install it via dism, but gime error... http://rapidshare.com/files/273208954/KB974333.rar http://hotfile.com/dl/11100238/4bdef3f/KB974333.rar.html Does somebody know how to integrate KB974333 into Windows 7 install?