WA Installer 2.7- - WA Cmd 0.1 (9-4)
You're right there are problems on x64. 1.0.3 is fine but 2.0 isn't. I thought it was due to case sensitivity because I noticed the error was actually 'Your OS arch is x64 and the program requires X64' but I changed one of the addons to match and I still got the error.
[How to] Change System Restore Size
By Default, Vista uses a ton of system restore space and doesn't have an option to resize it anymore. Go to Start/Accessories and find the Command Prompt. Right click on it and click run as administrator. To find out how much it is using type in vssadmin list shadowstorage and hit enter. To view the number of restore points you currently have on your Computer run the following command vssadmin list shadows To change the size it uses, run vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=9GB assuming Vista is installed on the C drive and you want it resized to 9 gigabytes.
[How To] Restore a deleted Hibernation file in Vista
If you've ever deleted the hibernation file in Vista either through a disk cleanup utility or vLite or whatever meathod and you need it back, here's how. Open an elevated command prompt (Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt and right click it and choose run as Administrator). Now type or paste in powercfg -h on and hit enter. Now all of your hibernation options should have returned. Alternatively if you need to save some space and don't use hibernation, replace "on" with "off".
Integrate Language Packs into Vista SP1
64 Bit Service Pack 1 Language Pack Downloads: Arabic Bulgarian Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Crotian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian
Integrate Language Packs into Vista SP1
This is just a quick tutorial to integrate language packs into your Vista Ultimate or Enterprise disk. You can use whatever method you are confortable with (I'd use vLite as it's just plain simple). First you need Exe2cab. Now take your language pack .exe and literally drag and drop it on top of the exe2cab program and click run when it prompts you. This will create the .cab that you can now integrate. 32 Bit Service Pack 1 Language Pack Downloads: Arabic Bulgarian Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Crotian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
On XP I guess it doesn't matter so much but I'd go with the first one simply because they spent the money ($500 or so I think) to get a digital signature so my bet would be on them to continue development on it.
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
I haven't had a chance to test this because the monitor on my test machine blew up a few days ago (my last CRT :crying_anim02: ) but I'm pretty sure that this will only give the ability to read and write to an already in place partition. See there's more to a filesystem than 2 files and a registry entry. This is the driver part of it that will allow you to use the partition natively from XP but I seriously doubt there's enough there to be able to format with it. I'm still using my exfat partition that I created way back when I wrote that post and have had (almost) no side effects from it. The only side effect was I was using it to test one of my update packs with vLite and vLite failed to integrate any hotfixes into it (I assume vLite was looking for free space and couldn't read the filesystem and aborted). I use that drive on a daily basis to cover my tracks when I'm doing things I ought to not be doing. There is also Ext2 File System Driver for Windows that I believe is able to format for you. That's the one I really need to test out. Anyway, you may need to install Vista, create the exfat partition and then install XP with the exfat driver to use it. Also the command I used format F: /fs:exfat /q /a:4096 is for a quick format. If you aren't in a hurry, you should probably use format F: /fs:exfat /a:4096 to do a full format. I haven't actually tried installing any programs on exfat because it's non-joarnaling which means data loss or corruption is very possible if you are writing to the drive during a power outage.
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
If you really want a sidebar on XP with the Vista fading effect, you'll need to use the Google Desktop. The fade isn't exactly like Vista but it is there. Be aware that it uses probably just as many resources of the Vista sidebar.
Microsoft security patch for sidebar - Vista only!
It is updated. v16615 is what I have. I'll send it to Rick if he wants it.
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
That's an interesting find. That thing has been part of Ryan's addons for years.
Upgrading to Vista
I agree but beware of readyboost. It will help somewhat launching programs but if you do any gaming of any kind, readyboost slows games down and makes them stutter. If you don't do any gaming, you can get a good readyboost drive for $15 but then again, you can get 1 gig of real memory for $30. You're on the right track doing a fresh install. I've never been able to get an upgrade to run nearly as well as a fresh install and have run into a few BSOD's even though the upgrade advisor said it was good to go.
3D User Pic
It works, it's just a little slow is all.
[How To] Slipstream Office 2007 SP2 on the CD.
Just an FYI, for those who don't like the command prompt, you can snatch the .msp out of office update exe's with 7zip.
Copy takes time
It's extremely slow as well as copying files through the network. They say that SP1 fixes it but it doesn't fix it, it just relieves some of the pain of it. That isn't even what bothers me the most. Download a .msu file once. When it gets to 99% it will sit there stalled for a couple minutes before it goes through it's copy process and completes. :ranting:
Doh! Thanks for that info. I think I'd better pass on that one.