Everything posted by Geej
[SVCPACK] Limewire BASIC 4.18.8
This is the script I use Tooltip ( "Installing Limewire", 200, 420 ) Run ("LimeWireWin.exe /S") ProcessWait ("LimeWire.exe") sleep (400) ProcessClose ("LimeWire.exe") FileDelete (@DesktopDir&"\LimeWire 4.18.8.lnk") Hope that helps...
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Hi dacorsa To make to run at T13 with plain utorrent, just transform the package by: A) modify Entries_uTorrentBlue.ini [AddProgram] utorrentSilentScript.exe <--change to this In svcpack folder, 1) del RunonceExviaT13utorrent.cmd 2) Edit utorrentSelfUpdate.exe with WINRAR by deleting 7 files in App_uTorrent folders. (all 4 .bmp & 3 .ico files). Check out Screenshot2 in post#1 3) You can still set your shortcut preference thru utorrentSC.ini 4) Done. Now recab the whole package & test it out at T13
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Updated to 2.0 beta 17127
Everything Search Engine
Thanks for the re-thanks!
[SVCpack] Kaufman Tray Launcher v 1.10
Kaufman Tray Launcher v 1.10 Shorcut launcher via system tray Website This is an application that sits in the tray and displays various pre-configured software shortcuts. You can use this application if you want to speed up your application start process, because it allows you to open your software more quickly. Note: 1) Auto Startup item 2) Install to %programfiles\Kaufman TrayLauncher 3) No ununinstaller. All files are standalone. 4) You can replace your own shortcut setting (Launchers.ini is located in %programfiles\Kaufman TrayLauncher) via KaufmanTrayLauncher01SI.exe after you have configured it thru the program GUI. 5) KaufmanTrayLauncher02Edit.exe is a launchers.ini self-editor (Autoit complied script). It modifiies your Drive letter to systemdrive letter. Support ?\windows & ?\Program files path only. (Useful in dual-boot system) 6) Sample Launchers.ini is provided with different Drive letter. After installation, it should map to your system drive letter. KaufmanTrayLauncher.cab Size: 537.63 Kb (550,534 bytes) MD5: 0BB6A9C60C74BAA6EABD3DB48C380C79
Everything Search Engine
Updated to, includes Everything.lng for additional languages support.
U r welcome
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
Thanks for this
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Hi, U can self-update the package (to build 16666) by doing the following: Install #post 1 utorrent addon on host PC. Then run the new installer (utorrent-2.0-beta-16666.upx.exe). When prompt for shortcut, just uncheck "Startup" and keep the rest of options checked. Close utorrent program. Update the following 2 files into utorrentSelfUpdate.exe (utorrent.exe - from program files\utorrent) & settings.dat (in %appdata%\utorrent) Edit the cmd file to reflect the latest version number if you wish. Uninstall the host program from Add/remove panel (Tick remove registry setting when prompt during install) To test the new updated program addon, run the compiled script. (I will remodify the installer script when it is not compatible. In this case, there is no need to modify the autoit script)
[Release] CAD 2009 EDITION
Hi all I add an uninstall exe to properly uninstall this package in post #10
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
As long as it can cab a svcpack folder properly, I'm happy + output.cab filename should not be always in UPPERCASE. (that is something I find annoying in cabtool.exe ) Preferably the output cab name follows the same folder name that I'm cabbing. I dun know if that is possible ... but that is my preference... not necessary have to do it if there is constraint. Thanks
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
I tried v2.1, hoping to cab a svcpack addon but only entries.ini get cabbed. Svcpack sub-folder was ignored. Can v2.1 work with subfolder?
[Tutorial] Making A 7-Zip Switchless Installer
I have tried other GUI-based 7zfx maker. This commandline method suits me best.
[Video] How To make Silent Switch Installers
Thanks for this video. I got my inspiration of RunOnceEx
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Update to 2.0 Beta (Build 16546) The following are updated: 1) utorrentSelfUpdate.exe: Update most of *.dat within App_uTorrent folder 2) utorrentSilentScript.exe Just a small note: Shortcut on Start Menu & Desktop now goes to all user's folder. Only QL is current user. The blue theme icons will reset to green if new user launch the program via the shortcut and select to create shortcut on Start Menu and desktop.
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Working on it...may takes a few days to be ready...
Help about xp cursors!
Fixit is right. (it's in i386 folder) xzappa, try to use some file search utility to search. It is much easier to search in i386 folder as it contains a lot of files.
We need your help!
I would like to sponsor but this link does not take me to paypal. Where is the actual link or donation link?
[RunOnceEx] �Torrent 3.2.1 Beta (28025)
Update from 1.9 Beta (build 15380) to 2.0 Beta (Build 16222) The following are updated: 1) Remove 7zsfx. Use cmd script for RunOnceEx entry. 2) utorrentSelfUpdate.exe: Update settings.dat within App_uTorrent folder 3) utorrentSilentScript.exe: Uninstaller entry now at HKLM (formerly at HKCU) So Add/Remove icon is now only default Green. No more Blue icon.
- Universal Viewer v5.7.3.0
Universal Viewer v5.7.3.0
I'll add OpenOffice plugin in next update. I mainly made it English interface only for the main program as most of the plugins have limited language support. So to made it simple, main program & plugins are English only. If your OS is English, all other languages will are deleted. However if your OS is non-English, language interface will not be deleted. You can still change program language but I won't know whether plugin will work correctly or not.
Geek quotes
I like quotes 4, 6, 10, 19, 20. Thanks for sharing
Drunk finalist
This pic got me laughing when I received it in my mail. (Drunkfinalist.png) http://www.esnips.com/doc/9a367c38-8d24-4e1b-b593-34fede2aab89/Drunkfinalist (4.89MB)
Show All Drives Space Quickly
This is an alternate version that only shows the info in msgbox. ShowDriveSpace2SI.exe Size: 341.17 Kb (349,361 bytes) MD5: BEC50850BBD457F27C6F8C821EB65CFD
[Addon] Animated Cpl's; Dll's; Exe's; Etc for XP
Thanks for making these. I like animated REGEDIT.EXE , INTRO.WMV and SYSDM.CPL