Everything Search Engine - v1.3.3.658b
I have stopped updating this program. Anyone who wants to take over are welcome.
Foxit Reader v6.1.1.1031
Hi Bobby The .cab format can't be use for win toolkit. Download the switchless installer on 1st post instead. Put the switchless installer via wintoolkit runonce tab. (Can't remember exactly the tab name)
help needed on control panel
Perhaps you can run a batch command during XP setup to create Control Panel icon on desktop md "%allusersprofile%\desktop\Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
help needed on control panel
Maybe this list? http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/CLSID-List.htm
help needed on control panel
I wrote an inf to create the shortcut on XP. Has also attach below for download. Feel free to try it. Pls change the extension from .txt to .inf ;inf file name: CP_SC.inf[Version]Signature=$Windows NT$[DefaultInstall.NTx86]RegisterDLLs=Start.Register[Start.Register]11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %1%\%infname%.inf,Install"[Install.NTx86]CheckAdminRights=1ProfileItems=AllDesk.CPShortcut[Optional Components]CP[CP]OptionDesc =Control Panel ShortcutTip =Control Panel Shortcut on All User's DesktopModes =0,1,2,3ProfileItems=AllDesk.CPShortcut[AllDesk.CPShortcut];0x8,16 = "%UserProfile%\Desktop", 0x8,25 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop"Name =%ShortcutN1%,0x8,25 ; All user's desktopCmdLine =11,,control.exeIconPath =11,,shell32.dllIconIndex =21[Strings]Infname=CP_SCShortcutN1=Control PanelCP_SC.txt
help needed on addon making
I happened to have an inf addon for taskbar shuffle. It is v2.5 it is for XP You can test it. TaskShuffle25_inf.cab Size: 355.64 Kb (364,177 bytes) MD5: AFEC720176B580814E0BA697A399DDD2 Will host for 7 days or earlier Cheers
Foxit Reader v6.1.1.1031
Major update (v6.1.1.1031) and my final update for this addon. This new addon structure allows end user to self-update easily when new foxit reader version is available. The main setup is now a msi file. At this moment (or in near future), you can get the msi file from http://cdn01.foxitsoftware.com/pub/foxit/reader/desktop/win/6.x/ http://cdn01.foxitsoftware.com/pub/foxit/reader/desktop/win/6.x/6.1/enu/ When new version comes out, just change the msi file name accordingly & modify slightly the winrar sfx comment file. And you are good to go. I have retain language feature as usual. So only your needed lang is installed. Rest are deleted. Minor registry tweaks are included to made it look 'good' on first launch. -Open program in max view mode -user changable for skin (Set to default= blue skin) Now includes Foxit PDF virtual printer Thanks to luis for the language test. Feel free to continue your Spanish update for this addon if you wish. Tested okay in VM for XP & Win7 x86 only. Lastly, uninstall any existing copy of my addon before installing this. Cheers
Auslogics Disk Defrag Free
Updated to This version is ENU only as there are no other language files when I installed with the original installer. Please uninstall any existng one before installing this one as the registry entries/directory are not the same.
- [True Addon] WinRAR 5.00.0 ENU (32-bit) + 4 themes
- Mipony 2.1.0
Macrorit Disk Partition Expert Professional Edition Giveaway!
This was recently in GOTD. Reading the comment/review might be helpful to gain some insight of this software capability. Cheers
How to make .wa that work?
I downloaded the example .wa that you tried creating. I don't have problem loading your addon using WTK I loaded your 7z.wa into Addon maker tab, there was no entries in "Copy Files', "Copy Folders", Import Registry" etc, meaning you need to provide instructions to WTK how to deal with your files. Or perhaps due to the problem you are facing, these instructions are not created. WA addon copied directly to image folder via instruction listed in Tasks.txt. So don't put your 7zInstaller (7z920.exe) in the .wa I would suggest you download some sample addon to familiarize it's structure/instructions. If you are adding an installer exe (like this sample), then you might try adding them as Switchless.exe As to your screenshoot problem, I have no idea. Sorry.
IE 10 latest version
Thanks for the info,Thiersee. The W7 slipstream image does not includes any windows product key. So it should be sort of component id, I guess. Cheers
IE 10 latest version
Hi guys Just like to check what is the latest IE 10 version? I have integrated with WTK, IE 10 v10.0.9200.16618 (x86). Is this version the latest? Thanks
Foxit Reader v6.1.1.1031
Updated to v6.0.6.0722