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Everything posted by bphlpt

  1. What was the last version that this worked correctly? (With everything else except the Win Toolkit version used being exactly the same. Same Win toolkit options used, same exact sources used including same wim used and same Win7 version chosen, same set of tweaks and addons, same hardware and host OS used to make the build, etc.) Any error logs produced? Cheers and Regards
  2. I guess that assumes that the incomplete driver folders can automatically find the surviving file/folder somehow? Ideally, I would think it would be better if the duplicate files could be replaced by a hard link to the surviving files. They might still show up as duplicates, but they wouldn't take up any real space on your disk. I know there used to be a "duplicate file finder" type app that had that as an option of what to do with duplicates, but I can't remember which app that was and so can't put my finger on it. If I ever find it again I'll post about it. Possible options I found are: Duplicate Commander - Freeware - Info on main page, also available as portable version NoClone - Shareware -US$26.8 - Info TreeSize Pro - Commercial software with Trialware - US$52.95 - Info Cheers and Regards
  3. So you both agree! Cheers and Regards
  4. Yes, all duplicate file finder programs normal operation is to only delete the extra copies of the file, and will leave one copy in place. Cheers and Regards
  5. Thank you! Cheers and Regards
  6. My thanks went without saying, but it shouldn't have. Many Thanks compstuff! Cheers and Regards
  7. I'm not sure what this means. Can you give an example where and how to do this? And if you have a set of already installed drivers on your running system, can you give a recommendation of a tool that can save these drivers in an appropriate format? And can they then be added either to the boot wim or somewhere so that SAD2 can find them? How, and can you give an example? It would be great if Lego could incorporate the use of SAD2 into Win Toolkit. Cheers and Regards
  8. I would really appreciate a detailed explanation of how to best incorporate this into the Win Toolkit build process. If anything needs to be done by Lego to make it's inclusion more seamless that would be even better. Cheers and Regards
  9. The link is in Lego's signature. Latest Builds Cheers and Regards
  10. With your power supply crash, any chance that your host OS, motherboard, or HDD got damaged in any way that could be contributing to the problem? Maybe even corrupted your source or other Win Toolkit files? Just a thought. Cheers and Regards
  11. If this works: :ver_7SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%TaskName%" /TR "%Task%" /SC ONLOGON then this seems redundant: PushD "%~dp0"IF EXIST "%~0.ELEVATED" DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED"SET Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /F /TN \"%TaskName%\" /TR \"%Task%\" /SC ONLOGONSET ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %Argument%', '', 'runas')ECHO %ELEVATED_CMD% >> "%~0.ELEVATED"CALL %ELEVATED_CMD%DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED"PopD I wouldn't think you would need to run SCHTASKS twice, once directly and once via Powershell. If you do, why? Cheers and Regards
  12. @cmos Thanks for your explanation! Cheers and Regards
  13. @cmos, That is very impressive improvements for a seemingly simple change. It might be useful for you and others to also post the sizes of RAM disks that you have found appropriate and the tools and methods you used to "properly" align your HDD. Overall system specs and the list of what exactly you are having Win Toolkit do, how many McRip or KUC updates and how many addons etc (maybe even the log), would also allow others to make apples-to-apples comparisons with their own results. Cheers and Regards
  14. Yet another advantage of doing this would be that if you ever have a problem with a new release of Win Toolkit, it will be real easy to just say "See part 4 step 3 - [link]" rather than have to explain things from scratch every time. As far as where to put it, it will probably be good for it to end up in the Guides section, especially if it ends up with screenshots etc - less likely for it to get buried - but I think it would be appropriate to just start a thread here, and if Lego thinks it is a good idea he can always move the thread to the Guides section later. Kind of give it a chance to be "vetted". Just a thought. I'm sure either way will be fine. Cheers and Regards
  15. On the other hand, I choose to run "Everything" as a portable app, ie not actually installed, and with no registration entries and do not have it ever show up on the task bar at all. In fact, I use the search function infrequently enough that I do not keep the program running and only launch it when I actually need to search for something. But to each their own. Cheers and Regards
  16. <p>It might be useful to document your complete process. I would be quite interested to see it in as much detail as you can give, a tutorial if you will. I think you use KUC if I remember right. And I'm pretty sure I remember that you do a couple of other interesting things as well. Anyway, it might give others an example of how they could do something similar, not to mention giving you something to refer to the next time you get rusty. <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.wincert.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png" title=":)" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Cheers and Regards</p>
  17. What installer? Installer for what? Cheers and Regards
  18. Just to get used to how things work, why don't you make as simple a build as possible - no extra drivers, no addons, no removals, etc, just to practice and convince yourself that the builder works. Remember to double check the MD5 of the Win-Toolkit download, temporarily disable any anti-virus and sandbox type programs, and use a short path for all your work folders, such as C:\WinTK. If that works, then you can try changing things and if you have problems you can bet that there is at least a 75% chance that you probably did something wrong. Cheers and Regards
  19. Well, you, as the OP, can change the title to [sOLVED] by editing it in the first post. Lego then will move it out of the way if he wishes. Cheers and Regards
  20. I'll look at it in more detail later this evening, but if anyone can point to anything I did different than the original, as far as the scheduling of the Task is concerned, that would be a big help. (I kept saying that I've never used either SCHTASKS or PowerShell. No excuse I know, but...) Cheers and Regards Original for Win7 (post #74): :ver_7 :Run Windows 7 specific commands here. GOTO Elevation :Elevation REM Don't forget escape double quotes for CMD argument that you will pass to powershell PushD "%~dp0" IF EXIST "%~0.ELEVATED" DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" SET Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /F /TN \"%TaskName%\" /TR \"%Task%\" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST SET ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %Argument%', '', 'runas') ECHO %ELEVATED_CMD% >> "%~0.ELEVATED" CALL %ELEVATED_CMD% DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" PopD GOTO exit :exit My latest (post #95) [%_Schedule%=ONLOAD]: :psFound REM Do not forget to escape any double quotes in CMD arguments that you will pass to PowerShell SET _Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /TN \"%_TaskName%\" /TR \"%_Task%\" /SC %_Schedule% /RL HIGHEST /F SET _ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %_Argument%', '', 'runas') PushD "%~dp0" DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" >NUL 2>&1 ECHO %_ELEVATED_CMD% >"%~0.ELEVATED" CALL %_ELEVATED_CMD% DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" >NUL 2>&1 PopD GOTO:exit Original for XP: :ver_xp :Run Windows XP specific commands here. REM Delete variable, may be cached SET "Result=" REM WinXP doesn't support TN for schtasks /query FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('schtasks /query /fo csv /v ^| findstr /L /C:"%TaskName%"') DO SET Result=%%R IF (%Result%)==() SET Result="-1" IF "%TaskName%" == %Result% ( REM Delete Task if it exists SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%TaskName%" /F ) REM Then Create on Logon running one SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%TaskName%" /TR "%Task%" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST GOTO exit My latest: :treatAsXP REM or PowerShell NOT found - using FINDSTR is necessary since WinXP does not support TN for schtasks /query (SET _Result="-1") & FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('SCHTASKS /query /fo csv /v ^| FINDSTR /L /C:"%_TaskName%"') DO (SET _Result=%%R) IF "%_TaskName%"==%Result% (SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%_TaskName%" /F) SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%_TaskName%" /TR "%_Task%" /SC %_Schedule% /RL HIGHEST GOTO:exit Cheers and Regards
  21. Geej, did you try with the updated batch in post #95?
  22. Doesn't Win Toolkit automatically move those to where they can be installed? Cheers and Regards
  23. Is this problematic tweak the only HKEY_CURRENT_USER tweak that isn't working? Do you have any others? Is HKEY_CURRENT_USER defined the RunOnce stage of XP install? Cheers and Regards
  24. Batch has been slightly cleaned up and a small potential problem has been corrected in the XP section. Please use and verify this version. @ECHO OFF & SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION::***********************************************************:::: Everything_Schedule.bat :::: Sets variables _Schedule, _TaskName, _Task and goes ahead :::: Original script from: http://myunster.com :::: Modified by bphlpt 2013-02-05 ::::***********************************************************::CALL :sub_CleanUp REM Set Task specific variables - %ProgramFiles% will be used if OS is 32-bit, %ProgramFiles(x86)% if OS is 64-bit(SET "_Schedule=ONLOGON")(SET "_TaskName=Everything")(SET "_X86=(x86)") & (IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" (IF NOT DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (SET "_X86=")))(SET _Task=\"%%ProgramFiles%_X86%%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup) REM Check if OS is XP, if it is not XP then check for PowerShell in case it was uninstalledFOR /F "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%G IN ('VER') DO (SET "_WinVer=%%G")FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=. " %%G IN ('ECHO %_WinVer%') DO (IF "%%G"=="5" GOTO:treatAsXP)START "Get Windows Version" /WAIT REGEDIT /E "%TEMP%.\_Temp.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1"IF EXIST "%TEMP%.\_Temp.reg" (FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%G IN ('TYPE "%TEMP%.\_Temp.reg" ^| FIND /I "Install"') DO ( (SET /A "_PSInstalled=%%H") & (IF "!_PSInstalled!"=="1" GOTO:psFound))) :treatAsXPREM or PowerShell NOT found - using FINDSTR is necessary since WinXP does not support TN for schtasks /query(SET _Result="-1") & FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('SCHTASKS /query /fo csv /v ^| FINDSTR /L /C:"%_TaskName%"') DO (SET _Result=%%R)IF "%_TaskName%"==%Result% (SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%_TaskName%" /F)SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%_TaskName%" /TR "%_Task%" /SC %_Schedule% /RL HIGHESTGOTO:exit :psFoundREM Do not forget to escape any double quotes in CMD arguments that you will pass to PowerShellSET _Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /TN \"%_TaskName%\" /TR \"%_Task%\" /SC %_Schedule% /RL HIGHEST /FSET _ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %_Argument%', '', 'runas')PushD "%~dp0"DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" >NUL 2>&1ECHO %_ELEVATED_CMD% >"%~0.ELEVATED"CALL %_ELEVATED_CMD%DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" >NUL 2>&1PopDGOTO:exit :sub_CleanUpREM Clean up any leftover files or variablesDEL "%TEMP%.\_Temp.reg" >NUL 2>&1FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%G IN ('"SET "_" 2>nul"') DO (SET "%%G=")EXIT /B 0 :exitCALL :sub_CleanUpENDLOCAL & EXIT
  25. Spaces aren't the only issue. Sometimes it's the resulting path length. If you end up with a path length >256 characters it can create problems for you. Even if Win Toolkit is able to finish everything without error, if you then try to copy or move that folder elsewhere on your system, Windows itself might complain. I have run into this even with Win7 x64. Not if it's just the ISO, but rather if you expand it. It's always safer to keep the path length a short as possible. Cheers and Regards
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