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  1. I see your point about them all eventually being rolled up anyway. Seems we can't escape them. The Quality rollup ads a new service to win 7 called "Diagnostics Tracking Service" and it set to automatically run. One can disable it, but does it really get disabled? I wouldn't mind if ALL the telemetry can be turned off, but has it been proven one can shut up win 7 by registry hacks/group policy switches? Win 10, even with everything shut off, still talks to MS. I would like to know if win 7 can be shut up in a real way opposed to win 10.
  2. I noticed that you put the monthly rollup in (kb3197868). This is the first time it adds telemetry/spyware into the equation for those that have been avoiding that by going classic and being careful. Has this list now decided to just put the monthly rollup in and not consider just the security only rollup where it makes sense (like this month with telemetry)?