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  1. Very helpful, thanks! In the Windows Installer SDK, there are also other tools for the same task, such as msidb.exe (for exporting and importing the Summary Information stream) and MsiInfo.exe for editing the properties individually. Personally I prefer to save(before updating) and restore(after updating) all the Summary Information stream with these commands: :: Export Summary Information stream to text files Core.idt and Extended.idt:msidb -e_SummaryInformation -f"folder_where_to_store_text_file" -dnetfx_Core_x86.msiren _SummaryInformation.idt Core.idtmsidb -e_SummaryInformation -f"folder_where_to_store_text_file" -dnetfx_Extended_x86.msiren _SummaryInformation.idt Extended.idt:: Restore Summary Information stream from saved Core.idt and Extended.idt:msidb -iCore.idt -f"folder_of_Core.idt" -dnetfx_Core_x86.msimsidb -iExtended.idt -f"folder_of_Extended.idt" -dnetfx_Extended_x86.msi
  2. I want to build a full net framework 4 (core+extended x86) installer, and I have noticed that when I integrate the same hotfix into both msi (netfx_Core_x86.msi and netfx_Extended_x86.msi) they take the same package code, so when I install them, the .Net Framework 4 Extended is not installed because have same GUID of already installed Client Profile; if I change the package code with InstEd, it install correctly. So my questions: - There's a way to apply an update (.msp) to an .msi without changing the .msi package code? - There's a script (.cmd or .vbs) for changing the package code?