[AddOn] Vista RTM Aero Cursors
Right, And before I do the above, I'll need to select my cursors of choice - right? laze.
[AddOn] Vista RTM Aero Cursors
You may as well be speaking a foreign language. laze.
[AddOn] Vista RTM Aero Cursors
Hey, I don't suppose you know the registry key to set the default cursors in XP? laze.
[AddOn] LS Patch v1.1 ~ by Windows X
In that case, please add the buttons to the theme linked in my previous message. Thank you. laze :-p
[AddOn] LS Patch v1.1 ~ by Windows X
Hey Rick, The buttons shown in the screenshot above, is it possible to add those to any theme? I'm currently using this theme and the standard buttons without the text look a bit silly. laze.
[AddOn] LS Patch v1.1 ~ by Windows X
Hey, If I remove the following from LSPatch.inf: [Patch.AddShortcut] Name =LS Patch CmdLine =16422,"%PATCH_DIR%",LSPatch_1.1.exe SubDir =Utilities WorkingDir=16422,"%PATCH_DIR%" InfoTip =Hide or Restore Logoff/Shutdown text ~ by Windows X [Strings] PATCH_DIR="Utilities\LS Patch" Will that mean no start-menu entry is created? Also, how would I go about re-packing the cab with my modified LSPatch.inf? Does LSPatch apply itself automatically or will I need to run it everytime I log on? What about newly created users, if it is automated, will it work for them too? laze.
[AddOn] LS Patch v1.1 ~ by Windows X
Hey, I would really like to use this add-on but the download link is dead. If you removed this add-on from your server please re-add it. Thanks. laze.
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
Hello, Have you considered including Prime95? laze.
[Theme] QueVista v4 Mod (LS Patch Required)
Hey, Is is possible to remove the text "Log Off" and "Shut Down" from a traditional Windows theme as you've done with this release? Thanks. laze.
[Theme] Luna Royale v3.2 w/ LClocks
Hey, Nevermind, I've figured it out, I was just being impatient. laze. ps. Feel free to clean your thread by removing my mass of largely useless posts :-).
[Theme] Luna Royale v3.2 w/ LClocks
Hey, I've integrated the theme now but I'd like to set "Luna Royale (Alternative)" as the default variation rather than "Luna Royale" - is this possible and if so, how so? laze.
[Editable] RunOnceEx Windows Defender
Yes - but is it possible? :-) Maybe you can store it in a text file? laze.
[Theme] Luna Royale v3.2 w/ LClocks
Hey, So my best bet really, is to just include a patched uxtheme.dll in my source to begin with. laze.
[Editable] RunOnceEx Windows Defender
Hey, Would it be possible to prompt the user to enter the folder name where their definitions are located, store this as a variable and use it in your batch file. windows defender/deffoldername$ Something like that? laze.
[Editable] RunOnceEx Windows Defender
Hey, I think this is the best idea, suggest your users do a find and replace. There are only two instances of the folder name in your *.cmd file. laze.
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