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  1. Hey man, how are things? I've downloaded your latest repack, but it seems it is still the same as the february one, even the name is the same and when you look inside the repack, the file names and descriptons are still the old ones. Could you have a look at that when you have the time? I am looking forward to using your repack again. BTW, if you have any paypal account, I'd be really happy to donate sth towards this repack of yours. I find it really useful. One last question: Does it check for the existence of older version and remove them if they exist? Thx
  2. Great repack. Thanks so much Alan =)
  3. Hi there, Any chance you could update your Repack version niT3 RiDeR? Adobe Air has been updated to Adobe Shockwave Player remains as Adobe Flash Player (Plugin & ActiveX) has been updated to I love this repack nice and simple to use. Thank you a million times! =)
  4. Hi Reaper, Would you be able to update your silent installer with the new java version: 8u40-b25? Thanks in advance =)