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Everything posted by ENU_user

  1. i haven't uninstalled the previous and istalled the new one as an in place now there is some runtime runtime error floating around which is causing it to crash especially when ever i hit "add reply " "submit reply" & so yesterday and today i had found myself posting the same things twice if i wasn't careful i also have a pic for some runtime error that showed up once ,lets first see if it isn't just me i should have tried uninstalling @ first though which i will later on ..
  2. I had posted for the first time on BV's forum manly for posting my tweak which is now part of the addon "preset services and descriptions" and I really wanted to make him aware of it so he will first, consider using this method with the files he distributes and also how to ease up the task of creating them .. it turns out the tweak is easier then easy to work with concerning getting all hardware profiles to become ... i had posted a link to the addon yesterday which links to the addon posted here on wincert. and linked a 1 stand alone inf for for reference ... and i got the same response from a member telling me I'm a possible spammer blah blah and too was surprised by his response but i immediately forgave him since i can understand how it probably felt for him as it turned out he liked what he saw but wasn't too sure about how the welcome should take place later jumped no else but bphlpt into the rescue putting some good words towards me fully backing me up ! so i can say the same for bphlpt ...thanks m8 BV finally took hold of the thread cleaned it up! and gave me room to speak ... and its now under xp services sub forum .. turns out that the first reply to this kind of #1 post can create very bad influence which gets others automatically tens and bugged for nothing ,so try to remember that! and be cool no matter whats getting posted ...
  3. it go all my settings and plugins my tension has now decreased by 20% addonwise thanks !
  4. YW! countdown settings for the boot menu are in "UserWaitInterval",0x10001,09,00,00,00" 09,00,00,00 represents 9 seconds wait before windows start change it to 00,00,00,00 "0" and the boot menu wont show
  5. added some screen shots for you
  6. 2 features in one addon 1! Pre compiled Hardware Dock's for Services in different flavors if the timer countdown is set to 9 Seconds, (as in .pic) its possible to Switch between Presets wile booting into windows using a boot menu in INF: "UserWaitInterval",0x10001,09,00,00,00" change it from "9" to "0" and it will disable the boot menu. 2! Black viper's Services Descriptions :Release: 26.04.09 / v 1.5.1 / RVM Integrator only enjoy
  7. very easy guide, great and simple in the same time :giveheart: :idea: this trick can be used for dumping themes into the winrar builder so it will become half sfx half inf :pirate:
  8. maybe you can use it along other newer stuff anyway here is: Vista Explorer&IE MD5 1e9035d262af6e4571b1431f0818f61b
  9. a little bit off topic : http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=349596 also buggy
  10. some Dark Toolbars from: visualstyle-themes btw, can hardly see anything in this new Halloween design :crying_anim02:
  11. even for fast connections its very slow and you are in the process of updating think of a way of splitting this into groups. like : group 1 :basic: group 2 :Pinocchio: group 3 :Cinderella: group 4 :miss America: .etc then when you're satisfied put it back together ... anyways here is a mirror: