[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Just let you know, still got that opuc.dll copy error with RVM Integrator with the new file... using nLite for the previous version (Dec. 3) is OK.
[AddOn] Genuine Advantage
Hi, I've got this error during install: The file opuc.dll was not copied correctly. I'm using RVM Integrator 1.5Beta30, added this patch as "AddonPack(s)", tried several times both integrating with RVM and iso making with nLite. Any idea... ? Thanks! Cheers, edit: I tried this with the latest December 03-2007 Genuine Advantage AddOn.
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Thanx so much for the quick reply. Yess, it's working now. Now I try to integrate Net Framework 3 into my customized OS, because it seems later downloading from MS site and installing just doesn't work with the integrated, pre-installed sidebar. Now I need to know where to put RogueSpear's "Microsoft .NET Framework V3.0 - Lite" in RyanVM or in nLite - there are 2 versions: "Switchless Silent Installer" and "RyanVM Integrator Addon (.ZIP)". Cheers,
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Hi, The Sidebar doesn't start. I can run Sidebar Styler, but no Sidebar. Nothing happens, whether if I double cliked the icon in Control Panel (Windows Sidebar Properties) or in Start Menu/Accessories or the sidebar.exe in the C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar folder. I started with a clean XP pro SP2 as a base. Added the following with RyanVM Integrator v1.4.3: - RVMUpdatePack_2.1.11.7z as an Update Pack. - RUPUpdates-, RVMAddons_1.8.2.7z, RVMAddonsDX9_1.4.7z, RogueSpearAddonsDotNET11SP120-VJ1120.zip, RVMAddonsWGAN_1.7.18.5a.7z as an Addon Pack. And then the following to nLite-1.4 beta (see attachment): Any idea what the problem is? Thanx.
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