I much prefer the classic GUI of this version over the new DC version
- this repack is my standard install for all the computers I maintain.
- this repack is compatible with with all versions of Windows from WinXP to Win10.
However you MUST have the Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable runtime installed or the Reader will not start. In some cases you will get a helpful error message if a non-compatible Visual C++ runtime is installed - but in other cases you just get a cryptic message that does not identify the cause of the failure.
Check your installed programs list (Control Panel->Programs & Features [aka Add, Remove Programs])
- you are looking for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable" (you do need the 2010 version)
- it needs to be the x86 version - the x64 version is only used by 64bit applications.
With a clean Win10 install there are NO versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable package installed.
This repack appears to install without any issues but when you attempt to run Adobe Reader XI Lite you get an error message (which makes no mention of Visual C++) and none of the offered options allows the application to run.
The error message reads: Adobe Reader cannot open in Protected Mode due to an incompatibility with your system configuration.
You are offered three options the first two attempt to bypass the issue and the third aborts. If you choose either of the first two options you get a further error: Acrobat failed to load Core DLL
Installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable package solves this issue.