Win Toolkit
- 210 reviews
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yes i suppose thats right, She hates say if we are out anywhere and people be staring, pointing, laughing at me etc. it makes her go nuts so thinks that i should tone down my image like for example always wear trousers not skirts or a dress to hide away my prosthetic leg to avoid drawing more attention to myself. It does still hurt my feelings abit as id like to think i can almost pull it off and look sexy LOL I must add to this that shes one of the few people i consider a true friend as shes stuck around and helped looked after alot since my accident theres been many times iv given up and shes wiped away the tears and got me up and back on track. Im sure she does not try to be mean to me as such shes is just very protective of me. No offence taken all im finally in a good place so can take it. I have heard that one before though
little intro
yes iv seen and heard of this girl shes very insipring indeed and the fact shes been accepted into the mainstream is very positive for people like myself, though my leg was amputated above the knee so unfortunatly when wearing my new leg i cant make it look nowhere near as elegant and flawless as she does im a little jealous in truth But im not ashamed of myself i see it more like im not disabled im just unique
little intro
it is infact me in the avatar my friend thinks im silly to dress this way with my disability but im actually trying to be serious belive it or not. Thank you so much for your kind words it means alot to me to get a compliment for once even more so with it being about my one leg :throb:
Win Toolkit
This tool is pretty sweet all but the crap thats in the installer, Still i appreiciate the work thanks
- 210 reviews
little intro
Hello everyone im Ruby Smith, Age 30, female,Sheffield U.K, Looking forward to being part of this community and maybe even making a new friend or two if im lucky I have a broard range of interests i basically love to tinker around with stuff abit too much but mainly pc or console related. To save you the bother asking me Yes i do only have one leg, 4 years ago i was in a car crash and my hip and leg were smashed to bits and after battling with the pain and making very little progress to recover from this after almost 3 years i gave up and and had my right leg amputated for a better quality of life. It was hard adjusting at first but now with my prosthetic leg iv finally achieved what i wanted and can now walk again YAYY