Everything posted by cro-man
Unknown Hardware installing..
ACPI Short for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, a power management specification developed by Intel, Microsoft, and Toshiba. ACPI, enables the operating system to control the amount of power given to each device attached to the computer. With ACPI, the operating system can turn off peripheral devices, such as a CD-ROM players, when they're not in use. As another example, ACPI will enable manufacturers to produce computers that automatically power up as soon as you touch the keyboard.
Floppy office
Floppy Office is a collection of small, self contained no-install free office software applications which enable the end use access to every tool, utility and program imaginable for home, business, and student users alike. All of the self-contained, standalone applications require no installation, whatsoever, and for this reason make the perfect companion software package for your USB stick. All one needs to do is to extract all the zip files containing each application to their USB, configure them to their liking, and they are all set. The applications included in this bundle are: an encryption program, a zip utility, an FTP client, a multiple document interface Rich Text editor, a notepad-style editor, secure file shredder, full POP email client, web server for hosting files via http, a mini tree-style outliner, vector graphics editor, a spreadsheet program compatible with Microsoft Excel, file renaming utility, and a PDF creator. Since these applications are so small, you may be wondering if these are all console applications. The answer is no
CCleaner v1.40.520
CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! Cleans the following Internet Explorer Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat. Firefox Temporary files, URL history, cookies, download history. Opera Temporary files, URL history, cookies. Windows Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files. Registry cleaner Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature. Third-party applications Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, MS Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more... 100% Spyware FREE This software does NOT contain any Spyware, Adware or Viruses. What's New v1.40.520 - [16th May 2007] - Fixed problem with Vista UAC compatibility. - Fixed bug in Secure Delete when emptying Recycle Bin. - Fixed bug in Secure Delete with 0 byte files. - Fixed bug in Uninstall Tool with non-standard entries. - Resource file loading optimizations. - Updated Windows Live toolbar cleaning. - Added Bulgarian translation. - Updated several translations. - Updated installer engine. - Minor bug fixes. Homepage CCleaner.com Click here for a Quick Tour... Download CCleaner
Adaptive optics pinpoints 2 supermassive black holes in colliding galaxies
Send me a postcard from there :stargate7xu5:
Adaptive optics pinpoints 2 supermassive black holes in colliding galaxies
An adaptive optics image of the double nucleus of the galaxy merger NGC 6240, taken in infrared light with the Keck II Telescope. The feature within the north nucleus labeled "North 2" is at the position of the northern supermassive black hole. The southern supermassive black hole is located just north (above) the feature labeled "South 1" in the south nucleus. The yellow vertical line represents one second of arc, or 490 parsecs at the distance of NGC 6240. Image Credit: C. Max, G. Canalizo, and W. de Vries. Astronomers have discovered the exact location and makeup of a pair of supermassive black holes at the center of a collision of two galaxies more than 300 million light years away. Using adaptive optics (AO), which clear the blurring effects of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere, Livermore scientists observed that the two black holes formed at the center of a rotating disk of stars in the galaxy merger known as NGC 6240 and are surrounded by a cloud of young star clusters. Supermassive black holes contain millions to billions of times the mass of the sun and are believed to exist in the center of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way. For years, astronomers have known that NGC 6240 hosted at least one supermassive black hole. Later observations at NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory confirmed that there were actually two supermassive black holes in the core of NGC 6240. And the new research, which appears in the May 17 edition of Science Express, confirms the exact location and environment of the two black holes from observations at the W.M. Keck Observatory. "People had observed this pair of colliding galaxies at different wavelengths and seen what they thought were the black holes, but it's been very hard to make sense of how the observations at various wavelengths correspond to each other," said Claire Max, lead author of the paper. Max is an astronomer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics and a faculty member at UC Santa Cruz. "The adaptive optics results enabled us to tie it all together, so now we can really see it all
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Sapphire Releases Water Cooled TOXIC Radeon HD 2900 XT
The SAPPHIRE HD2900 XT TOXIC features the latest unified shader architecture with 320 shaders, and the world
- Fresh Air Mask
A galactic fossil: Star is found to be 13.2 billion years old
From left: Recent cosmological studies show that the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago. The metal-poor star HE 1523 formed in our Milky Way galaxy soon afterward, cosmologically speaking: 13.2 billion years ago. The primitive star contained the radioactive heavy elements uranium and thorium, and the amounts of those elements decay over time, each according to its own half-life. Today, astronomer Anna Frebel of the the University of Texas at Austin McDonald Observatory and her colleagues have deduced the star's age based on the amounts of radioactive elements it contains compared to certain other "anchor" elements, specifically europium, osmium and iridium. The study of the star's chemical make-up was made using the UVES spectrograph on the Kueyen Telescope, part of ESO's Very Large Telescope, at Paranal, in Chile. How old are the oldest stars" Using ESO's VLT, astronomers recently measured the age of a star located in our Galaxy. The star, a real fossil, is found to be 13.2 billion years old, not very far from the 13.7 billion years age of the Universe. The star, HE 1523-0901, was clearly born at the dawn of time. Source: Physorg,com
Distant planet gets its weather mapped
HD 149026b is a sweltering 3,700 degrees Fahrenheit, so hot that astronomers believe it is absorbing almost all of the heat from its star, and reflecting very little to no light. Curious hot and cold spots, indicating the presence of roaring winds faster than the speed of sound, adorn the first weather "map" of a planet orbiting a nearby star. A team of astronomers Wednesday unveiled the map of the planet, labeled HD 189733b, that orbits scorchingly close to a star 63 light-years away. The angle of the orbit allows astronomers to see its passage in front of its star every 2.2 days. "The real surprise is how well we did in seeing these features," says lead researcher Heather Knutson of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "We're seeing large features in the planet's atmosphere." The scientists created the map by using NASA's Spitzer space telescope, which can pick up heat from distant planets. As the planet passes in front of the star and then behind, they subtract the light from the star from the combined images to calculate the leftover light from the planet. Data can then be examined to identify distinct weather patterns. The planet appears to have a 1,720-degree "bull's-eye" and a cooler patch of 1,291 degrees nearby, Knutson says. Source: USA Today
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Nasa unveils Hubble's successor
The US space agency Nasa has unveiled a model of a space telescope that scientists say will be able to see to the farthest reaches of the universe. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is intended to replace the ageing Hubble telescope. It will be larger than its predecessor, sit farther from Earth and have a giant mirror to enable it to see more. Officials said the JWST - named after a former Nasa administrator - was on course for launch in June 2013. The full-scale model is being displayed outside the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in the US capital, Washington DC. 'Birth of the universe' The $4.5bn (
Joomla! 1.5 Beta-2
Joomla! proudly presents its most important coding adrenaline surge to the development and designer community. With today's release of Joomla! 1.5 Beta-2, we're shifting gears into turbo mode; an entirely re-factored core, internationalisation, FTP layering, next-generation API and framework that's so flexible and powerful and, of course, a designer's dream for unparalleled templating flexibility. We've dubbed Beta-2 'Red Barchetta', in keeping with the spirit of freedom, power, simplicity and flexibility unknown in an Open Source framework. Download: Joomla! v1.5 beta 2 (Freeware) Homepage: Joomla
Google Earth 4.1 (beta) Released
Google Earth 4.1 (beta) Released! Google Earth 4.1.7076.4458 (beta) for Windows, the same version number for the Mac. (NOTE: the servers for downloading Google Earth may not have the latest version available yet. Be patient and try later if you don't get the new version right away.) When I downloaded the windows version the file name was: Google_Earth_BZXD.exe. Again, here is the download page for the latest version.
Star explosion rocks astronomers
I I love this kind of stuff too
VMware Workstation Version 6 Released
Finally :thumbsup_anim:
Star explosion rocks astronomers
NASA astronomers Monday reported the biggest and brightest star explosion ever recorded, a blast whose light began reaching Earth in the past year from 240 million light-years away. The remnants of the explosion pose no threat to people or electronics, but it still offers hints of a future fireworks display from another, much closer star
Windows Live Toolbar
Windows Live Toolbar helps you browse better Start a search from any web page Get better protection against phishing scams and viruses See instant previews of maps and weather from any web page Personalize your web experience with custom buttons Use Windows Desktop Search to instantly find information on your PC Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later Download Windows Live Toolbar
VMware Workstation Version 6 Released
VMware Inc today released version 6 of its virtualization product VMware Workstation. VMware Workstation runs under a wide range of Linux and Windows versions and allows installation of an even wider range of guest operating systems within virtual machines. Among many possible applications are letting help desk personnel easily keep different Windows versions at hand, testing new software products under a variety of environments, and analyzing malicious software without the risk that it might damage a physical computer. Version 6 adds full support for Windows Vista both as host and guest along with significant feature enhancements from the previous version. With this version, VMware's support for Windows Vista moves from "experimental" to mainstream. It fully supports all aspects of Vista inside a virtual machine except for the high-end graphics. At this time it doesn't provide the 3D graphics support necessary for Vista's Aero Glass display mode. However, VMware's senior director of virtual software lifecycle automation James Phillips said that this will change, as the necessary support is "in the lab" at present. Download the datasheet for more information or get an evaluation copy and try it for yourself.
Network Monitor 3.1 Beta Has Released!
The NM3.1 Beta is available and simmering with new features for you to test. I
More ATI Radeon HD 2600 and HD 2400 Details Unveiled
ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT AMD's ATI Radeon HD 2600 features 120 stream processors AMD
Fashionable USBCell batteries
Stylish batteries may not be on your top 100 list of fashion accessories -- especially if you never knew they were an option -- but if you think about it, in the back of your mind, haven't you always wished for a prettier battery? After all, it's a product that shows up in your life on a daily basis, and you have to look at it just like you have to look at your coffee maker or toaster, which have long been a part of the world of style. UK company Moxia Energy, maker of the USBCell rechargeable battery, will soon be releasing these pastel-colored AA batteries for the "increasingly fashion conscious battery consumer." There's no information yet on pricing of the pastel batteries, but the regular USBCell batteries come in packs of two for $19.95. Considering that they can be recharged hundreds of times from USB ports, the price is both an economical and ecological investment. Moxia is also working on Tartan designs for Scottish customers and camouflage versions for the military, and designers are invited to work with the company to create other exclusive battery designs. Source: Popgadget
Winamp 5.34a Security Patch
This security patch includes a version of in_mp4.dll (v1.22) which fixes the MP4 file parsing buffer overflow vulnerability issue. Note, if you didn't install support for MP4/M4A in the first place (Winamp\Plugins\in_mp4.dll), then you don't need the patch. Download: 5.34a Security Patch Winamp Homepage
Test Another Google Prototype
Google is constantly confronting portions of their user base with layout prototypes in order to collect usage data. If you want to reproduce above search layout, which is a mixture of several layouts tested in the past, go to www.google.com/ncr, enter the following in the browser address bar, and hit return: java script:document.cookie="PREF=ID=9d04e374b01fd77c:TM=1177187296:LM=1178229339:DV=AA:GM=1:IG=3:S=Iiqx SsQA0p79zvy;path=/; domain=.google.com" ( To revert back to the old Google version, just delete your Google cookies.) Source: Google Blogoscoped
VLC Media Player 0.8.6b
VLC (initially VideoLAN Client) is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MP3, and OGG, as well as for DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It also can be used as a server for unicast or multicast streams in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network. The most prominent additions to version 0.8.6 are probably Windows Media Video 9 and Flash Video. Other important changes are improved H.264 decoding, better Windows Unicode support, and a full-screen controller Version 0.8.6b includes enhanced Flash video support and a variety of bug fixes. Publisher: VideoLAN Project License: Free File Size: 9.08MB Date added: 05-MAY-07 Download