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Everything posted by bphlpt

  1. Kel, I think he said he understood that, so he kept the wim in one piece and tried to use a USB stick instead, I assume of the appropriate size, and he is still having problems, but only on his desktop PC. His laptop boots and installs just fine using the exact same USB stick. And I think he said that he tried both a USB stick and a USB HDD, if I understood him correctly. So if that is true, then it seems his conclusion that it is some kind of "BIOS related problem", might be correct. Whether or not I understood him correctly, if he can provide any more information it would probably be helpful. EDIT: It also seems this diecussion is being carried on in more detail here. Cheers and Regards
  2. @Lukes, Those pics are nice enough I guess, but what do they have to do with the OP or any post in this thread or any aspect of the sub-forum "Windows Customization" for that matter? You seem to be going through old threads and making comments. Up until now, they have been more or less on topic and have seemed to convey correct information, but your comments do not seem necessary, sometimes coming years after the previous post. Why are you doing this? Nothing better to do? Just curious. Cheers and Regards
  3. Please post back if/when you find a configuration that works correctly. Cheers and Regards
  4. Keep the runtimes separate. Rick already has a great installer for all of them. No sense in adding them to all the other various installers that need them. Cheers and Regards
  5. Could your problem be the same as described here? Cheers and Regards
  6. While I won't argue that it does seem to be an error, when will folks learn that THE DESKTOP IS AN ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLY ILL-ADVISED PLACE TO DO ANYTHING AS COMPLEX AS TRYING TO MAKE AN OS BUILD!!!!, at least that is my humble opinion. LOL A type of place I would recommend would be something short, as close to the root of the drive as possible, and with no spaces such as C:\WTK. Cheers and Regards
  7. So go to the IDM Homepage, if you are able to make your own XP Addon. If you can live with an older version, 6.08 Beta Build 7, then you can find one with a still active link here. Or you could PM ricktendo, and/or post in the thread you mentioned above, and ask nicely and maybe he'll have some time to update his for you. Bottom line, you have lots of options, all of which were probably better than to have created a thread here. Cheers and Regards
  8. means plus the installation hotfix KB2534111, and nothing else. ie not any other updates that came out since SP1. Cheers and Regards
  9. I think this might have been mentioned already, but I agree that this would be a good feature. (You might need to put this in the Requests section if it's not there already.) Cheers and Regards
  10. You see them in the list of integrated drivers, or what? Please explain exactly what you did where you saw this problem, preferably with links to the drivers, screenshots showing what you did and the results, and any Win Toolkit logs that were produced. Cheers and Regards
  11. Logged in as an Administrator, go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings (on the left) -> (should now show the Advanced Tab of System Properties) Under "Performance" -> Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Under "Virtual memory" -> Change... -> Then: Set the Paging File Size for each disk separately. For "C:", depending on how familiar you are with doing this you can set this however you like. If you are not familiar with this, I would suggest clicking the "Custom size" radio button and then setting BOTH Initial size AND Maximum size to whatever is shown below as "Recommended". Then click "Set". For all other drives shown click the "No paging file" radio button and then click "Set". Once you have set this for all your drives, then click "OK". Keep clicking "OK" until you get out of there. Be aware that you will have to restart your system for the settings to take effect. Once you have restarted your system, follow the instructions above again to be able to verify that the settings "took" and they are like you intended. If not, try again. Once they are correct, cancel out of all those boxes, then try crashfly's instructions again and see if it will allow you to do it now. Cheers and Regards
  12. Liam, I think it would it be great if your exclusive ISO would include all of Komm's updates as well as those from McRip, ie everything including XPmode, ,NET 4.5 and the whole nine yards. Cheers and Regards
  13. Thanks, mona. Cheers and Regards
  14. While I don't disagree with your second point, it should be possible to "respect and preserve the file dates as they appear on the server", since other programs such as FileZilla are able to do this with ease. I agree that it would be a good idea if Win Toolkit was able to do this as well. Cheers and Regards
  15. Looking forward to it. Cheers and Regards
  16. ??????????????? Cheers and Regards
  17. I assume you mean this question? No, I'm sure this is not the end of either Win Toolkit or, probably, the update catalog feature. Win Toolkit's code development, just like that of any volunteer project, is sometimes off and on due to the developer's RL issues which do, and should, take precedence over any user's "need" for any news or update to deal with any real or imagined issue. That is just the way of life for this kind of project. I don't know why anytime that Lego has other things to do for a few days or weeks that folks say "Win Toolkit is coming to an end!" while RT7 Lite hasn't had updates in YEARS and some people still think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. ::sheesh:: As has been mentioned elsewhere, the feature of having Win Toolkit download the updates for you is a secondary convenience to it's primary purpose of making the OS build. It has evolved over the years as various people have been involved with putting together update lists and providing repositories for them. Lego does not have any direct involvement or influence over them and has had to adapt Win Toolkit to them as they have come and gone and evolved themselves. I'm sure this will continue as they continue to change. Cheers and Regards
  18. I've suggested several times that the same method now used by AutoPatcher be adopted. That is that McRip or whoever merely maintain a database of the MS direct links, rather than the files themselves. That way, MS can't get upset at anyone since all users would download directly from MS, and McRip or whoever wouldn't have their bandwidth abused, etc. I agree it would be nice if someone would provide FTP access for a copy of the files as a backup so that we wouldn't be totally dependent on MS, but theoretically MS could shut that down if it was in a country that allowed that, so there is a risk. I agree that torrents are yet another option. Cheers and Regards
  19. It is always, as it has always been true with every tool ever made that can create a Windows install image, always, always, always better to start with a fresh clean unaltered source every time. Doing anything else gives just one more way something can go wrong. Why would you want to risk that? Cheers and Regards
  20. Welcome! Cheers and Regards
  21. Works for me too. Thanks, Rick. Cheers and Regards
  22. @Lego, Maybe if you would be so kind as to clarify the exact order of integration that would occur when you have IE10, KB9xxxx and KB2xxxxx updates, including KB2xxxxx prerequisites, all in AIO, regardless of the order they are displayed. Maybe it is just a misunderstanding on our part. As long as the integration order at install time is the "correct" one, as per our understanding of what we think that MS recommends, that is really all that is important. I don't want the control, I sometimes don't know what the right way is anyway, even if I think I do LOL, I just want to minimize potential problems and have correct behavior at the end. Cheers and Regards
  23. Also, double check and post here what you had selected as the location for Win Toolkit's temporary files. It sounds like somehow that C:\Users\MyProfile\Desktop got set as the temporary files location. If so, that would explain why everything in it got deleted by Win Toolkit. But it still seems like a bizarre error. Cheers and Regards
  24. I don't know, but my question to you is why do you want to bother removing it? Personally, I remove absolutely nothing at all. Today, with memory, CPU, and hard disc sizes, speeds, and costs being what they are, there is just not the need or advantage to stripping the OS like there used to be. I know some people still like to do it, and I understand the concept, but to quote a signature I saw recently, if I remember it correctly: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is." So even if there should not be an issue to remove some functions from the OS that you have no plans on ever using, you really never know. I would leave the package alone, disable it and/or disable any related services, but leave the package installed. Just my two cents. Cheers and Regards
  25. Please do not disrespect Komm by trying to get around the protections that Komm has built into his server so that his bandwidth is abused by people direct linking to his files. If he is willing to allow Lego to but a hook in Win Toolkit so that it can access the files directly, that should satisfy your requirements without anyone needing to access the files directly themselves. Cheers and Regards
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