Everything posted by cro-man
Simulated Trip to Mars Is Planned
Simulated Trip to Mars Is Planned
If you have planetary vision, want to be on the cutting edge and don't get bored easily, the European Space Agency may be looking for you. It is looking for 12 volunteers for a simulated mission to Mars that will last up to 520 days in "extreme isolation and confinement." NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took this picture of Mars 11 hours before the planet made its closest approach to Earth on Aug. 26, 2003. . If you have planetary vision, want to be on the cutting edge and don't get bored easily, the European Space Agency may be looking for you. It is looking for 12 volunteers for a simulated mission to Mars that will last up to 520 days in "extreme isolation and confinement." Despite the rigorous conditions, more than 2,000 applications have been received in two days, project manager Jennifer Ngo-Anh said Thursday, June 21, 2007. Despite the rigorous conditions, more than 2,000 applications have been received in two days, project manager Jennifer Ngo-Anh said Thursday. "The reaction has been really overwhelming. My mailbox is full," she said in a telephone interview. Candidates must be citizens of one of 15 European countries or Canada, be highly motivated and speak English and Russian, among other requirements. Unlike the adventurous spirits attracted to the desert island prospects of reality TV, only the "serious" need apply for this simulated interplanetary voyage, the space agency said. The payoff is likely less glamorous, too. Remuneration is "in line with international standards" for clinical studies, is all it would say. The Paris-based agency, known as ESA, is working on the Mars500 project with the Institute for Biomedical Problems in Moscow and the simulated mission will be conducted there and include Russians. The Russian participants will be chosen separately in Russia. The volunteers will investigate the "human factor" of a trip to the Red Planet - "a journey with no way out once the spaceship is on a direct path to Mars," ESA says. The experiment will emphasize psychological factors, including stress resistance. The goal is to test how the volunteers hold up in nearly a year-and-a-half of close confinement, in cramped quarters with others and when communications with Earth can take 20 minutes to reach their destination - each way. The simulation is to take place in a series of connected modules, mimicking life in a spacecraft on a trip to Mars, including once it has landed on the planet. The routine includes scientific experiments. Read more Here Want to pretend to go to Mars? Apply here
Users looking to get the most out of Windows Vista can now download the free beta of TweakVista. The feature-packed utility includes features such as: -- Security Handling: Users can now easily and safely adjust the way Windows handles security prompting including the new UAC (User Account Control) -- Memory Optimization: TweakVista knows which start-up services different types of users will typically use and offers recommendations on what services to disable. Users can easily switch between different profiles (including the default) based on their needs to maximize performance and memory use. -- Resource Control: Tweak Vista has several features for keeping an eye on and flagging programs that use excessive amounts of resources (memory, CPU, or system handles) as well as integrating seamlessly with built in hardware diagnostic reports. -- Start-Up Management: TweakVista not only will display and enable users to control what programs are loading on start-up but will identify in plain English what these programs do. Internet integration in the software allows users to comment on these processes within the program to one another. -- Performance Assessments: TweakVista uses the new Windows Vista assessment features to benchmark nearly every aspect of a user's PC and allow them to submit their results for comparison with other users of similar or upgraded hardware. -- TweakVista.com integration: TweakVista partners the software development skills of Stardock with the on-going tweak expertise of TweakVista.com to provide an on-going live database of helpful tips and tricks for maximizing the Windows Vista experience. Download TweakVista Public Beta
McAfee Total Protection 2.0 Beta
The beta was posted to McAfee's Web site on Monday. It will be available for download until August 1, 2007, and beta testers will continue to receive signature files until September 1. Total Protection 2007 is McAfee's high-end consumer product, expected to be launched by the end of September this year. It includes network management and wireless protection capabilities that are not available in the company's flagship Internet Security Suite. If this is your first time visiting beta.mcafee.com, you will be asked to provide an email address and a password for beta.mcafee.com. Once the sign-up process is complete, you can log in to select the products to beta test. Sign-up HERE
VeohTV beta
VeohTV is free software that lets you watch and record Internet video from thousands of video sources. Watch full-length episodes from ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, YouTube, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, and thousands of others. Finding something to watch is easy, simply use the TV-style guide, or search via keywords. You can even use a remove control. As you use VeohTV, it learns what you like and automatically recommends videos to you. VeohTV is currently in a by invitation only beta, to get an invite, you must fill out a form. VeohTV Home
FinalBurner is a freeware alternative to expensive CD and DVD burners. This 4-Mb application enables you to create data, audio, DVD disks and burn them onto any type of media, such as CD R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD DL. You can also create an ISO image of a disk. FinalBurner combines all the elements of a professional CD recorder, delivered with a convenient user interface that pleases the eye.Final Burner is designed without any extraneous features. It restricts the complex process of CD recording to a few mouse clicks, which is ideal for typical users. Now you can produce high quality output on the fly without any deep knowledge of CD recording technologies. Power users will benefit from the opportunity to be in full control of many settings that affect the burning process and the quality of the result. And, of course, it's free!Depending on the project type (audio, video, etc.), you click on the appropriate tab and open its window, where the project is displayed as a folder tree. Then, using the built-in explorer, you add a file or several files to the project, select the drive, writing speed, and start the burning process. While the recording is in progress, you can view its current status at the bottom of the window. FinalBurner is available for Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003. All features in detail: Create Data-CDs/DVDs//BLU-RAY Burn any Data on CD-R/CD-RW/DVD+R/DVD-R/DVD+RW/DVD-RW/DVD+R DL/BLU-RAY Autorun menu designer DVD-Video authoring and mastering Burn mp3-CDs to store many audio files on one single disc Create bootable discs Drag and drop files directly from any Windows Explorer window Burn on-the-fly and with buffer-underrun protections Quick- and full-erase disc Create Audio-CDs Create Audio-CDs from mp3, wav, ogg and wma* files Play audio-files with integrated audio player Rip Audio-CDs Rip tracks from any audio-CD to wav or mp3 Burn ISO files to CD Create your own ISO files Import previous sessions Supports most IDE, USB, Firewire and SCSI drives ASPI not required for NT/2000/XP 100% freeware - no adware or spyware Operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server. Publisher: Protectedsoft Download FinalBurner Free
Windows SteadyState
You`r welcome :welcome:
Windows SteadyState
Brief Description Whether you manage computers in a school computer lab or an Internet cafe, a library, or even in your home, Windows SteadyState helps make it easy for you to keep your computers running the way you want them to, no matter who uses them. Brief Description Windows
My Pictures 3D
My Pictures 3D product line has been created to let you enjoy your favorite pictures in 3D environment! The first two of these products, My Pictures 3D Screensaver and My Pictures 3D Album, are already available. We plan to add more products, while continuing to enhance and update the products you already use. The idea behind My Pictures 3D line is to place your digital photos into a picturesque environment of realistic 3D galleries. Imagine your pictures hanging on the walls of a modern Showroom, a secluded Yard or a bohemian-style Art Gallery. You can always download more galleries to use with My Pictures 3D products and plunge into the atmosphere of a Greek temple or a mysterious medieval castle. The pleasing lifelike atmosphere of all galleries is created thanks to amazingly natural-looking graphics and exquisite detail. With My Pictures 3D line we are glad to offer you a variety of exciting opportunities - from enjoying screensavers featuring your photos to creating highly customizable 3D albums for sharing them with your friends and family. Download: http://www.mypictures3d.com/downloads.html
- ScreenMarker
Animated shutdown boxes
Hi, Mr`X First of all, these are AVIs, not GIFs. Here is a tut how to make animated boxes, so that you have a picture of it, how it works. Make a copy of msgina.dll.Open the copy of msgina with resourcehacker. Go to Dialog--->String 20100---->1033 and open it. In the small dialogbox move the controls(left doubleclick and move) of stand by,turn off and restart,and the text above, up and down. Should look like the next pic: Now rightclick in the empty space. A popup window will appear. Select "Insert Control"and rightclick on it. In the next popup window(Control editor)) select "Sysanimate" At the left side check ACS Transparent,ACS Autoplay,WS Visible,WS Child and hit OK. In the Control tab appears a new Control. Look like this: CONTROL "", 0, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 57, 42, 60, 60 Now look at this Control: CONTROL "#1", 20100, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 65535, 29, 207, 65 Your new Control should look exact as the Control above excluded "65535, 29, 207, 65" This is the size and the position of the AVI that you put in. We return to this later. Comtrol "#1" should be the name of your AVI that you put in.You can put any name instead of 1.("#MyWife" or whatewer you want). "20100" is the number of the Control.In the Controls tab, each control have a number. The number of your new control should be the nearest or the latest of the numbers on Controls, eg. when the first control number is 20101, yours should be 20100,or when the last number is 20109,yours should be 20110. OK,Modify your new Control and hit Compile Script,close the Dialogs. Click on AVI,than on Action--Ad a new resource. In the next popup window hit "Open file with new resource and point it to your AVI. Hit "Add resource",close AVI dialog,go back to Dialog,open 20100--1033 and fix the size of yor AVI.Hit compile script.close Resourcehacker and save changes.Replace the original msgina.dll with the hacked one and restart computer. About Properties The dimensions of the AVI are 284 x 115 The position of the Avi in Dialog 20100 is 18, 27, 159, 52 By rightclicking on the field, and dragging it around, you can change the position of the AVI. It should look in such a way: CONTROL "#1", 20100, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 18, 27, 159, 52 And that it is the result: In most cases the size and the position of the AVI must be corrected.( See below ) In this case dimensions of the AVI are 304 x 114 and the position is 3,27,158,52 The result: I hope that helps you.
Alien Arena 2007
I downloaded it, will try it out later.
Alien Arena 2007
Those of you looking for a free game (c'mon, don't pretend that you're not) - look no further than Alien Arena 2007. v6.05 of the free full game has just been released, for Windows and - in a move sure to impress some of you, for Linux as well. You can also grab the "Accessories Pack", if you're into that sort of thing. But what is Alien Arena 2007? According to their own description, they are: An independently-produced FPS, one in a series of standalone games based on a classic Sci-Fi theme with a modern, updated visual experience. ...which is all well and good, but what does it actually mean? First released to the public in October 2004, nearly every aspect of the game has been revamped and redone, 2007 even sees an almost total overhaul on code and content from the 2006 title - the improvements almost making it an entirely new game. You can expect 37 levels, five playmodes, built in bots, six mutators, eight weapons (with alt-fire modes), ten player characters and an almost endless supply of replayability. The game is described as being perfect for gamers who enjoy rich, colourful arcade-like atmospheres, like a bit of fast-paced deathmatch and aren't put off by some retro sci-fi. It combines aspects of Quake III and the classic Unreal Tournament, bundles them together with some original ideas and a bunch of old-fashioned aliens, and ends up with a unique title. UPDATE: We've just uncovered a stash of AA2K7 screenshots! They weren't kidding when they said the look had been revamped - check these out for a taste! Enlarge Enlarge Enlarge Enlarge Source: Internode Games Network Download: C|Net Dowload.com
Favorite Skin on Wincert
I like Ref Blue, :dribble: but Itab is pretty nice too
Animated shutdown boxes
Here: Eyes Eagle
Windows Worms Doors Cleaner v1.4.1
You`r welcome :welcome:
Animated shutdown boxes
I made the Boxes for a member of the MSFN forum, if someone is interested,Downloadlink is HERE.The Zip File contains Replacer, Comression Bin, Net Framework 2, Makecab and Modyfype. msgina.dll is for XP Prof. SP 2 File version 5.1.2600.2180
Safari for Windows beta 3.0.1 is available now.
Safari 3.0 was a Beta too.
Safari for Windows beta 3.0.1 is available now.
Safari Beta 3.0.1 for Windows Apple has released Safari Beta 3.0.1 for Windows, an update to their recently-introduced Web browser for Windows XP and Vista. The new version is available for download from Apple
- Chime.TV
- Chime.TV
Windows Home Server RC1 Released
Yesterday Microsoft makes available download of the Release Candidate (RC) near-final test build of Windows Home Server. If you wish to participate in Windows Home Server evaluation program and/or to participate in the Code2Fame Challenge, you
Vista tweak
One thing which really annoys me about the Vista desktop is the size of the icons. Perhaps I
Don't Shut Off Vista UAC, There's A Better Way
One of the most annoying things about Microsoft Windows Vista is User Account Control, and all the warnings it pops up to ask if you just did something you really wanted to do. Like, either (a) it wasn't you who pressed the Enter key, but the ghost of your grandfather standing at your shoulder, or ( you really are too stupid to be trusted to know you want to install a program or open an attachment. The temptation is strong to shut UAC warnings up by disabling the controls, but that causes more problems, like making it even more difficult to do some things in Vista. Fortunately, there's a better way. The annoyance of UAC pop-ups is unfortunately front-loaded: they happen most often when Vista is new and you're installing new applications and downloading files more often. The temptation is strong to kill them, because it's easy. Just go to Start > Control Panel > Security > Security Center > Other Security Settings. But the problem with shutting off UAC is that other security-conscious Vista components may decide it's just not safe to run without them, like the Windows Installer. The UAC pop-up is not just a simple "Are You Sure?" warning. Responding affirmatively to the pop-up actually elevates your permissions, if your user account is in the Administrator group and your permissions can be elevated. At Microsoft's Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) recently I was whining about UAC to a Microsoft techie who told me there's a switch that can be set to automatically accept all UAC warnings, and using this switch rather than disabling UAC is a good thing because it leaves Vista security in place. He's probably right, but the problem is you need a Ph.D. in Vista to figure out how to set the switch. The techie sent me a screen shot of how to find the switch in the Microsoft Management Console, which is great if you're in IT for a big company, but if you're sitting at home with a new Vista box trying to figure this out, that's not going to help much. There is a way to do it through the Control panel. Click Start and Control Panel. Switch to Classic View (if you haven't already) and click on the Administration Tools icon. In the list that opens click on Local Security Policy, and in the next window, Local Policies (a tiny bit redundant, but all UIs can't be perfect -- If UAC is running you'll get a UAC pop-up somewhere in here). In the Local Policies list click Security Options, and scroll down to "User Account Control: Behavior" (the full title of the policy is "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" but the window barely opens that far). Double-click the title and in the dialog box change its setting from "Prompt for Consent" to "Elevate without prompting." Click OK and the urge to tear your hair and scream at your PC will be greatly diminished in the future. (One note of caution: This works for Vista Ultimate. I don't guarantee it will work in all versions, or in all time zones. Please add a comment below if you've got a version of Vista it doesn't work with.) Posted by David DeJean, Jun 11, 2007 04:57 PM Source: InformationWeek
Safari 3 Beta for Windows
June 11, 2007 Apple