Everything posted by Ken@fri
[Addon] GOM Player 2.1.40 Build 5106
OK with you :thumbsup_anim: and it's a great honor for me, Boss :worthy: .
[Addon] GOM Player 2.1.40 Build 5106
22.06.2009 : ** updated from v.2.1.17(Build 4610) to v2.1.18 (Build 4762) ** Minor INF modifications (Gom.AddReg section)
[Addon] Nero Suite Lite ENU/FRA
Cette erreur :
[Addon] Nero Suite Lite ENU/FRA
Hi everybody ! I already finished my MediaFACE 5.0.40 FRA addon. I need some help to check & translate few registry values and strings below :manual: (these ones are for XP French (040C) with Office2007 SP1 Pro+ installed) and to make multilanguage (ENU/ESP/FRA) addon version :- [Addon] Nero Suite Lite ENU/FRA
- Orphaned [Addon] Videora iPod Converter 4.0.8
Videora iPod Converter v4.0.8 is a free video converter that converts video files, YouTube videos, movies and DVD's so you can play them on your video playing device. The software can convert all types of video files (avi, divx, xvid, flv, x264, vob, mpeg, DVD's, YouTube, etc.) into the proper video formats that play on your video playing device. This pack included : Avisynth 2.5 Videora Converter 4.0.8 YouTube Downloader 1.03 Publisher : Red Kawa License : Free Version : 4.0.3 Language : English /////////Videora Ipod Converter v4.0.8 ENU True Addon ///////// Size : 6.54 MB MD5 : 4B7C4F5AB664E6F7D81AA8B8B93756F8 //////// Videora Ipod Converter v4.0.8 ENU Addon //////// Size : 7.29 MB MD5 : 0E47CF613BDAB234A3F90351421B1DC8- [Addon] HardLink ShellExtension (Updated 31.05.2009)
The NTFS file system implemented in NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows XP-64 supports a facility known as hard links (referred to herein as Hardlinks). Hardlinks provide the ability to keep a single copy of a file yet have it appear in multiple folders (directories). They can be created with the POSIX command ln included in the Windows Resource Kit or the fsutil command utility included in Windows XP. Thus, using standard Windows facilities Hardlinks can only be created at the command prompt, which can be tedious, especially when Hardlinks to multiple files are required or when one only makes occasional use of Hardlinks. Support for Junctions in standard Microsoft software offerings is even more limited than that offered for Hardlinks. PS : Description found on the Web. Publisher : Hermann Schinagl License : Free Version : Systems : 2000/XP/Vista Languages : DEU, ESP, ENU, FRA, ITA Size : 4.46 MB MD5 : 4FDC058B1B0D15FD2E6108A306654866 Changelog : 31.05.2009 : File Entries_LShellEx.ini : Fixed assemblys bug (Thanx Nico, from upd.fr) File Entries__WBEMOC.ini available for RVMi 1.5.3 users.- [Addon] Nero Suite Lite ENU/FRA
Nero Burning ROM On ne présente plus LA référence des programmes de gravure de médias qu'est Nero Burning ROM. Mais le soft s'étant transformé en véritable usine à gaz au fur et à mésure de son développement, il devenait difficile de se souvenir de cette caractéristique. Editeur: Nero AG Licence: Payant (avec periode d'essai) Version: Système: 2000/XP/Vista Langue : Anglais/Français Size : 41 MB CRC-32 : 29c9358b MD4 : 7768f16b851c595ff43a886d39d6841c MD5 : 2a96b7cb0838566ddcf686f1f1a87044 SHA-1 : d0edd9214a84f62b70ea72c876c5d2a1e4a7b8fe Nero 8 Micro inclu les appli suivantes (+ leurs fichiers d'aide) : Nero Burning Rom Nero Express Composants installés: Nero Audio Plugins Nero VideoCD Support Ajouts personnels: Nero InfoTool Nero ControlCenter dans le Panneau de configuration Nero 8 Lite, quant à lui, comprend: Nero Burning Rom Nero Express Nero Cover Designer Nero Wave Editor Nero Toolkit (BurnRights, DiscSpeed, DriveSpeed, InfoTool) Composants installés: Nero Audio Plugins Nero VideoCD Support Ajouts personnels: Nero ControlCenter dans le Panneau de configuration Association de fichiers: .nab, .nhf, .nhv, .nmd, .nr3, .nr4, .nra, .nrb, .nrc, .nrd, .nre, .nrg, .nrh, .nri, .nrj, .nrm, .nrs, .nru, .nrv, .nrw, .nsd NOTE : Addon bilingue : anglais & français La structure de l'addon a été remanié : il est désormais installable/désinstallable par le module Ajout/Suppression de Composants Windows. Grâce à cela, les 02 versions précédentes (Micro & Lite) de l'addon en forment un seul : Nero Suite 8 Lite Sous-composants de Nero 8 Lite : Nero Burning ROM , Nero CoverDesigner, Nero WaveEditor Sous-composants de Nero 8 ToolKit : Nero BurnRights , Nero DiscSpeed, Nero DriveSpeed, Nero InfoTool La suppression du composant Nero Suite 8 Lite entraine celle de tous les autres composants La suppression du composant Nero Burning ROM entraine celle de tous les autres composants L' addon dispo ici est issu de Nero Lite (build téléchargeables sur updatepack.nl AUCUN numéro de série n'est fourni (évidemment :mrgreen: ). Pour fournir les infos d'enregistrement du soft, extraire (avec 7Zip, WinRAR...) l'addon, ouvrir le fichier Nero8x.inf (où x=M ou L), se rendre dans la section [strings] et renseigner les lignes ci-dessous: ;--------------------- INFOS D'ENREGISTREMENT --------------------------------- VOTRE_NOM ="" VOTRE_SOCIETE ="" VOTRE_SERIAL ="" Après cela, recompressez l'archive (pour une intégration directe) ou installez...Et voilà! En intégration directe, mes 02 addons utilisent l'addon M$ VC++2005 Runtimes (v1.0.0) de Moebius (http://www.forum-unattend.fr/) En installation manuelle, c'est le M$ VisualC++2005 Redistribuable SP1 (KB973544) fourni (contrairement à la méthode utilisée par Preputium64) dans l'installateur de Nero qui est utilisé, en raison notamment des recommandations de code65536 quant à l'install manuelle de ces runtimes. [DefaultInstall] RegisterDlls = Install.NeroLite [Install.NeroLite] 11,,rundll32.exe,,,"advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %01%\Nero8L.inf,Install" [Install] BeginPrompt = ... RunPreSetupCommands = Install.Runtimes.v2005:1 CopyFiles = ... AddReg = ... DelReg = ... RunPostSetupCommands = ... EndPrompt = ... ProfileItems = ... [Install.Runtimes.v2005] """%01%\i386\svcpack\MSVC05.EXE""" CHANGEMENTS Merci @ Elrico pour l'herbergement et tout le reste :worthy:- [Addon] WInHTTrack 3.43-4 (17.05.2009)
HTTrack est un aspirateur de sites web facile d'utilisation. Il vous permet de t- [Addon] WinHTTrack 3.43-4
HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide website from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting html, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system. NOTA : Directories "%16422%\WinHTTrack\src" and "%16422%\WinHTTrack\src_win" were deleted. Publisher : HTTrack License : Free Version : 3.43-4 OS : 95/98/Me/2000/XP Language(s) : English /French Size : 2.00 MB MD5 : 563A3AC2CFF909DC7A221263A5162BE4- [Addon] HardLink ShellExtension (MAJ 31.05.2009)
Le hard link (ou lien symbolique) est un moyen de mettre un seul et m- [Addon] PowerDVD v8.0.2705d FR
Cyberlink PowerDVD v8.0.2705d FR Tout est est dans le titre et ce programme n'a plus besoin d'- [Addon] PowerDVD 8.0.2705d Standard/Deluxe INTL
Cyberlink PowerDVD v8.0.2705d INTL All I can say about this soft is already known. So... NOTE : You won't take advantage of trial period (30 days) : CL PowerDVD patch ONLY can be apply to ALREADY REGISTERED Standard/Deluxe versions. Then, at the 1rst start, you'll have this screen (in one of the (your) native language supported by this addon): PREREQUISITES : DirectX 9 (nLite v1.4.9.1+ users: I added section [NeededComponents] to Entries_PowerDVD.ini to prevent it from removal) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service present FREE INCLUDED PACKS : MPEG4 AVC Pack Mobility Pack LIMITATIONS : TRIAL VERSION This addon is ONLY for PowerDVD 8 Standard/Deluxe versions Blu-ray disks Playback not supported Not work in virtual machine (DirectX problem) ITEMS REMOVED/DELETED/NOT-INSTALLED : Google ToolBar Moovie Live beta Files Language.exe, Language.ini, Shortcut.ini (Directive ProfilItems do the same job) FILE ASSOCIATION : .RMX BUG : (Non-English users ONLY) Local Shell command Play with PowerDVD 8 (i.e French-->Lire avec PowerDVD 8) is translate to Play with PowerDVD 8 (keep english strings) after 1rst start of PowerDVD 8. I Dunno why; otherwise, it's not my fault. OTHERS INFOS : Replace, if needed, info below with yours (located in PowerDVD.inf Strings section) : UserName ="Ken@fri" Company_Name ="GSK CORP." TRANSLATION : All my apologize for all the incorrect translations I made (I use online translators) :sweatingbullets: . I tried to do my best. Feel free to edit PowerDVD.inf and fix errors. (U can send me the correct sentences too, pleaz :giveheart: ) //////////////////// IMPORTANT ////////////////// Addon ONLY tested on real environment (Right-click on PowerDVD.inf -->command Install). Editor : CyberLink License : TRIAL Version : 8.0.2705d Editions: Standard, Deluxe OS : XP/Vista Language: MULTILANGUAGE (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) A FRENCH VERSION ADDON is available >>HERE<< ///////////////////////// PowerDVD 8.0.2705 AIO True Addon (DEU, ENU, ESP, FRA, ITA)/////////////////// Taille : 32.3 Mo MD5 : FA50884CFBA33927CB54C3E256B80C8D- [Addon] GOM Player 2.1.40 Build 5106
13.04.2009 : ** updated from v.2.1.16 to v2.1.17 ** Minor INF modifications ** Only true addon version is available but it's compatible with RyanVM & nLite (all files are cabbed)- Uninstallation order in ADD/REMOVE
Thanx 4 tuto & info Rick. But, in my case, I'd like to delete my Vista2XP Pack 0 ONLY IF no others packs (Vista2XP Pack 1, 2, 3 & 4) regentries detected. :crying_anim02:- Uninstallation order in ADD/REMOVE
Hi Rick ! I'm working on a AIO XP images pack replacer addon (ENU/FRA). My pack will replace : Screen saver Wallpapers UAP sample pictures by the ones I chose & added; it's uninstallable too. But I have few worries. 1) I'm trying to reach this UAP choosing screen: Unfortunately, this command "rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL nusrmgr.cpl" don't do that and uninstall my UAP Pack before user change his account picture (and then Advpack.dll prompts me about reboot, due to a UAP's in use). 2) I'm also trying to delete one entry (a resources file used to represent my packs in "Add/Remove prog"), but only if all others packs (04) are uninstalled. I used this command to check if one of my pack(s) is/are still present or not on system:- [Addon] GOM Player 2.1.40 Build 5106
UPDATED. Fix typo error : to- [Addon] EasyCapture v1.2.0 (09.05.2011)
U're welcome, DennyMK !- [Addon] GOM Player 2.1.40 Build 5106
U're welcome !- [REQUEST]RegAsm.exe & Assembly Registration
Hello ricks ! U're right about my previous post. If u have any time, I've another question (again...) Any idea about how to generate a .BPD file(Binary PostScript Printer Description) from a PPD file & to fix dynamically its path? 'coz, in my case, after install, PDFCreat.BPD is created in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3" and this path is hard-coded in the PDFcreat.BPD (see img below). And I try to create it & to dynamically indicate its path. Detailed info about .BPD file from FILExt Thanx for help.- [REQUEST]RegAsm.exe & Assembly Registration
Thanx for ur quick reply, rick. I give a try & will post results tomorrow. :type:- [REQUEST] Zomm Player ShellExt
Hi Kels ! Hope that u can help 'coz I'm newbie about Registry manipulations. I found these regentries in Kal's WMP11 addon: I'd like to obtain same results with Zoom player (zpshlext.dll isn't too sharp for me). How can I proceed ? Thanx.- [REQUEST]RegAsm.exe & Assembly Registration
@ OnePiece, Nonno Fabio, Kels & rick I have few problems with my PDFCreator 0.9.7 addon (See a part of my INF file). For registration of "pdfforge.dll", I use this command : NO SUCCESS.(See normal regentries). I tried to manually generate "pdfforge.dll" regentries with command below : : But, it's failed. :sweatingbullets: where I'm wrong? Thanx for ur help?- [Addon] MediaMonkey v3.2.5.1306 Standard INTL (de, en, es, fr, it, nl, ptb,ptg)
Addon momently removed. Thanx. - [REQUEST] MediaFACE 5.0.40 ENU/ESP/FRA