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Everything posted by Geej

  1. Geej posted a post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    Homepage OpenExpert adds "Open with" to the context menu of any chosen file type, using any applications you decide. So you can easily open your graphic files with your favorite paint program, or view your HTML files in either Firefox or Internet Explorer, just with a few clicks of the mouse. +++ Main Features +++ Adds a user-configurable "Open with" sub-menu to each file. Allows an unlimited number of applications for each file type. Easily add applications for any file types. Import and export of configuration data to copy settings to another system. Very small memory footprint OpenExpert is free for personal use! 2 Sample association extension are provided so that you can add your own to the list of extension. .bmp with MS Paint .rar with WinRAR OpenExpert_Addon.cab Size: 451.12 Kb (461,944 bytes) MD5: 7E57FC5FC671975ED495E4F63CE38627
  2. Just discover accidently. For those who wish to prefix your own choosen pciture, once you have choose your user account pics, the bmp file is located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Geej.bmp where Geej should be replaced with your own username You can slipstream this bmp file too.
  3. Geej replied to Geej's post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    Thanks for sharing your trick too, which gives me the idea to script this. :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Thanks for the trick. It has inspire me to make an addon.
  5. Geej posted a post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    This program was made from a post [Trick] How to Set Windows theme from command line by Ken@fri This is an autoit compiled program that select and apply randomly an existing theme. Requirement: 1) XP OS only 2) At least have 2 themes, excluding Windows Classic Theme must be available This program does not check whether your OS has patched UXTHEME.DLL or not. Features: Support console mode. The parameter is the full Theme's filename. XPThemeRandomizer Luna.theme If Full file name contains space, you need to double quote it. Eg. XPThemeRandomizer "Windows Classic.theme" Access the program thru shortcut created in Accessories Group. Additional features (but disabled): You can adjust the inf for a normal unattended installation & immediately follow up with the program execution with your own choosen theme, either in randomized mode or specific theme in console mode. The supplied inf are included for these possible modes but you need to uncomment out or comment the inf line yourself. Note: This has no effect in unattended installation as the theme you set will be overrided to default (or specified in WINNT.SIF) when you 1st boot to desktop. At the most, only the wallpaper is applied. The only way I know is via RUNONCE key but it has the disadvantage that it requries 2nd reboot to work. Experiment/test this at your own side. XPThemeRandomizer_Addon.cab Size: 567.87 Kb (581,496 bytes) MD5: 4B19198234D3F3A2DAD7D3ECF4A24DE7
  6. Updated to 4.2 build 2409 Downloaded installer is v4.2.2376 but when connected online, the program will prompt for download patch to v4.2.2409 http://img694.imageshack.us/i/updatepatchprompt.png/ Hence this time, the package includes program + patch file to v4.2.2409. Main program is installed silently, Patch program is install-wizard style. (You will see the installation screen but do not need to click to install)
  7. Thanks for sharing your 2nd trick. Looking forward your 3rd tricks . . . :dribble:
  8. Updated to 2.0 RC5 beta 17920
  9. Geej replied to Geej's post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    Updated to v5.1.0.0
  10. I followed Flawless's method of install for v1.6, which he uses batch file. Nothing to do with v1.5(which I did not check it out) or v1.2. In v1.6, Flawless use batch method, w/o providing any uninstall entry. So I need to manually run the batch file to uninstall. So I just repack into an inf & cab, plus following v1.2's uninstall entry. So why resource folder was not there, I dun know. But since v1.6 works w/o resource folder, I guess it is alright. (Maybe Flawless re-programemd his cad2009.exe so he does not need Resource folder)
  11. CAD 2009 EDTION v1.6 For XP by Flawless Windows 7 Ctrl+Alt+Del style Switchless Installer - for RyanVM Integrator & HFSLIP CAD2009v16.EXE Size: 13.55 Mb (14,421,560 bytes) MD5: 9B06C3E04504D29850C09CDB395A1784 or RyanVM Integrator , N-Lite Addon & HFSLIP: CAD2009v16_addon.cab Size: 13.52 Mb (14,418,495 bytes) MD5: F8F9BC4A47B893DB7F54164B183289E7 Uninstallable from Add/Remove Panel
  12. Updated to 4.2 build 2098
  13. Updated to 2.0 RC1 (Build 17624)
  14. You do it once, you do it twice but you won't do it regularly manually. Too tedious. Besides, there are so many nice wallpaper in the net. Why stick to 1 wallpaper? Changing wallpaper is faster than changing theme. Search & put a lot of wallpaper in Web\Wallpaper to change regularly! I have use another small program (nnCron LITE) to set it to change every 15 minuites. BTW, I'm a fan of autoit. Hope you like it
  15. This is an autoit utility to silently randomize your desktop wallpaper by selecting a picture from %Windir%\Web\Wallpaper folder. It was an inspiration from a post here. I improved the script to accomodate more logic & features. Support jpg, jpeg, bmp & png pictures only. Will only set wallpaper to "Center" mode if image's width fall below 70% of your screen width. Most of the time it is using "Stretch" mode. If your picture ratio is same as your screen size, it is "Stretch" mode too. Will not interfere with your theme(s). Access thru Start ->All Programs -> Accessories->Random Wallpaper Changer or Desktop shortcut Includes 5 randomly selected wallpaper to get you, hopefully inspired to randomize frequently. (Source) Also include to randomize a wallpaper during ROE stage via a batch file. If you do not have ROE items, will still randomize your wallpaper. U will see it during creating desktop... Works on XP only. RandomWallChanger_Addon.cab Size: 1.28 Mb (1,342,725 bytes) MD5: 2C4C45866CE1FAE179A4E7A8AC848AD0
  16. Geej posted a post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    Main Homepage TreePad Lite Freeware Personal Organizer, Text Editor, free PIM software, Database program, Personal Information Manager. The original member of the TreePad family since 1995, pioneer in tree-structured data-management. Personal database, organizer and text editor, freeware for Windows. TreePadLite_addon.cab Size: 617.66 Kb (632,479 bytes) MD5: 9602AB6012AD475A47DD17255B87962A Screenshot
  17. Geej posted a post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    Rota v0.7 Homepage Readme/screenshot Rota is simple and easy to use loss-less rotation utility for JPEG image via GUI. If you take a lot of photographs with your camera while on holidays,vacations,mega events etc, you will find this utility handy as it can quickly rotate your hundreds of photograhs to the orientation you want. But rotate only after you move your photographs to the hard-disk as the program runs much faster than rotating directly from removable media (like SD, Compact Flash card). Rotav07_addon.cab Size: 452.46 Kb (463,318 bytes) MD5: FEA212B64F08AF9388BDAE56959879CD Thanks to ricktendo64 & DaRk MaDnEsS for their kind assistant, making this release possible.
  18. I have check my file. The changes is within OpenSURL.inf (after you uncompress it) of the uninstall section
  19. Minor changes. See 'edit' at end of #1
  20. Thanks for this. Just found a small bug. Should be [SYSOC.Edit] %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,EZSystems=*
  21. Thanks Rick. Thanks DM. Just retest all possible syntax in VM after I re-arrange sysoc.inf entry first and then I test all the uninstall. %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,Rota=*, %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,Rota=* %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,EZSystems=*all tested ok. %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,EZSystems = *doesn't work. Entry not removed. Same kind of Error message if click 'Add/rem Windows Components'. Thanks for all the help. :thumbsup_anim:
  22. I manually re-combined all entries in [Componments] section of sysoc.inf into 1 section only and the rota.inf entry was properly removed. So I guess it is HFslip's handling of new entry to sysoc.inf that is causing the problem. Thanks for spotting utlraiso problem too. I think it should be %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,EZSystems=*
  23. Thanks Rick for the fast 'inspection' and reply. Thanks DaRk MaDnEsS for suggesting alternative. I will try that. (It is real hardwork to script inf by hand ) Apparently something is wrong (not Rota.inf anymore) that I get this message. Another thing: If I live with this error and proceed to uninstall another TrueAddon, say BJFrog_UltraISO, this error message issue is gone. But when I compare before and after sysoc.inf entry, a large part of sysoc.inf is removed!. Very strange. The part that gone from sysoc.inf is: All the rest of [Components] are wipe clean like Winrar,uberpack,CabMak,etc I'm using HFSLIP. How many [Components] section are listed in your slipstreamed sysoc.inf? I have 3 [Components] sections and the portion that was wipe out belongs to 2nd & 3rd [Components] section/entry, leaving only the 1st part of [Components] intact. 1st part of [Components] happens to list most of original XP Components. See my screenshot (A picture says a thousands word, I guess) http://www.kwikpiks.com/files/66/B4AfterSysoc.png
  24. Thanks for the sample template. I'm trying my hand on a simple addon. So far, encounter problem. It can install and uninstall properly. After uninstalled, the only problem is I got an error message when I tried to launch 'Add/Rem windows components' despite that I have included my inf with the above [sysoc.Edit] portion and updateinis entry. I checked sysoc.inf entry after uninstall and the program still listed there: [Components] Rota=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,Rota.inf,HIDE,7 Screenshot http://www.kwikpiks.com/files/66/error.jpg Can you guy help to check what is wrong with my inf? Rota.inf as below : [Version] Signature=$Windows NT$ [Optional Components] Rota [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =Rota.Files,@Rota.INF ProfileItems=Rota.AddShortcut AddReg =Rota.AddReg [Rota] OptionDesc ="Rota v0.70" Tip ="Lossless Jpg Batch Rotator via GUI" Modes =0,1,2,3 CopyFiles =Rota.Files ProfileItems=Rota.AddShortcut AddReg =Rota.AddReg [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="Rota Files","Rotav07.cab",,"i386" [DestinationDirs] Rota.Files=16422,Rota DefaultDestDir =17 PNF.File =17 [SourceDisksFiles] droot.gif=1 readme-e.html=1 readme.html=1 Rota.exe=1 rotadisp.gif=1 rotainf.gif=1 rotainit.gif=1 rotamod.gif=1 rotamode.gif=1 rotanorm.gif=1 rotaopen1.gif=1 rotaopen2.gif=1 rotaro.gif=1 rotarow.gif=1 test1.jpg=1 test1l.jpg=1 test2.jpg=1 test2l.jpg=1 test3.jpg=1 test3l.jpg=1 test4.jpg=1 test4l.jpg=1 test5.jpg=1 test5l.jpg=1 Rota.ini=1 [Rota.Files] droot.gif readme-e.html readme.html Rota.exe rotadisp.gif rotainf.gif rotainit.gif rotamod.gif rotamode.gif rotanorm.gif rotaopen1.gif rotaopen2.gif rotaro.gif rotarow.gif test1.jpg test1l.jpg test2.jpg test2l.jpg test3.jpg test3l.jpg test4.jpg test4l.jpg test5.jpg test5l.jpg Rota.ini [Rota.AddShortcut] Name =Rota CmdLine =16422,Rota,Rota.exe SubDir =Rota WorkingDir=16422,Rota IfoTip =Loss-less JPEG rotate utility. [Rota.AddReg] HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"Comments",0x0,"Loss-less JPEG rotate utility" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%","DisplayIcon",0x0,"%16422%\Rota\Rota.exe" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"DisplayName",0x0,"Rota" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"DisplayVersion",0x0,"0.7" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"NoModify",0x10001,01,00,00,00 HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"NoRepair",0x10001,01,00,00,00 HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"Publisher",0x0,"TsuruZoh Tachibanaya" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"UninstallString",0x0,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection Rota.inf,Uninstall" HKLM,%UNINSTALL%,"URLInfoAbout",0x0,"http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/index-e.html" [UnInstall] BeginPrompt =BeginUnInsPrompt RunPreSetupCommands=Close.Rota:1 DelFiles =Rota.Files,PNF.File DelDirs =Rota.Dirs DelReg =Obsolete.Reg ProfileItems =Rota.DelShortcut UpdateInis =sysoc.Edit EndPrompt =EndUnInsPrompt Cleanup =1 [Close.Rota] TSKILL Rota [PNF.File] Rota.PNF [sysoc.Edit] %17%\sysoc.inf,Components,Rota=* [Obsolete.Reg] HKLM,"%UNINSTALL%\" [Rota.DelShortcut] Name =Rota,0x00000002 SubDir=Rota [Rota.Dirs] %16422%/Rota [BeginUnInsPrompt] Title =Rota 0.7 Uninstall Prompt =Are you sure you want to completely remove Rota? ButtonType=YESNO [EndUnInsPrompt] Prompt=Rota was successfully removed from your computer. [Strings] UNINSTALL="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Rota" BTW, is this a typo error for the word 'Componets' in post #1? I think it should be Components but better to confirm with you guys. ;ricktendo64 2007 ;Removes addon entry from sysoc.inf so Cleanup=1 does not break Add/Rem Windows Components [sysoc.Edit] %17%\sysoc.inf,Componets,Whatever Is Under [Optional Components]=*
  25. Thanks for this