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Everything posted by cro-man

  1. cro-man replied to cro-man's post in a topic in Software Field
    That was fast :prop:
  2. A blocking tool is available for organizations that would like to temporarily prevent installation of Service Pack updates through Windows Update. This tool can be used with: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (valid through March, 2008) Windows XP Service Pack 3 (valid for 12 months following general availability) Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (valid for 12 months following general availability) This toolkit contains three components. All of them function primarily to set or clear a specific registry key that is used to detect and block download of Service Packs from Windows Update. You only need to use the component which best serves your organization
  3. Happy Birthday Kel :beerchug:
  4. You`r welcomme :welcome:
  5. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    FreeCommander is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager. The program helps you with daily work in Windows. Here you can find all the necessary functions to manage your data stock. You can take FreeCommander anywhere - just copy the installation directory on a CD, USB-Stick or even a floppy disk - and you can even work with this program on a foreign computer. Main features in FreeCommander: * Dual-panel technology - horizontal and vertical * Tabbed interface * Optional tree view for each panel * Built in file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format * File viewer inside archives too * Built in archive handling: ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write), RAR (read) * Nested archive handling * Easy access to system folders, control panel, desktop and start menu * Copy, move, delete, rename files and folders * Wipe files * Create and verify MD5 checksums * File splitting * File properties and context menu * Calculation of folder size * Folder comparison / synchronization * Modification of file date and attributes * Folder / program favorites * File searching (inside archive too) * File filters for display * User defined columns for detailed view * DOS command line * Multiple language support
  6. cro-man replied to LUZR4LIFE's post in a topic in Funny Lounge
    Me too :w00t:
  7. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    This versatile desktop utility offers an appealing selection of features. At its most basic level, Desktop Sidebar lets you switch between programs or access documents more easily and efficiently, just like Windows Taskbar. But you also can transform Desktop Sidebar into a personal organizer with many plugins such as a clock, an e-mail checker, a calendar, a stock-quote ticker,a weather watcher,Windows Media Player controls, the QuickLaunch bar, commandline launcher and more. Desktop Sidebar can manage your RSS feeds and help streamline Web searches.You can add new items and configure the layout and design in many aspects. The software is nicely done and makes a useful add-on for your desktop. It can be displayed permanently or auto-hide itself when not in use.Desktop Sidebar is fully customizable. With skin support, you can change the appearance of sidebar and can freely arrange panels by adding, removing, moving and grouping them together. All panels can be configured with a number of specific options.With an easy to use Skin Editor, you can freely change the appearance of Desktop Sidebar to suit your tastes. Many third party panels are already available for download and more being created everyday by the Desktop Sidebar Community... Pre-installed Panels include: Newsroom Calendar Tasks Inbox Notes Performance Mail Checker Clock Messenger, Miranda IM and ICQ Media Player WinAmp Volume Control Toolbar Weather Search Bar Stock Slideshow Desktop Sidebar is Freeware I use this app for two years or so. Almost forget what the start button is for. Desktop Sidebar uses minimal system resources, ---->full loaded and is compatible with the following versions of Windows: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista. Btw. our member,Scrat, creates skins for DS.
  8. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    Are you and your keyboard experiencing a communication breakdown? You need KeyTweak, a free keyboard-remapping tool that arranges the keys as they make most sense for you. The program modifies Windows Scancode Map Registry settings. License Type: Free Operating Systems: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
  9. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    License:Free Requirements: Windows Vista Limitations: No limitations Publisher's description of LogonStudio Vista LogonStudio Vista is a free program that enables users to change the user logon screen to Windows Vista. Many logons are included with the program and hundreds of additional logons are available on WinCustomize.com for free.
  10. Hi rubab. Try this to make Decent Looking 16-color (4-bit) Images: Getting a nice 4-bit image requires the use of a palette that matches the needs of the image. That image cannot require more than 16 colors. So you are limited to: cartoon-style images or simple clip-art images that use one small range of colors The reason is that during boot of the computer no grapical driver is loaded. For example, your image that look very realistic, will look super ugly. The default palette contains primary colors and will look horrible. But you can use GIF Animator or Adobe Image Ready (comes with Photoshop 7) to optimize the image with 16 colors.Irfan View is a good freeware solution to optimize yuor bitmap to 16 colors. GIF Animator does a better job and allows you to save the palette as a PAL file. Save the palette and the image as a GIF, reopen in Photoshop, edit the palette so that the first color is Black (0,0,0), and save it as a 4-bit bmp file. To recolor the progress bar, reshack ntoskrnl,bitmap 4 & 8 and do the same as with your bitmap. To move the progress bar is a full time yob!! To do this, you will need a hex editor. How TO change position of the progress bar, also how to change its height: "In order to change progress bars position you must change 5 values (long values - 4 bytes each) inside ntoskrnl.exe. Three of them have the value of the top position of progress bar. The other 2 have the value of top position + the height of the progress bar. So you can change the height of progress bar too . So, in a hex editor you will find this values for ntoskrnl.exe. Note that there's multiple inbetween versions since launch of XP, where location of these differs, while there's lots more of those values inside at the same time, so manual editing is mostly not advised: 1. At position 211263 (offset 3393F) the value 62 01 00 00. That is a long value swapped, so 00000162 in hex = the value 354 in decimal. 2. At position 207838 (offset 32BDE) the value 62 01 00 00. Same as above. 3. At position 207808 (offset 32BC0) the value 62 01 00 00. Same as above. 4. At position 211389 (offset 339BD) the value 6A 01 00 00. That is a long value swapped, so 000016A in hex = the value 362 in decimal (or 354 + 9 pixels the height of progress bar -1). In other words from pixel 354 to pixel 362 there are 9 pixels (the height of progress bar). 5. At position 207798 (offset 32BB6) the value 6A 01 00 00. Same as before. So, if you want to change the position of progress bar, you must change the above 5 values. Of course manually you can change the height of progress bar by changing the positions 4 and 5 to something bigger." Detailed instructions you can find here: http://www.msfn.org/board/Move-Progress-Ba...SP2-t73858.html 16 Colors Palette --------->startup_screen_16_color_Other.zip
  11. Download Auto-Responder Add and read the Tut HERE An other tut HERE & HERE
  12. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    Individual transparency settings for when the mouse is inside and outside the taskbar. - Fade in, fade out. - Makes the taskbar solid when maximized windows exist. - Remembers the original transparency.
  13. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    Revo Uninstaller helps you to remove any unwanted application installed on your computer. With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an application's data before uninstall and scans after you uninstall an application. After the program's regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller scans for an application's data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry items so you can delete them. With its unique "Hunter mode", Revo Uninstaller offers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful approaches to manage (uninstall, stop, delete, disable from auto starting) and to get information about your installed and/or running applications. Revo Uninstaller gives you another 8 handy and powerful tools to clean up your system. Here are the list of all of the tools and utilities that are included: Auto Start Manager - stop programs that start automatically when Windows starts; Speed up loading of Windows! Windows Tools Manager - handy and useful tools bundled with every version of Windows; Easily find useful system tools and options! Junk Files Cleaner - find and remove unnecessary files from your computer; Free up disk space and delete data you do not need! Browsers History Cleaner - erase the web site history, visited pages history and temporary internet files of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera web browsers; Free up a lot of disk space by deleting temporary internet files like temporary saved videos, flash files, pictures etc! Office History Cleaner - remove the history of most recently used files in MS Office; Remove your tracks by deleting the list of last opened MS Office documents! Windows history cleaner - remove the history of recently opened files, delete temporary files, remove usage tracks and other history items that are saved by Windows; Remove your tracks saved by windows for a lot of operations! Unrecoverable Delete Tool - erase files and folders forever; Be sure that nobody could recover your files and folders after deleting! Evidence remover - make sure already deleted files, folders and other data are unrecoverable; Revo Uninstaller is completely free - no cost, no adware, no spyware. Portable
  14. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Windows Customization
    Tinseltown is a Christmas theme with holiday imagery including Christmas lights, snow, reindeer, presents and more. This theme is made eve better with great Christmas icons from Watiworks and a semi-transparent URL bar. Get in the holiday spirit! Tinseltown, the holiday theme, works on Mac, Window and Linux for all to enjoy!
  15. Yust tried to make easy to understand Tutorials.
  16. Awesome find Scrat,thnx
  17. How to Modify Logon Screen, Part 2 To remove the blue part that remained, go back to uifile,open it, scroll dooooooooown to bottom and find this part: <element id=atom(contentcontainer) layout=flowlayout(1,3,2,3) layoutpos=client content=rcbmp(100,0,0,219rp,207rp,1,0)> <element id=atom(leftpanel) sheet=styleref(leftpanelss) layout=filllayout() layoutpos=left> <element id=atom(logoarea) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,3,3,2)> <element id=atom(product) contentalign=topright padding=rect(0rp,0rp,20rp,20rp) content=rcbmp(123,3,-1,137,86,0,0) background=rgb(0,0,0)/> <element id=atom(help) contentalign=wrapright width=384rp padding=rect(0rp,0rp,40rp,0rp)/> </element> <element id=atom(msgarea) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0,2) > <element layout=filllayout() width=384rp> <element id=atom(welcomeshadow) content=rcstr(7)/> <element id=atom(welcome) content=rcstr(7)/> </element> </element> </element> the red marked string changes the remained blue part.In this part of your uifile you can change the text and bitmap positions too! Taaadddaaaa!! Here is a list of bitmap resources that you can change to complete your Logonui: #102 - Password box; #103 - Go button, normal; #104 - Go button, selected; #105 - Help button, normal; #106 - Help button, selected; #107 - Shut down button; #108 - Hibernate button, normal; #109 - Scrollbar arrow, bottom; #110 - Scrollbar arrow, top; #111 - Scrollbar handle; #112 - UserFrame, selected; #113 - UserIcon box, normal; #114 - Sample profile image (?); #119 - UserIcon box, selected; #121 - Undock button; #122 - Hibernate button, selected; #123 - Windows XP logo + text; #124 - Seperator, vertical, for middle panel; #125 - Seperator, horizontal, top; #126 - Seperator, horizontal, bottom; #127 - Windows XP logo + text. String Table" section. #1 & 4 let you specify some differing fonts. Bonus Pack In System 32, Winlogon.exe,String table, you can change some text... The End.
  18. Unfortunately yes :type:
  19. Ok, let`s start First make a backup of your logonui,make a workig folder and copy logonui to it. Fire up your Reshacker and open logonui. When opened you'll find a UIFILE section. When selected, you'll see nothing, but there's a scrollbar, scroll down. There's lots of things you can edit, if you know how, but check these 3 items first: element [id=atom(toppanel)] element [id=atom(contentcontainer)] element [id=atom(bottompanel)] This are general sections for top, whole middle, and bottom panel. Directly underneath, where it says "background: rgb(xxx,xxx,xxx);" you can replace with your own color, or when it's "background: gradient(argb(0,xxx,xxx,xxx), argb(0,xxx,xxx,xxx), 0);" enter the rgb values for your gradient. Well, if you study a bit on the "id's", there's lots more, you can change anything concerning all subitems displayed in these 3 panels. Setting the rgb values for top, whole middle, and bottom panel to "0,0,0" looks like this screens: The blue picture in the Wellcome screen upper left corner and the thin lines are bitmaps. To change the colors of this bitmaps,open the BITMAP folder,open bmp 100 (blue bmp),save it in your working folder,open it with Paintshop or your favorite Photoeditor and change the color.Repeat this with the both lines ( bmp 125,126). Now thi should look like this: To change the "Wellcome" message on first screen go to"String Table" section. In string 1, 2 and 3 you can edit some common messages, like "Welcome". Better? To change the Windows logo go back to Bitmaps.open it and replace Bitmap 123 and 127. To be continued....
  20. Thanx n1nj4Lo :welcome:
  21. Short timeout
  22. How to change the Boot screen of Windows XP The following programs and files will be used to change the boot screen: 1) Resource Hacker 2) Paint Shop Pro 3) Color Palettes (16.pal & win.pal) After installing Paint Shop Pro and Resource Hacker, we are going to create a working directory on our hard drive. I will be using the directory C:\Bootscreen. Copy from your Windows\System32 folder the file "ntoskrnl.exe" into the working directory. Also extract the color Palette zip file to the working folder. Start Resource Hacker open the "ntoskrnl.exe" and go to "Bitmap" - "1" -"1033". Next click on "Action" - "Save [bitmap :1 : 1033]..." to the working directory, giving it a name of your choice. Next start Paint Shop Pro, and load the bmp file you saved in the previous step. Click on "Edit" - "Load Palette" - make sure to choose "Maintain indexes", browse to the location of "16.pal" and click open. Now the boot screen is shown, and you can rebuild it as you wish, using Paint Shop Pro Xp Boot screens are always 640X480 pixels/ 16 colors Once finished, go back to "Edit" - "Load Palette" - "Maintain indexes" - and browse to "win.pal" and "open". The bitmap will turn black again. Click "File" and "Save". Paint Shop Pro can be closed now. Next step to do, is to load your modified bmp into the "ntoskrnl.exe" To do so, start Resource Hacker, open the "ntoskrnl.exe" and go to "Bitmap" - "1" -"1033". Next click on "Action" - "Replace Bitmap..." Click on "Open file with new bitmap", browse to your modified bitmap file and click "Replace" Next click "File" and "Save" To replace the "ntoskrnl.exe" of your running system,use Replacer You have the option to test out your new boot screen before totally overwriting the original. First, name your new ntoskrnl.exe something different (like nttest.exe). In boot.ini, locate this string: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect Add a line just above it with this string: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="My new boot screen" /fastdetect\kernel=nttest.exe (or whatever you named your new ntoskrnl.exe) Now, move your new and renamed ntoskrnl.exe back into your system32 folder. This will allow you to choose which kernel you boot into before Windows starts. Now go ahead and restart. When you get to the prompt, choose "My new boot screen" and see if you like it. If you're happy, go back into boot.ini and delete the string you added. You don't want to keep multiple booting options in your boot.ini. When Windows has critical updates or other updates it needs to install on your system, it only updates what it considers the original kernel, the ntoskrl.exe. Basically, you want to overwrite the original ntoskrnl.exe file so you only have one copy in the System32 folder. Remember, you did make a backup of the true original before at the very start of this exercise, so you can always revert back if you absolutely have to.
  23. cro-man posted a post in a topic in Software Field
    Prism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. Prism lets users add their favorite web apps to their desktop environment: When invoked, these applications run in their own window: They are accessible with Control-Tab, Command-Tab, and Expos
  24. NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) enables you to change the sign-on message text and color, GPU and memory clocks, hidden features like SBA (Side Band Addressing), FastWrites and much more. NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) will support all BIOSes as of the GeForce FX 5xxx Series up to the latest, namely the GeForce 7xxx Series. It does not require any .dll, and will work under any version of Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
  25. cro-man replied to WhiteHat09's post in a topic in Software Field
    Try this: Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It