Everything posted by wrx
[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
Hey Rick is out now
[Request] Addon Vista Images for XP OOBE
Very NICE orbit30
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
WOW Thanks Rick very nice update :thumbsup_anim: :prop: :worthy: :punk:
- [AddOn] SpywareBlaster 5.0 (10/10/2013)
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Thanks mate but that what i currently have
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Hi all could some please help, redo or point me in the right direction on how to make this boot screen, up to date Oh and it wood be great to change the load bar to a more Viatish one as well;) Thanks in advance Screen Shot
[AddOn] True Transparency v0.9.4 + Editable skin pack
Hey Gorki could u leave instructions on how to add the skins to the add-on maybe as, this add-on could get quite big as there are so many great skins
[AddOn] Vista RocketDock v1.3.5 [September 03-07]
Just change the Icon's mate, make it look like what ever ya want
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
Yep will do mr smartepants , sorry Kel
[AddOn] ToolTipFixer v1.0.1
WOW I thought it was another add on causing the problem thanks Greg
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
Hey Rick CCleaner v2.04 [17th Jan 08] is out (fyi) http://www.ccleaner.com/download Thanks
[SVCPACK] 2 in 1 QTAddressBar and QTTabBar
hey Rick fyi QTAdressBar has an update QTAddressBar
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Hey Thanks Rick 4 the updates and Thanks Amnesia for fixing that small problem , Oh and "Rock Chick" looks cool
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
cool thought i was going crazy at first LOL
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Hi Rick Hey i wondered if you could help me out with a small problem I have been using V'ISO to patch my Xp Sp3(RC) and I get a small defect problem with my start button (see pic) if i don't patch every think is ok , y???? also u haven't updated the boot screen to work with Sp3(RC) yet, have u?? and I'm with Mr_Smartepants "bring back the green Vista AVI's!!" LOL I dont care about the dialog box just the AVI bit.... Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR thank 4 all ya work Rick :)
[CMD] Windows Live Messenger 2009
could you add that in to your build Rick ???
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
WOW sorry man I must of been dead tired last night when i posted LOL yeah wrong post , thanks 4 the addon
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
Sorry Double post shy.gif
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
Sorry Double post :shy: Hey Rick smile.gif im getting a error with the new build if i go back to the old every think works fine
[SVCPACK] 2 in 1 QTAddressBar and QTTabBar
I have notice that if you have DOTNET2 SP1 installed QTTab Bar has an error (about DOTNET) and wont let you change its button config, if you uninstall and install just DOTNET2 every think works fine
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
Thanks runningfool that did the trick
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
Rick i have the same problem, no zipnew.dat file Hey what version r u using ??? I'm using 3.71 cool add on tho
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
OK who stole it be for !!!!! thank u 4 returning it
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
mmmmm Rick I could be wrong but where is the DL button ?? or am I just blind (mmm need more beer!!!)