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Everything posted by Digitalwingx

  1. Hehe I'm pretty sure it's bcause of me using nLite to remove components of the system which means the batch file jumps differently than a full source. NVM the old batch file worked for me anyway and I'm not going through another SP3+POSTSP3+NLITE+VISO+TEST nightmare, at least for now Thanks Amnesia for all the good and naughty things....
  2. I downloaded the latest 8.30 and tried the batch... and the patch is looping between O and P files... This must have something to do with me removing some components of the system but I guess there is some minor issues in the batch file.
  3. Just a minor thing I found after I finished my new system with Amnesia's new patch: the default Aero cursors' (nice!) "busy" cursor (the blue round thingy) is not cycling so I ended up installing the Aero Cursors again from other source.
  4. Hehe it's the second one that I liked. Thank you again, amnesia... have a good day
  5. Tried your new resources update. Simply amazing. However I find the login screen background to be too bright compared to the old login screen background (same photo just darker). Amnesia could you please point me where can I find this thing and replace it with the old one? Thanks. Many many many thinks...
  6. In the original 8.2.1 there is only dxdiag.exe.res but no dxdiagn.dll.res. The extra 5 files in your resources folder are: dxdiagn.dll.res winnt32a.dll.res winnt32u.dll.res winntbba.dll.res and wuaucpl.cpl.mui.res And compared to your previous releae VISO8.2.1.mod.amnesia, there are total 368 files. And the 2 extras are: gpedit.dll Backup.res ieaksie.dll Backup.res I guess those two Backup files aren't needed? Update: I tried to use the original batch file with the extra 5 file patch inserted, and it generates some error about cannot find lable inetres. Then I used the batch file from amnesia.modd version it seems working fine.
  7. Hmmm amnesia in your resources folder there are 366 files instead of 361 (VISO 8.2.1). Could you please advise how to patch those to a i386 folder? PS. Do you by any chance know if the files in VISO 8.2.1's "Extra" folder are compatible with XP SP3? Thanks for the update and all the effort amnesia... keep up the good werk~
  8. Thanks amnesia... I am just building my XP-SP3+ system... just finished the nLite part about to start VISTAize it... this is just in time... Eagerly waiting your upload hehe...
  9. @ricktendo64 I know you made this addon for English version only because some customizations of your addon change language setting. But would you consider release a MUI friendly addon for people who use MUI with XP?