Everything posted by lsrkin
Win jv16 PowerTools 2009 Full License
Nickname:lsrkin Age:20 Location:Russia Nice opportunity!!! Thx for this, WinCert !!!
i need a program!
hmm, isn't it freeware? http://aerostudio.boot-land.net/?page_id=4
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
I understood why it stucked on "Copying Personal Data.." stage. So the question is: is it possible to use variables %PROGRAMFILES% and %USERPROFILE% instead of "C:\Program Files" and "C:\Documents and Settings"? My default locations are D:\Apps and D:\Profiiles, i suppose i'm not alone who changes those, so when the script asked me if i had Firefox installed in default location i answered "yes" though.. as i turned out.. i didn't. P.S.: 0.463 works great :guitar: . THANK YOU :cheff:
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
code released "Notepad2" http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5198 could u update u're "Notepad 2+Metapath pack" plz
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
Can't make tete's Firefox. Script downloads Firefox, downloads tmemutil-20080331-sse2.zip and..stucks. That's what on the screen: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/3.0/ may be unavailable Press any key to continue . . . Window title is "Wget [100%] http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/software/m...-sse2.zip" If i press something i get the same stuck thing and following in log file: Before i pressed something Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off.11:23:20 (34.71 MB/s) - `Files/index.html' saved [774] Removing Files/index.html since it should be rejected. --11:23:20-- http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/software/mozilla/tmozdll/tmemutil-20080331-sse2.zip => `Files/tmemutil-20080331-sse2.zip' Connecting to www1.plala.or.jp||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 16
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[AddOn] InstallWatch Pro v2.5c (Updated July-14-07)
thx alot!!! Saw it in u're tutor vids and really liked it!!!
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
Wow, thx eryen!!! Didn't think about it!!! Works great now!!!! 2 Jonnyboy Can u add replacing this <em:maxVersion>whatever</em:maxVersion> string with <em:maxVersion>3.0</em:maxVersion> or <em:maxVersion>3.0.*</em:maxVersion> in all install.rdf files if user chooses 3.0 version installation? I don't think that it will affect badly if some extensions are REALLY not compatible with 3.0..though haven't tested it yet
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
nope, it's not about it. Addons are compatible with 3.0rc2 and they worked in my previous(manual, not addon) installation of Firefox and they work if i right click addon and choose "Find Update", nothing gets downloaded, but some files get changed in my profile's folder. Those extensions aren't even written in [ExtensionDirs] sections of extensions.ini file though there are folders with them in "extensions" folder.
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
BTW didn't anyone notice a bug: extensions in 3.0 version get corrupted. For example i had Firefox 3.0 rc2 with "Download Statusbar" and "IE tab" extensions. I create an addon of 3.0rc2-SSE2, uninstall previous Firefox and delete all profiles. Install addon and extensions just don't work, they are broken. I need to uninstall them and install again.
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
I mean i had this problem with 0.3 version and didn't have with 0.3x versions until 0.35, when i got all files in "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox" folder though i invoked script in another one. Maybe it happened because Firefox was launched when i started script and script didn't have time to kill the process or smth like that.
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
I understood what caused the problem. Profile was merged from firefox to 3.0rc2. When it's merged from to SSE2 it's totally fine. UPD: There's one more problem! Files that addon download and addon that it creates aren't in the same folder with it. It chooses folder randomly. for example i found all files in: %UserProfile% folder, on desktop, in "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox" folder. First 2 times a got with 0.3 version, that was ok after that so i thought u had fixed the bug, untill now... Am i the only one having this problem?
[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
There is a problem with adobe flash player. I'm using Firefox 3.0RC2 SSE2 Optimized. It gets installed but on each new website information bar appears and tells me that it isn't installed..and i install it, next time on this website it works good but a got to another, that uses Adobe Flash Player and...i need to install it AGAIN!
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Video] How to make a INF Program addon
thx for tutorials!!!