Hi, i am confused about the IE11 update order, because i get diverent orders from MDL, msdn and you. Here is a list to show that, i've attached a picture where same files are colored too: MDL: wincert: msdn:2841134-x64.cab 2786081-x64.msu 2729094-v2-x64.msu3032359-x64.msu 2670838-x64.msu 2731771-x64.msu2729094-v2-x64.msu 2834140-v2-x64.msu 2533623-x64.msu2729094-x64.msu 2882822-x64.msu 2670838-x64.msu2670838-x64.msu 2888049-x64.msu 2786081-x64.msu2834140-v2-x64.msu 2871997-v2-x64.msu 2834140-v2-x64.msu2786081-x64.msu 2970228-x64.msu 2639308-x64.msu 2841134-x64.cab 2888049-x64.msu 2849696-x64.msu 2882822-x64.msu 2849697-x64.msu LanguagePack-x64-de-de.msu IE-Hyphenation-de.msu IE-Spelling-de.msuThis are the files which i've loaded:IE11-Windows6.1-x64-de-de.exe ieak.msi IE-Hyphenation-de.msu IE-Spelling-de.msu Windows6.1-KB2841134-x64.cab IE11-Windows6.1-KB2841134-x64.cab IE11-Windows6.1-KB3032359-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2533623-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2726535-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2729094-v2-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2731771-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2786081-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2834140-v2-x64.msu I don't have a server so i ignore the one update... but what must i do now? (order, correct files...) Greets Regda -------------------- EDIT: I use X15-65813 as image. (Win7 Pro SP1 x64 German) I've mounted it deleted all except the Utlimate entry and renamed it to "hybrid". (in mind it edits only the ei.cfg) To load the following updates is not possible (because they don't exist): IE11-Windows6.1-KB2849696-x64.msu IE11-Windows6.1-KB2849697-x64.msu Now i get an error that the IE does not fit with my image... But i loaded it for Win7 x64 in German. What the hell is wrong? Here is an Screenshot: