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thx reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444Updated (mirror)
thx reacted to ricktendo in [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)Updated installer with latest 7zsd sfx, should reduce any false positive virus warnings
Off Topic: Also launching my own site/forum Repacks.NET, will of course continue on WinCert (been here for 10 years)
Also planning on getting rid once and for all of AdFly bull****... Also guys I hope you can help me get domain off the malware list (thanks to tedexmonster for providing the domain and ftp all this time)
Heres how you can help, I already submitted it for review and cleaned up installers with new 7zsd sfx files
thx reacted to Legolash2o in WinToolkit DevelopmentNo worries. I wanted to release it sooner but a DNS issue was preventing me from accessing Wincert :'( Whilst I was at it, I downloaded about 3000 errors logs which i'll have to fix.
I've currently in a mix between reading a programming book for useful things to use in WTK 2.x, revising for an exam next week, work, and job hunting. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!
thx reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7Description:
The .NET Framework is a popular development platform for building apps for Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Windows Azure. The .NET Framework platform includes the C# and Visual Basic programming languages, the common language runtime, and an extensive class library. read more.
Info: The .NET package will be slipstreamed as pre-installed
OS: Windows 7 SP1
- The addon will conflict with some Windows Updates (.NET 3.5 Family), so leave the addon's integration to the last.
- Add main addon first before LangPack addon, to get ASP.NET service localization properly.
- To function properly, .NET 4.7.x require D3DCompiler_47.dll component, which is found in either the current "Monthly Quality Rollup" or "update KB4019990". It is recommended to integrate it first, or you can install it later.
.NET 4.8:
.NET 4.7.2:
Languages Codes Reference: