Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
What is force unmount
Turkish Win X86 X64 Sp1 Integrated + license key update
Forgive me for translation Windows 7 SP1 modified full Windows 7 SP1 AIO editing, x64bit x86bit merge, add the product key, adding the license number, internet explorer upgrades, updates, adding, 32bit and 64bit on all versions of Windows 7 lets you edit and process easy to use, simple user interface that will be understood resimlerdende will make it easier to understand First it ... AutoPlay Media Studio 8 has been prepared by the present study- DISM uses many of you know the codes to find the way .. and 100 \% working with all the details ... the earlier study was prepared with a few bug versiondaki AutoPlay Media Studio has been eliminated A brief look at what we can do with this work 1-windows product key, you can add 7'nize (All version options, just click on the product key is attached) 7'nize 2-windows version of internet explorer upgrade (there are built-in Internet Explorer 9 ie10 ie11 a later time, you can change the folder, such as package) 3-windows 7'nize can integrate all the updates (updates are built into the new updates .. you can add built-in folder) 64bit and 32bit versions of windows can easily combine 4-7'nizin. 5-windows 64bit or 32bit 7'nizin editleyebilirsiniz all versions of the pit (built-in files in the package are specially adapted for boot.wim and install.wim. All you have to just 1 click away) Boot.wim also held in places that Windows 7 installation images in the following (edited files generated images are the same as I did) bununlada of course not in the picture folder icons immediately above and take their places in iconlarda install.wim .. (I hope you enjoy the new welcome screen authui.dll ExplorerFrame.dll animated window and easily add themes such as the patch uxtheme.dll to mention) 6-windows 7'nizin installation in dealing with the files at the beginning of the response will not depend on (because it is a fully automatic installation of patches is waiting for you Autounattend.xml) control is also disabled UAC was durununa 7-all these are dark skinned and olurmu without folders $ OEM $? automatic activation of work is taking place as a licensed hocanında mephistooo2 setup. All processors are also automatically recognizes and which it is installed in the PC processor PC yamamızda logo which will be available .... and several small plug-in and settled right tık'a windows shortcuts will increase with the convenience of a fold .. If you want to give the project to english project on the home link http://www.tnctr.com/topic/168661-win-sp1-x86-x64-full-entege-modifiye-ve-anlatymy/
[Final] XP SP3 AIO Güncelleme Paketi v1.0.4
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[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (Türkçe)
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bu dosyaları daha- Windows Vista SideBar T
* Tamamen T- shell32dll themeui.dll + res dosyaları
herkes dosya editliyor birde ben vereyim dedim ayrıca dosyalarınızı değiştirmek i- windowblinds aeroooo finallll
daha - Send Clik (Sağ Kulakcık) Real Addon
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