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Everything posted by Geej

  1. Update version to (32-bit only)
  2. -

    Geej replied to a post in a topic in INF Discussion
    Thanks for the reply. This is my feedback and suggestion for the inf syntax. Quiet a list, hope you won't mind... In describing what I'm trying to say below, I shall refer my addon program as XYZ for simplicity. 1) cosmetic improvement: See screenshot 2) Entries.ini content change ;generiert von Inf-Addon Maker to ;Generated by Inf-Addon Maker XYZ.inf 3a) change ;generiert von Inf-Addon Maker to ;Generated by Inf-Addon Maker 3b) change [Strings] Beschreibung BeginInsPrompt = "Are you sure, that you install XYZ and all components?" EndInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful installed." EndUnInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful deleted." to [Strings] Tip0 BeginInsPrompt = "Are you sure you want to install XYZ?" EndInsPrompt = "XYZ successfully installed!" EndUnInsPrompt = "XYZ had been successful uninstalled." 3c) change [Install] Tip = %Beschreibung% missing RunPreSetupCommands=Create.EmptyDirectorys ;<-- pls add this line please missing RunPostSetupCommands =Del.i386 ;<-- pls add this line please [Create.EmptyDirectorys] 11,,cmd.exe,,,"/q /c md ""%16422%\XYZ""" to [Install] Tip = %Tip0% RunPreSetupCommands=Create.EmptyDirectorys [Create.EmptyDirectorys] ;<-- keep this line CMD /Q/C MD """%1%\i386""" & COPY /D/Y """%1%\*.cab""" """%1%\i386""" ;<-- add this line please [Del.i386] ;<--add this line and the next line RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 %1%\i386,8 ;<-- add this line please 3d) change [XYZ] ;<-optional components section Tip = %Beschreibung% to [XYZ] Tip = %Tip0% 3e) change [UninstallXYZ] missing Updateinis=SYSOC.EDIT ;<-- add this line pelase missing Cleanup=1 ;<--add this line please to [UninstallXYZ] Updateinis=SYSOC.EDIT Cleanup=1 [SYSOC.EDIT] ;<--add this line please %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,XYZ=* ;<--add this line please 3f) Change (see screenshot below) [AddRegSection] missing HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoModify",0x10001,01,00,00,00 missing HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoRepair",0x10001,01,00,00,00 to [AddRegSection] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoModify",0x10001,01,00,00,00 ;<--add this line please HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%AppName%","NoRepair",0x10001,01,00,00,00 ;<--add this line please I created DesktopOK addon with your tool, with modification as I mentioned above. Thanks and have a good day
  3. -

    Geej replied to a post in a topic in INF Discussion
    I tried your tool (v1.0.4.2) recently with 1 simple addon task and have some feedback and suggestions: 1) In the shortcuts tab, can you translate the Destination menu in English? I have set the Main Language in your tool to English but still show German Menu. 2) 'Inf Addon Maker.exe' throw up an error message if .Net 2 framework is not installed. It can't be started. Can you allow your program to start properly even without .Net 2 framework installed? As far as I know, it is use for .reg conversion to inf format only. You could give user a warning if user tries to convert registry by placing some warning message in Add Regkey's tab when Net 2 framework is not installed. 3) The created nlited addon (.7z) has the following flaw: -Entries.ini (As I know, it requires filename like Entries_progname.ini) -Entries.ini are in Unicode BOM format (using notepad2 to open). It can't be read/parse properly in HFSLIP. (I dun know if it works in nlite/RMVi) -But if Entries.ini are in UTF-8, it works on HFSLIP,RMVi and nlite (Have tested this myself) -Can you create Entries_progname.ini in UTF-8 format instead? If you have difficulty in translating German to English, maybe let us know so we can help. Kind regards
  4. Does inf shortcut allows shortcut syntax to launch application in Min,Max,Normal mode? If can, how to do it?
  5. Geej posted a post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    DesktopOK 2.33 Homepage - Save and Restore Desktop Icon Position DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution often. Features: Save your dearest icon locations for each screen resolution. Each user can then have his own arrangement. Minimises to tray area for easy access. Launch at Windows startup (optional) Autosave DesktopOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. Additional: I included 1 autoit complied script (RDesktopOK.exe) and create a shortcut on user's desktop for quick restoration. It is using mouseclick to restore base on latest setting only. Start Menu for the main program (DesktopOK.exe) and RDesktopOK.exe are provided DesktopOK.exe save your desktop icon setting in DesktopOK.ini. I supplied a general setting. Please replace DesktopOK.ini with your own setting before you slipstream. Uninstallable via Add/Remove panel Installed path: Program files\DesktopOK DesktopOK233_INF_Addon.cab Size: 330.45 Kb (338,381 bytes) MD5: 056B0087466359747A1C786CD722E8D3
  6. Hey, obvious I'm not bright enough, I took more than 5 mins to digest your tutorial. (should give me at least 30 mins, lol). Thanks As I understand from your tutorial, you are making English-only Universal Extractor as you have excludes all language files from the source. And you seem to know inno setup scripting pretty well. With no intention to discredit your inno setup knowledge, generally-speaking, for making English-only Universal Extractor,a simple batch file can do the job w/o complicated script by just installing silently with switches and then removing the lang folder after the installation. But we have 31 different languages files in lang folder. What I wish for the addon to do is to be able to delete unwanted lang file but keep the necessary one. That means French-language XP will get French.ini in the lang folder and nothing else. Similiarly, German-language XP will get to keep German.ini in the lang folder during installation and nothing else. and so on for the various languages... That is the purpose of autoit script - remove unnecessary language files base on your language-specific OS. And if it is English-language OS, there is no need for lang folder, so I remove it. R u a software developer? Seems like you also add some Pascal scripting code near the end of the sample script. For the purpose of the tutorial discussion, the Pascal scripting portion, is it really needed as it seems complicated in making English-only addon using Inno setup? Have a good day.
  7. B'cause I'm not familiar with Inno Setup scripting language. Usually the main Inno Setup's user are mainly software developer who distributes their software. Hence, it is more advantage for them to learn Inno Setup scripting language. I'm not 'Software developer' and dun see the need to learn that. I'm just a hobbyist. Autoit is good enough. I see you are also interest in scripting language as the addon you post 'Fresh HTML 3.49 Addon' seems to be scripting-related. By the way, does my addon remove all unnecessary language from non-English OS (and keep the requried ones)? Appreciate your feedback! Best regards
  8. Universal Extractor 1.6.1 Homepage - by Jared Breland Changelog Quote from the author:Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program, or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package. This is still a work in progress (see details below), but so far it's proven quite useful and I feel others can also benefit from it. I should stress that this application is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It will never replace WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. What it will do is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, compression method, etc. The original motivation behind this project was that I wanted an easy, convenient way to extract files from installation packages, such as Inno Setup or Windows Installer packages, without pulling up a command line every time. In the process I got a little carried away and ended up throwing in support for every kind of archive format I possibly could find. Install with all default settings with ONLY 1 "Uniextract to Subdir" context menu. In addition, no shortcut on desktop & quicklaunch. All unnecessary languages will be deleted. Note: English.ini will not be deleted. Screenshot: 1 Context menu only UniExtract161Intl_addon.cab Size: 5.48 Mb (5,748,044 bytes) MD5: 90A3ACFA167BC2966EAFA833AA8335D9 Uninstallable: Yes
  9. Thanks for loving my work I got struck initially like you but manage to overcome it when * appear in my thought. I just replace * with ? and try again. & hit the jackpot :dancing:
  10. Try something along like this to see if it works move ?Torrent.lnk "%Userprofile%\My Documents"
  11. Updated to
  12. Thanks Do you happen to know if additional languages can be removed from Silverlight after installation?
  13. Hi, just to feedback Automatic Updates is saying I'm missing KB961118 after I did a clean install. FYI: I'm using OnePiece_Microsoft.NET_Framework_v3.5.30729.196_True_AddOn_ENU.cab with HFSLIP
  14. Geej replied to Geej's post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    Updated to v5.3.1
  15. Mr_Smartepants, nonno fabio thanks for the reply. While I dun expect uninstall functionality, it is certainly useful to have it listed somewhere (like WCW). Thanks for the tips! I will try that. Having .NET ready b4 T13 certainly have an advantage (and an easier time) when installing other .NET-dependant programs via svcpack. I can convert most of my RunOnceEx program to svcpack installation.
  16. Thanks . Just a quick question. I'm trying your package: .net 3.5 SP1 full (includes 2.0 and 3.0) in HFSLIP. I don't see it listed in Add/remove Panel or Optional component. Is this correct?
  17. Geej replied to LUZR4LIFE's post in a topic in General Discussion
    Wish you good luck too. Your chances are pretty high, in my opinion
  18. Geej replied to *Reaper*'s post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
  19. what's the benefit of ROE? A: JRE is install from CD. (no need copy to harddisk first). Slipstream as usual via svcpack. No need "[GuiRunOnce]"... Also custom deployment.properties will stick if run from RunOnceEx. It will not stick if run at T13 with custom deployment.properties Thanks for the info. I use only Windows firewall which explains why I can't see any thing being prompt. I will just add java.reg to my build. I may be wrong but the 'phone home thing' may be Java Web Start
  20. Thanks for the reply. I'm aware jqs.exe is not there in taskmanager, which I can verify. Much as I share your sentiment that 'NOTHING that erks my chain more than "software" that 'phones home for updates' WITHOUT MY CONSENT!', there was no way I could verify this in any way... I have decided not to use java.reg at this moment as I could not verify them. Apparently, after applying the java.reg tweak to the installation, and go to control panel, launch Java.cpl. In Advanced tab, JRE Auto-Download listing, "Always Auto-Download" is still selected. I look for ways to make it "Never Auto-Download" (see below screenshot) and decided to try your 2nd method, using deployment.properties. I found 2nd method works only on ROE. It wouldn't work on svcpack installation. My deployment.properties contains only 1 line of text: I also reduce console box appearing during installation by using nircmd.exe instead. Hence my config.txt to run via RunOnceEx with default installation location is as follows: Note: RunProgram="jre1.6.0_19.msi /qn ... bla bla bla ... MODIFYREMOVE=modify" is one single line Bin folder contains 4 files: Entries_JRE.ini is use instead (no more silent exe) (Below screenshot shown something I can verify visually with after installation) At this moment, my JRE method is as above. Any way to verify the 'phone home for update' thing is very much appreciated. Thanks for the good informative post. deployment.properties is something new I didn't know.
  21. Hi WinCert-GuEsT I was wondering if there is any way to check the setting is affected via java.reg after installation in XP. I mean not in registry editor but via the program GUI/CPL. Apparently I can't confirm after running the reg file, the setting is indeed applied. BTW, my own test shown [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "SunJavaUpdateSched"=- is not required Regards
  22. There was a mispelling of 'Componets' in [sysoc.Edit] section
  23. It would be nice if you add the file size & hash to it.
  24. Updated to 2.0.1 Beta 18408
  25. Updated to 4.2 build 2525