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  1. wow guys, thank you for the ideas. I'm currently trying with MS virtual pc 2007 and I have opened the taskmanager. I'll give you an update as soon as I know how things are working out. I have arrived at T13 just now. We'll know in a few minutes. Thanks again so far!
  2. Hi there, I have made an nLite XP cd and I have tried to install it to my laptop, but for security reasons tried it first on a virtual machine (Sun xVM Virtual Box). Now, the first dvd I made brought up a bluescreen at 13 minutes left to complete installation. After that, I made a second image with drivers and xp modifications only, no addons or hotfixes anymore. Now there's no bluescreen, but the installation does not proceed after it shows 13 minutes to completion. The virtual machine browser shows that the machine does not do any work at this point. No activity on the harddrive or the cd (image). I have tried to complete the installation with the original xp instal cd, but this does not change anything. Do you have an idea to help me? What could this problem be? Could it be that this problem might only occur on the virtual machine, but the installation might run through well on the real laptop? Thanks in advance!
  3. @Ricktendo: Hi there, great guide so far and thanks for that, but one thing is not 100% clear to me: In the FF.exe, you wrote: So, do we have to copy the files from our plugin-folder to both packed folders (i.e. the same files in both the two packed folders), or do we have to copy the content of our plugins-folder to the zipped plugins-folder and the content of our components-folder to the zipped components folder?