Everything posted by monkey56657
Vista OEM or RETAIL?
Yes oem has no MS support included and no manuals or box i think....altho box i shudnt put too high on proiorites hehe. THe upgrade version allows u to do a clean install i think (well xp did) but u must ptove u have a previous version by inserting a disk or something. Go for OEM unless u need support.
HELP! its getting stuck!!
Have 2 or more partitions one for your data and one for windows and apps. Then you wont lose your data if not backed up recently.
Divx movies in Vista
I didnt have any problems with divx movies on vista. I can only take it that powerdvd codecs were making it work
DirectX 10
**** that sweeet! Games will take so long to make
Free Portable Apps
All of these and more are available from http://www.portableapps.com
Vista performance comparisons
My vista performance is not too far below that of the same machine running xp. A designed for vista pc should be about right..but not perfect like xp.
[Request]BIOS pass tool
It would be different for each mobo manufacturer. So contact the manifacturer of the mobo in question for possible (but unlikly) solution.
Royale Noir: Secret XP theme uncovered
Looks good in the screen. Very much like the "Zune" theme for xp. I tried this a min ago and not work. Then i think i woke up...i was on vista already hehe . :lol: So will try on xp 2moz. Thanks !
Help with my laptop.. i'm really doomed!
In disk management right click on the disc drive and click change driver letter/path. Set a letter. May need to restart.... Computer Central Support Team