Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1
I will test the 64 bits version and give you feedback, Thank you for the addon :thumbsup_anim:
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Thank you ....you are amazing
Windows 7 Forum Trash
Please *Reaper*, i can
Vista System Properties For XP....Help
Thanks Nomad, i will try.
Vista System Properties For XP....Help
I need some help....i found a file and i need to "copy the sysdm file in your> WINDOWS\system32 Folder". It
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
I found this .... http://rapidshare.com/files/4709909/window...tugues.rar.html But in the mean while i will try to integrate the Sidebar in English... Thank you, Rick
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
Hello Rick i didn`t understant what sidebar you need to do the ad-on pack in PT....is it possible to integrate sidebar in English to a Portuguese OS? Thank you.
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
I need help... Language PT-PT InsTitle ="Instala
Portuguese Translation
Please i need help... Language PT-PT InsTitle ="Instala
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