Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project
George King I upload 2 version WinStyle Moonlight 2009, old psd Moonlight and new psd Moonlight, and also has loaded samples of files. Screenshot: http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/3474/11111111111111111xs.jpg
Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project
George King I upload 2 version WinStyle Moonlight 2009, old psd Moonlight and new psd Moonlight, and also has loaded samples of files. Screenshot: http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/3474/11111111111111111xs.jpg
Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project
http://www.forum.oszone.ru/forum-106.html http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/kxooigfk7 to the templates & files of WinStyle 2009, all needed in archive. If I have forgotten nothing But you should get information about work with program, special designed for WinStyle - it's WinstyleMonitor ( http://www.forum.oszone.ru/thread-145914.html ), that giving WinStyle some "chips" in XP and it has no analogues with its capabilities, implemented in one of lots Transform-Packs or projects.
Icons Windows Seven In a format *PNG Version 2.0
Icons Windows Seven In a format *PNG Version 2.0 Download
Icons Windows Seven In a format *PNG Version 2.0
Icons Windows Seven In a format *PNG Version 2.0 Download ========================================================================== OLD. Icons in format PNG, torn out from new
New Autorun 2009 (autostart of CD/DVD disk)
Winstyle 2009 Waiting ....
New Autorun 2009 (autostart of CD/DVD disk)
For English Windows XP and Vista. New Autorun 2009 (autostart of CD/DVD disk) Basic possibilities and some descriptions: - Reflection of system information about the system. - Reflection of information about an user, up to avatara. - Animation of lists, prompts and icons. - Added sound and animation for Autorun. - Most important, it is possibility of the complete editing Autorun by an user under itself, up to complete change of Autorun. To dispose in the root of distributive. In any case, download it and look. 1. Winstyle 2008. 2. DarkGrey. 3. Blue Avrora. 4. Black Avrora. 5. Longhorh Avrora. Download 1 http://depositfiles.com/files/ctif885qk 2 http://depositfiles.com/files/18me8cwvt 3 http://depositfiles.com/files/se2l9rqzp 4 http://depositfiles.com/files/03uabmtdb 5 http://depositfiles.com/files/csxnq9d4t
Logons (New design) 2009
Logons (New design) 2009 New screens are welcome to the new design, only under permit 1440x900 monitor. To monitor with another resolution, the Welcome screen yet. For English XP:) Style 1 (Left layout items) 1. A red devil. http://depositfiles.com/files/8797433 2. The Earth. http://depositfiles.com/files/8797846 3. A moonlight. http://depositfiles.com/files/8798147 4. Ops45. http://depositfiles.com/files/8798321 Style 2 (The standard layout, changed the bottom of the screen greetings) 1. A planet. http://depositfiles.com/files/8799016 2. A dark blue Aurora. http://depositfiles.com/files/8800542 3. Coast. http://depositfiles.com/files/8800719 4. A night breeze. 5. A decline. http://depositfiles.com/files/8800883 to be continued ... Visit OSzone
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
The official BETA release of project Winstyle 2008 took place for the Russian version of Windows. For the English-language version of Windows the resources of project Winstyle will be accessible as RES and PSD files, after testing and receipt "Finale" status.
Tutorial: We change lateral pictures of the Explorer
We change lateral pictures of the Explorer I apologise for the English language If someone wishes to change lateral drawings in the Explorer, to make easy , who knows the Restorator or Reshaker a little, also it is necessary a few knowledge in a "Photoshop". All pictures are stored in a file of a theme of design %WINDIR %\Resources\Themes\ТЕМА\Shell\NormalColor\Shellstyle.dll BUT, is small but, pictures of resources 10, 13 and 19 it is necessary to stretch before it in a "Photoshop", for those who knows "Photoshop", I attach my file in format PSD where it is possible to edit or create easily the drawing for explorer. Also do not forget to put "dummy" or easier picture with a background of a theme to the place of drawings 11, 14, 20. Otherwise on the conductor screen there will be excess from pictures. Pictures 10, 13 and 19 will close an inscription "task for...". The picture 110 is no. Probably for its replacement (110 pictures) in other themes it is necessary to correct UIFILE a resource in a line UIFILE 1 строка 102 background: rcbmp(110,3,#FF00FF,0,0,0,0); Good luck in change of drawings. Screenshots Video folder Audio folder Folder System folders and Tasks Folder Pictures Shablon.7z
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
Screenshots of all dialogues "System" (OEMINFO) Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - General Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - Computer Name Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - Equipment Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - Additional parametres Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - System Restoration Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - Automatic updating Screenshot of dialogue of Property of system - Remote sessions
New dialog "Run" ver 2.0
The new dialog "RUN", with system commands and possibility to copy/insert a command. From project Winstyle 2008. Look a screenshot. shell32.dll dialog 1003 To download a resource in Russian, I think problems with transfer will not be 1003.rar
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
Down with old dialogues: Also we meet new "Disk Clearing": 1 2 3
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
For all: thank you who answered all, but let us wait output of the Russian version of Winstyle 2008, and then will talk about translating of him into other languages. And while watch after news in the theme of Winstyle on the forum of Oszone http://www.forum.oszone.ru/thread-98660.html
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