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  1. I try unzip windows 8.1.iso in folder Windows 7then replace file install.wim (windows 7.iso) into Windows 7/sourcesI copied it into USBboot it boot success same window 8.1 Flag blue + circle i format HDD to install but i restart first but Window freezes at 4 flag
  2. Yes I used the latest version rufush . I using window 8.1 boot by UEFI + GPT but i cant install Windows 7 into GPT + UEFI
  3. Bro help me ! I cant install windows7 in my computer. I use X17-59465(Windows 7 Ultimate x64).ISO I copied the installer by RufusOn GPT partition selection UEFI then i set bios secure boot : disable then i press F12 boot by USB but Window freezes at 4 flag Bro help me !! plss I dont want change setting | UEFI => CSM(lagecy boot) + GPT =>MBR Bro help me !