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George King

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Everything posted by George King

  1. Nice, it working and its easy. And do you know ho i can make my console program invisible? I really need make my Launcher (for patched game) invisible. EDIT: And do you know how to add files description? Tryied search on google, but nothing found? :crying_anim02: I wan to add company name, description etc...
  2. Hi, im beginer in C/C++ and i need to add icon into my project, i tryed google, but i cant uderstand how i can do it. Can some write it here step-by-step please?
  3. George King replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    You need to make your own addons :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2nwxnwrjgzm/Ricks_WindowsSidebar6.0.6002.18005_Intl_AlkyXP1.1.7z
  5. He want HTTP upload/download
  6. George King replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in OLD Threads
    If you want add support fo Vista/XP, you can do it, after you get fully working program for Windows 7 only - thats my opinion You need to build it step-by-step
  7. Thanks, i modded to look like this, but the setting NAME not working, can you tell me why please? SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion echo. echo Adding registry tweaks to enable RunOnceEx for install SPECIAL Updates... echo. REG LOAD HKLM\Slipstream "%WIM%\Windows\System32\Config\Software" >nul SET ROE=HKLM\Slipstream\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %ROE% /v TITLE /d "Installing updates..." /f >nul REG ADD %ROE% /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d "00000014" /f >nul REG ADD %ROE% /d "%WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe %WinDir%\System32\iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess" /f >nul cd SpecialUpdates set /a NUM=0 if not exist "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" mkdir "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" >nul FOR %%f IN ("*.*") DO ( set /a ROENUM=!NUM!*5 If !ROENUM! LSS 10 (set "ROESTR=00!ROENUM!") ELSE ( If !ROENUM! LSS 100 (set "ROESTR=0!ROENUM!") ELSE ( set "ROESTR=!ROENUM!")) copy /Y "%%f" "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" >nul REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /ve /d "%%f" /f >nul set "SWITCH=/q" set "FILENAMECHECK=%%f" if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,7!"=="DirectX" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( set "SWITCH=/Q /T:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\" /C:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\dxsetup.exe /silent\"" set "NAME=DirectX SDK")) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,15!"=="GamesForWindows" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( set "NAME=Games for Windows - LIVE")) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,11!"=="PlayReadyPC" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".msi" ( set "SWITCH=/quiet /norestart" set "NAME=PlayReady PC Runtime")) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,11!"=="Silverlight" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( set "NAME=Microsoft Silverlight")) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,16!"=="windows-kb890830" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( set "NAME=Malicious Software Removal Tool")) if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~0,7!"=="wlsetup" ( if /I "!FILENAMECHECK:~-4!"==".exe" ( set "SWITCH=/silent" set "NAME=Windows Live Essentials")) REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /v "!NAME!" /d "%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\%%f !SWITCH!" /f >nul set /a NUM+=1 ) REG ADD %ROE%\999 /ve /d "Cleaning up..." /f >nul REG ADD %ROE%\999 /v CMD /d "cmd.exe /q /c RmDir /S /Q \"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\"" /f >nul echo. REG UNLOAD HKLM\Slipstream >nul cd.. EDIT: I forget move REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /ve /d "%%f" /f >nul down and change %%f to !NAME!. I will try, maybe it will work
  8. Now, you can install XP mode on non VT CPU You need to use Update Pack 1.1.3, i will release it today or tomorrow
  9. True, its from installed XP
  10. Hey, Rick, why you not make ALKY and Gadget Installer true addon?
  11. cs-CZ FiX: "%AllUsersProfile%\Dokumenty\Obrázky\Ukázky obrázků"
  12. All updates are or will be in my 1.1.3 Packs
  13. You need to use ESN hotfix: http://www.mediafire.com/?httnomximtq You need to say thanks to Ricktendo
  14. 5eraph, I want add the DirectX switch, can you look why it not working? All working, but writing into registry with DX install switch (yes, swith working) wont working. I get error, too much parameters.... Any Ideas? SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion echo. echo Adding registry tweaks to enable RunOnceEx for install SPECIAL Updates... echo. REG LOAD HKLM\Slipstream "%WIM%\Windows\System32\Config\Software" >nul SET ROE=HKLM\Slipstream\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %ROE% /v TITLE /d "Installing updates..." /f >nul REG ADD %ROE% /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d "00000014" /f >nul REG ADD %ROE% /d "%WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe %WinDir%\System32\iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess" /f >nul cd SpecialUpdates set /a NUM=0 set SWITCH=/q if not exist "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" mkdir "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" >nul FOR %%f IN ("*.*") DO ( set /a ROENUM=!NUM!*5 If !ROENUM! LSS 10 (set "ROESTR=00!ROENUM!") ELSE ( If !ROENUM! LSS 100 (set "ROESTR=0!ROENUM!") ELSE ( set "ROESTR=!ROENUM!")) copy /Y "%%f" "%WIM%\Windows\Setup\Updates" >nul REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /ve /d "%%f" /f >nul if "%%f" == "DirectX*.exe" (set SWITCH=/Q /T:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\" /C:\"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\DX\dxsetup.exe /silent\" set DirectX=1 ) REG ADD %ROE%\!ROESTR! /v %%f /d "%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\%%f %SWITCH%" /f >nul if "%DirectX%" == "1" set SWITCH=/q set /a NUM+=1 ) REG ADD %ROE%\999 /ve /d "Cleaning up..." /f >nul REG ADD %ROE%\999 /v CMD /d "cmd.exe /q /c RmDir /S /Q \"%WinDir%\Setup\Updates\"" /f >nul echo. pause REG UNLOAD HKLM\Slipstream >nul cd..
  15. I think he want Media Center from Windows XP SP3...
  16. Here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gztozzmy0jm/Ricks_AwayMode-KB902437.7z
  17. Links are dead...
  18. Thats no problem, i have all images in PSD And my own work is also in PSD
  19. I will release ENG version after i fix all and after adding some new CPL styles...
  20. What do you mean about this dialogues? Screens are from CZECH version... I know about "bug" on this screen with displaying image with start menu, i will fix it
  21. I will restart translation after i fix all "bugs" in CZECH version, we also adding a lot of new dialogues...
  22. Maybe this will help you: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5063
  23. I´ve see it My friend and me working hard on fixing a lot of icons and adding new dialogues for Tablet PC, Windows Sidebar... You can see sidebar preview here: And i also get new RES from 27.12.2009 WinStyle 2009 Update Lot of icons are in bad quality, we are fixing it and some avis are horrible - newdev.dll.res - AVI 301 - very bad, i´ve added better one. And i want add support to tablet pc, media center and Home Editions. I must find all BMPs with text and replace it with WinStyled BMPs EDIT: Can you look here? I´m in ass with moding UIFILE... http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/7341-logonui-problem/
  24. Thanks, but i dont know how do it... :crying_anim02: Can you try it please? :dribble: