Well, I finally had the time to try Dism++ and I must say THANKS A LOT!!!! This tool works miracles!!! I was able to reduce mi image from 19,5GB down to 12,7 and install.wim from 5,5GB to 3,2GB (Win81 SL x64). This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thanks!!!!! IT took me a while to get familiarized with the tool due to very poor translation, but after I learned to use it properly, it worked great!!!! PD: When I said I removed all obsolete updates, I meant I removed all *.msu files that were superseeded (by checking one-by-one on windows update catalog). Is there a way to remove superseeded updates that have already been integrated, using wintoolkit? if so, how? Edit: unfortunately, dism++ didn't work on win7 x64. Once I mounted the wim and scaned it for freeable space i got an error saying that it can't process it, 'cause i need to reboot to install some pending updates. Of, course, I cant "reboot" a wim file,since it's not a running system. So I guess I'm screwed...