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Everything posted by fenix

  1. Hello Mr. Rick. It neglects to call fairly. We wish sincerely to express our gratitude for the revival of a Japanese version. The problem that cannot be uninstalled in the latest version occurs. The directory of Process.exe doesn't exist. It is possible to uninstall it normally by specifying C:\WINDOWS\system32\Process.exe. Please examine it. [ Addition ] ; Copies LCID to "%WinDir\system32" (during [DefaultInstall] only) [Copy.sys32] lcid.exe ; [ 5804 lines ] process.exe ; It doesn't exist.
  2. Hello Mr. Rick. I want to restart the release of a Japanese version. Unicode that can be used in the environment of Japanese version XP has been understood with UTF-16 though it doesn't understand whether to become a solution. Sidebar.inf written with UTF-16 operates normally by being installed without trouble. Is the edit possible in the PC environment of Mr. Rick? Besides, please comment when there is a point that becomes some problems.
  3. Hello Mr. Rick. To straighten out that problem, it presented it in the following. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2082
  4. Hello Mr. Rick. Mr. Rick thinks that it confirms it with US English XP. The code system such as JIS, Shift-JIS, and EUC was flooded, and OS of Microsoft adopted Shift-JIS for the character-code of Japan in that for years since MS-DOS until Unicode was defined. And, the internationalization was held by the appearance of Unicode. As for Windows XP Japanese version, Unicode(UTF-7,UTF-8,UTF-16...) was adopted from SP1, and there was no garble and it came to be able to read the document in the environment of the each country version. However, present XP doesn't correspond still completely and have the file that should be written with Shift-JIS in a part of document such as installers. This INF file hits it. Therefore, please release it after trying to encode the character-code to Shift-JIS immediately before though it works by UTF-8 in the environment of Mr. Rick and it doesn't care. Otherwise, it is not correctly installed in the environment of a Japanese version because it garbles. The software used for the Shift-JIS conversion was prepared.: http://rapidshare.com/files/106382210/maru...signed.exe.html Sidebar.inf of new add-on was done in UTF-8 and prepared.: http://rapidshare.com/files/106384584/Sidebar.inf.html When having confirmed it with Sidebar.inf before it converted it, everything was operated without trouble. My best regards above. JIS = Japan Industrial Standards
  5. Hello Mr. ricktendo64. It garbles at the stage of the installation to the Japanese normal display when sidebar.inf is opened. It is because a Japanese part is written with Unicode when having examined it. When having installed it after a Japanese code of sidebar.inf was rewritten from UTF-8 in Shift-JIS, everything became normal without trouble. Please open and change it with the file changed to Shift-JIS.: http://rapidshare.com/files/105830753/Sidebar.inf.html The installation error of INF occurs if the uninstallation of Windows Sidebar is executed. The file cannot be completely deleted. My best regards.
  6. Thank you Mr. ricktendo64. The problem concerning Japanese can be solved, and I am happy. After it confirms it in my Japanese environment, it reports.
  7. Hello Mr. ricktendo64. Is a Japanese version impossible though the Sidebar.inf file was up-loaded? How though Windows Sidebar ja-JP that Mr. ricktendo64 was impossible, and I changed is made to be sent?
  8. Hello Mr. ricktendo64. Even if a Japanese font is installed, is it impossible? However, the file was prepared though it did not understand whether to become a resolution of a question. : Sidebar.inf Office MRU Gadget cannot be installed in XP Japanese environment. I think it is good in English when it doesn't go well. My best regards though the hardship is multiplied. I'm sorry. It made a mistake in the file and it transmitted.
  9. Hello Mr. ricktendo64. The file and the translation were put on the specified place.
  10. Hello Mr. ricktendo64. It is a file and a translation necessary for releasing a Japanese version. Japanese might be special. I am sorry for pressing troublesome work against you. 1- Windows Sidebar japanese, ver 6.0.6001.18000: Windowssidebar_Japanese.7z 2- Japanese localized "Accesories" folders name is "アクセサリ" It is a place changed to Japanese referring to es-ES. 3- Language of the XP is "Japanese (Japan)" so the locale is "ja-JP" 4- Blue text translation to Japanese: 5- Office MRU Gadget is from a Japanese site.: Office MRU Gadget Japanese Please continue your favors toward a Japanese version please.
  11. Nice to meet you. My nickname is fenix. Is the release of a Japanese version possible? Vista Japanese version adopts new font meiryo. I remodel and am using Mr. ricktendo64's Windows Sidebar within the range of personal use. It wants to enable a Japanese version from Mr. ricktendo64's official site and to enable download. Please let me up-load the Windows Sidebar(SP1) Japanese version file and the inf Japanese translation file if it is necessary for the release of Windows Sidebar Japanese version.
  12. A wrong translation was deleted because it was not good at English.