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Stimpy reacted to clarkg888 in McRip's Update site blocks certain IP'sI can't connect to McRip's update servers with WinToolkit, but I believe I know why and I wanted to share a work-around for anyone else affected.
I believe McRip won't accept connections from my IP address. I use Shaw Communications in British Columbia, Canada as my ISP. I suspect he did that to deal with whoever was attacking his site some months ago.
You will know if you have the same problem if your Internet works with all other sites, but when you point your browser to you get no response at all (page doesn't load). If you get the 'NO ACCESS!' page, you do not have this problem.
My work-around is to connect to a VPN service prior to running WinToolkit for updates. I used but I'm sure other services will work also.
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] WinToolkit 1.41.26 Unknown Mount ErrorAfter further investigation, it should have integrated fine even though it's red. It's because it says 'ALL' rather than 'fr-FR' or 'pl-PL', etc... I will fix once i am back from a nice meal at the pub
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] Installer error if "Copy Folder" is setI will investigate this now.
EDIT: All fixed.
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Not-Solved?] AIO ToolFixed.
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] WinToolkitRunOnce.exe not respondingI've just managed to reproduce this error. It has now been fixed.
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] Win Toolkit InstallerGrrr, it's been fixed. Damn typo lol.
VirtualBox just finished installing. IE10 menu's were in FRENCH
Stimpy reacted to x23piracy in Question about Windows 7 PE...Hi,
maybe that helps?
Look at the part: Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup
Greetz X23
Stimpy reacted to x23piracy in Question about Windows 7 PE...Hey,
also look here:
Greetz X23
Stimpy reacted to Mr_Smartepants in [Tool] PEX²³ - Little WinPE Helper"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers /Recurse This line is missing the end quote from the /Driver: path.
Should be:
"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse -
Stimpy reacted to x23piracy in [Tool] PEX²³ - Little WinPE HelperHi,
i made that little script for my own to handle winpe images:
Requires: The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7
Download: PEX23
@echo offREM Force umount, uncomment temporary the right line for your arch if you fataly closed the batch procese while an image was mounted and not unmounted ;)REM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_amd64\mount" /CommitREM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_x86\mount" /Commitecho.echo Choose Architecture for the PE Folder to createecho.choice /n /c "46" /m "amd6(4), x8(6)?"if errorlevel 2 goto x86if errorlevel 1 goto amd64:amd64SET ARCH=amd64IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:x86SET ARCH=x86IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:existsclsecho.echo Directory for choosen Architecture allready existsecho Mount or delete existing directory or abort?echo. choice /n /c "MDA" /m "(M)ount, (D)elete, (A)bort?" if errorlevel 3 goto abort if errorlevel 2 goto delPE if errorlevel 1 goto mount:abortExit:delPErd /s /q "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%"goto %ARCH%:mountcls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount"echo.echo You can now start customizing the image,echo press any key if you have finished.echo.pauseclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto umount if errorlevel 1 goto intdrv:intdrvIF NOT EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" GOTO missingcolor 0Fclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate unsigned drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 SET drvmode= if errorlevel 1 SET drvmode=/Forceunsigned"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" "/Image:%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver "/Driver:%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse %drvmode%clsecho.echo Driver integration finished, unmounting now.goto umount:missingclscolor FCecho.echo The following path doesn't exist:echo.echo %cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Driversecho.echo Create the directory and place your drivers there.echo.pausegoto intdrv:umountecho."%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Commitclsecho.echo Unmouting the Image has been finished.echo Do you want to create an ISO from the PE folder?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto finished if errorlevel 1 goto iso:finishedecho.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit:isocopy "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO\sources\boot.wim"cls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\oscdimg.exe" -n -b"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\WinPE_%ARCH%.iso"echo.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit
- Added the missing " for driver integration thx @mr_smartepants
- Added a dialog that asks for unsigned driver integration
- Removed ²³ from file and foldernames because of errors
- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%
- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted
- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted
- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing
This should only work complete under Windows 7 x64 and maybe Windows 8 x64 no way for Windows XP.
If anyone finds it usefull, have fun with it
Greetz X23
Stimpy reacted to x23piracy in [Tool] PEX²³ - Little WinPE HelperUpdate:
- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%
- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image
- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted
- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted
- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing
Download: See first post.
Greetz X23
Stimpy reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in Update Servers OfflineWhy don't YOU do that???
Stimpy reacted to bphlpt in Update Servers OfflinePlease do not disrespect Komm by trying to get around the protections that Komm has built into his server so that his bandwidth is abused by people direct linking to his files. If he is willing to allow Lego to but a hook in Win Toolkit so that it can access the files directly, that should satisfy your requirements without anyone needing to access the files directly themselves.
Cheers and Regards
I've made it so updates which receive 0x800f082e errors get automatically added to the silent installers list and make the item go peach instead of pink/red.
I could probably make it so that all failed updates go into silent installer automatically, but that can end badly.
Stimpy reacted to x23piracy in Installation of Windows 7 over Network Boot PXEHi,
sorry for the disappointment but this is based on winpe as boot media.
Sure i will finish this to have different points much clearer.
Installing Windows 7 over PXE means having to place an amount of space between 4-10GB somewhere
From the private sigth this can be a customized router which enables option 66 und 67 for dhcp, normally
every dhcp should support this thats RFC!
The most problem would be to place a dedicated tftp server, for example a fritzbox router with freetz can do
that, or a fli4l router installation.
Whos not on the luckie side owning a nas can use a big usb stick directly connected to the router
(but speed may be very slow).
I feel very cool without having anything to carry with me to install win7 in our corporate.
My Boss is also still impressed but thats more related to his unknownness what for cool things are possible
The most impressive thing is the complete customized sfx pakages that enable a 90% out of the box ready
workstation after installation of windows 7.
Greetz X23
No need of any boot media except network connection
Easy Update of Installer changes
No space boarder (no DL-DVD or big USB Stick needed)
DHCP Server with Option 66 and 67 enabled and configured
TFTP Server
Microsoft Windows AIK
Windows 7 Installation files
Steps to procede:
Setup DHCP Server
Prepare the Base Directory for TFTP Server
Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup
Tell Windows Setup howto find Wintoolkit_Apps folder:
Setup DHCP Server:
For my case (Corporate) i have a running Microsoft DHCP Server (Windows Server 2003)
Just enable the DHCP Options 66 and 67
Option 66 is the Hostname or IP of the machine where TFTP Server is running on
Option 67 is the Boot filename from TFTP Base Directory
If you don't have a running DHCP Server you can use the buildin DHCP Server from TFTPD
Prepare the Base Directory for TFTP Server:
Create a Base directory called Boot or something wherever you want. (C:\Boot)
Create a subdirectory called images (C:\Boot\images)
Create a subdirectory called pxelinux.cfg (C:\Boot\pxelinux.cfg <-- is a directory!)
Create a file without extension called default in the pxelinux.cfg folder (C:\Boot\pxelinux.cfg\default <-- is a filename)
Extract the syslinux archive, find and copy the following files to your base directory:
Open the default file and paste:
Attention, this is a fully paste from my default file, for a start you can delete the most to learn how it works.
DEFAULT vesamenu.c32ONTIMEOUT bootlocalPROMPT 0TIMEOUT 50TOTALTIMEOUT 3000KBDMAP german.kbdDISPLAY boot.msgALLOWOPTIONS 1# Layout-Definitionen fuer das MenueMENU AUTOBOOT Automatischer Start von der Festplatte in # Sekunde{n}...MENU BACKGROUND /logo_2.16MENU TITLE Retsch GmbH - Informationstechnik © josMENU color title 1;36;44 #ffffffff #00000000 stdMENU color sel 7;37;40 #ffffffff #ffdaa520 allMENU color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #ffdaa520 allMENU WIDTH 82MENU MARGIN 10MENU PASSWORDMARGIN 34MENU ROWS 14MENU TABMSGROW 18MENU CMDLINEROW 18MENU ENDROW 30MENU PASSWORDROW 11MENU TIMEOUTROW 18MENU HELPMSGROW 22MENU HELPMSGENDROW -1MENU HIDDENROW -2MENU HSHIFT 0MENU VSHIFT 2MENU PASSPROMPT KennwortMENU IMMEDIATEMENU MASTER PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU AUTOBOOT Automatischer Boot in # SekundenMENU TABMSG Druecke [TAB] um die Optionen zu bearbeitenMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATEMENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU TITLE Retsch GmbH - Informationstechnik © josMENU LABEL ^1. PXE Menu (Administrator Kennwort wird benoetigt)LABEL bootlocalTEXT HELPErste lokale Festplatte und Partition booten.ENDTEXT MENU DEFAULT MENU LABEL ^1. ^lokale Festplatte booten KERNEL chain.c32 APPEND hd0 0 MENU SEPARATOR MENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /acronis.16MENU TITLE Acronis True ImageMENU LABEL ^2. ^Acronis True ImageLABEL Acronis True Image 2012 ISO MENU LABEL ^1. Acronis True Image 2012 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/acronis_ti_2012.iso rawLABEL Acronis True Image 2013 ISO MENU LABEL ^2. Acronis True Image 2013 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/acronis_ti_2013.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU END MENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /clonezilla.16MENU TITLE Clonezilla 2.0.1-15MENU LABEL ^3. ^ClonezillaLABEL clonezilla_i486_iso MENU LABEL ^1. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 i486 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-i486.iso raw LABEL clonezilla_i686_iso MENU LABEL ^2. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 i686 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-i686-pae.iso raw LABEL clonezilla_x64_iso MENU LABEL ^3. ^Clonezilla Live 2.0.1-15 x64 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/clonezilla-live-2.0.1-15-amd64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU END MENU SEPARATORLABEL easeus_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^4. ^EaseUS Partition Master Workstation / Server KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/EaseUS_Partition_Master_Server.iso rawMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU BACKGROUND /gparted.16MENU TITLE GParted 0.14-1-6MENU LABEL ^5. ^GPartedLABEL gparted_i486_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 i486 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-i486.iso raw LABEL gparted_i686_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 i686 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-i686-pae.iso raw LABEL gparted_x64_iso MENU LABEL GParted Live 0.14.1-6 x64 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/gparted-live-0.14.1-6-amd64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU ENDMENU SEPARATORLABEL dart_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^6. ^Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/DaRT70.iso raw LABEL erd2005_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^7. ^ERD Commander 2005 KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/ERD2005.iso rawMENU SEPARATORMENU BEGINMENU IMMEDIATE#MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU=MENU TITLE Windows Preinstallation Environment TI 3.0MENU LABEL ^8. ^Windows Preinstallation Environment True ImageLABEL winpe_x86_iso MENU LABEL Windows Preinstallation Environment 3.0 True Image x86 ISO KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/winpe/AcronisMediumx86.iso raw LABEL winpe_x64_iso MENU LABEL Windows Preinstallation Environment 3.0 True Image x64 ISO KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/winpe/AcronisMediumx64.iso raw MENU SEPARATORLABEL return_mainMENU LABEL ^.. Eine Ebene hoeherMENU EXITMENU ENDMENU EXITMENU SEPARATORLABEL dart_iso #MENU PASSWD $4$IkeBrylcXa2yF39eCLyXpqubnkU= MENU LABEL ^9. ^Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Installation KERNEL memdisk APPEND iso initrd=images/win7_pro_x64.iso rawMENU END
Place your images in the images folder
Prepare WinPE to Start Windows Setup:
Install Windows AIK
Create a WinPE Folder (You need to change the paths to your needs):
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" amd64 e:\WinPE_x64Mount WinPE Folder:
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:e:\WinPE_x64\winpe.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:e:\WinPE_x64\mountOptionally integrate drivers into pe:
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:e:\WinPE_x64\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:e:\WinPE_x64\Drivers /Recurse /forceunsignedI integrated a LAN Driver pakage so it doesnt get problems when trying to mount a network share, that is needed because i install it over net share.
Now we customize the winpe:
Open the mount folder and goto Windows\System32 and open the startnet.cmd add the following line:
setup.cmdCreate setup.cmd in Windows\System32 and paste the following (You need to change IP, User, Pass, Paths):
@echo offnet use i: \\\System /USER:domain\user password"i:\Windows 7 Professional x64\setup.exe" /unattend:"i:\Windows 7 Professional x64\Autounattend.xml"This will mount the install sources and runs the setup.
Unmount the WinPE:
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:e:\WinPE_x64\mount /CommitCreate the ISO:
copy e:\WinPE_x642\winpe.wim e:\WinPE_x64\ISO\sources\boot.wim"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -n -be:\WinPE_x64\ e:\WinPE_x64\ISO e:\WinPE_x64\WinPE_x64.isoCopy the iso to your Base\Images directory.
Tell Windows Setup howto find Wintoolkit_Apps folder:
Please use the (sources\$oem$\$$\Setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd) and add the following
(You need to change things to suite to your needs):
@echo offnet use i: \\\Wintoolkit /USER:domain\user pass
I have big problems to explain things more detailed because of missing english vocabular and so on
Greetz X23
Here is the Guide for it and as you can see in the pic the txt file should be listed... this feature is pretty much straight forward:
Also on the main screen the Options button brings up general options and the Update Catalog Filter offers additional downloads
The WU_Satisfy folder will be seen by WinToolkit soon.
The changelog can be accessed by everybody.
.net45 can be accessed by everybody:
Win8 updates will be uploaded by PointZero soon. You have to be a little patient.
One step after another...
Stimpy reacted to compstuff in KUC ServerI personally use the KUC all the time and it works great so the fact that WinToolKit can't download from his server makes it pretty useless actually and just congests/confuses the option
I also wonder just how long both of these guys can keep up with this amazing resource they provide. It a daunting task and I can't fathom how much time they put into this.... add the contacts attacks they have both had and I can only say that I am sure it would have worn me down. It will be a great loss if we lose either of them
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in [Solved] Cosmetic bug in, i will fix it once I get home from work. (5 hours time)
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in WARNING: [Experimental]Expect a new release today
Stimpy reacted to Legolash2o in Is Win Toolkit dead?I'm still here.
Stimpy reacted to compstuff in My Personal Image Integration ProcessStep 2 SFX/Silent Installers
If you have been following this then some steps will now become repetitive which is good because that's whats makes some of this rather straight forward to me. Hopefully you will also be able to follow my folder logic so I can just go directly to the folders we will use.
This step may be a little more complicated for me to explain but I will try my best and I think I will start with my reasons for doing it in this manner. I really prefer to separate and control all the items that I add as silent installers etc and RunOnceEx item and run them in a single process. I also try to create a method that allows me to make easy updates to files when they become available and then just drop a file in place, re-run this step (which takes about 10 minutes) and then my image is up to date. Other supportive scenarios would be how easy this step is to maintain for the next full integration by reusing my .ini file because I have used generic names for the files or the fact that most files don't change at all. Lastly I can use generic calls to batch files or scripts to install files from my $OEM$ folder which works great when I want something for one client versus another or to create a "admin" image with lots of different tools for myself. If this is not clear don't worry, I have a lot more explaining to do.
NOTE: I can't explain every single item that is added, it would take too long and is really not the scope of this, but each item will be fully referenced so you can research them yourself
Lets start with the easy stuff:
Setting up the new target image for this step I am working in my _Slipstream\_7Builds\ folder. I copy the completed Step 1 Integration to the Step-2-SFX folder. We will copy my $OEM$ folder and my Autounattend.xml later so just keep that in mind. (Refer to previous pics)
Now lets take a look at the !Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2 folder since this and the $OEM$ are the brains of all of this:
OK now I am sure this may look like soo much to maintain but I swear other than a few files, I basically set all this up once and pretty much never changed it and I have been using this forever... and remember if I never really change the files or file names then the .ini can be reused :-)
So lets look at items 00 to 07, these are items that can't be installed in Step 1 so they get installed to an online image. I obtained all of these from McRip and I just manage them this particular way. I can reuse the same .ini content for this:
NOTE: reading the .ini file will show what actual files are in what folders... I literally did these when I first started so I need to help myself understand what things were for
KB974150-x64::;NO;792.74 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\00_NtBackup\KB974150-x64.msu;Always InstalledKB974674-x64::;NO;668.16 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\00_NtBackup\KB974674-x64.msu;Always InstalledKB2533552x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;9.23 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\01-02-Offline\01-KB2533552\KB2533552x64.msu;Always InstalledKB2603229x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;193.42 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\01-02-Offline\02-KB2603229\KB2603229x64.msu;Always Installedhelp::N/A (Not Needed);NO;701.34 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\03-KB917607\help.msu;Always Installedfmapi::N/A (Not Needed);NO;237.99 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\04-KB943790\fmapi.msu;Always Installedagent::N/A (Not Needed);NO;2.65 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\05-KB969168\agent.msu;Always Installedactivation::N/A (Not Needed);NO;1.35 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\06-KB971033\activation.msu;Always Installedidentity::N/A (Not Needed);NO;1.47 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\07-KB974405\identity.msu;Always InstalledidentityHF2::N/A (Not Needed);NO;2.75 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\07-KB974405\identityHF2.msu;Always Installed08-MSFixit contains the following fixes:
Some of these I got from McRip and some I got from my own research. I believe McRip still has his own installer for these but I also think I added some additional items which is why I handle this using my method
MicrosoftFixit50470.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50470.msiMicrosoftFixit50531.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50531.msiMicrosoftFixit50688.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50688.msiMicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946.msiMicrosoftFixit50877.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50877.msiMicrosoftFixit50897.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50897.msiMicrosoftFixit50907.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50907.msiMicrosoftFixit50908.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50908.msiMicrosoftFixit50939.msi:: _Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50939.msi When and if I determine I need another fix I can just add it to this folder and use a simple method to get the correct syntax and entry. Just mount an image, go to the advanced tab, SFX silent installs, add the single new fix, and then create and save a new temp .ini file ...then just open the temp .ini file and copy and past the entry into you real working .ini (I hope that makes sense). It literally takes about 5 minutes and I have only had to change this directory and .ini portion once so farMicrosoftFixit50470::/quiet /norestart;NO;638.00 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50470.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50531::/quiet /norestart;NO;646.50 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50531.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50688::/quiet /norestart;NO;655.50 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50688.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946::/quiet /norestart;NO;964.00 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50877::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.00 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50877.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50897::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.12 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50897.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50907::/quiet /norestart;NO;961.50 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50907.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50908::/quiet /norestart;NO;965.00 KB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50908.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoftFixit50939::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.03 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\08-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50939.msi;Always Installed
I personally always use Ricktendo's .net installers and this is a great example of and easy to maintain folder item. Rick releases a new version, I copy it to the folder, rename it and I'm good to go with no other changes to anything.
dotNetFx45::/ai;NO;46.04 MB;E:\!Slipstream\_7Tools\_Step-2\10-DotNet\dotNetFx45.exe;Always Installed
Rick's installer has the following switches I choose and I just the /ai
/y - Passive mode, shows progress bar advancing but requires no user interaction. *Full* package is installed./ai - Quiet mode, no user input required or output shown. *Full* package is installed./ain - Quiet mode, no user input required or output shown. *Full* package is installed and 'ngen executequeueditems' is also run./h | /? - Display this help. Mr_SmartePants has an excellent method of creating your own .net installer I just choose to use Rick'sDotNet Installer Custom.txt *************************TO BE CONTINUED HEADING OFF TO WORK********************************** -
Stimpy reacted to compstuff in My Personal Image Integration ProcessStep 1 Integration
The first thing I do is copy the vanilla source files from "W7T_7SP1x64ent_TechNet-base" to my target directory "W7T_7SP1x64ent_TechNet-Step-1-Updates". I then open WinToolKit, and if I haven't already done it I will go to the Update Catalog, select my McRip choice and makes sure I have the latest updates. Actually I spend quite a bit of time checking and reviewing updates and I use and the members there to provide the support for this part.
Once that part is done to my satisfaction I open the AIO Integration option and select my "W7T_7SP1x64ent_TechNet-Step-1-Updates" target. In this case I will skip the preset and start from scratch to create a new .ini I select the updates tab and then follow the same specific procedure every time I do Step 1.
NOTE: this months update sequence changed slightly due to Windows Update showing some of the IE10 pre-req's so I added them at step 2 below in this phase, every other step I have been repeating exactly for about a year and more integration's than I can even remember
1) Select Add Updates & Subfolders, select IE9 folder found in the Additional folder and WinToolKIt will properly add them all
2) Select Add Updates, select KB2786081, KB2726535, KB2729094 found in Additional IE10ReleasePreview and WinToolKIt will properly add them all
3) Select Add Updates, highlight and select every .msu in the _Updates "McRip Windows 7 x64" folder
*** At this point I select the GREEN folders and items that I want to add to my image and this will vary based on your personal preference and need. RDP8.0 has one item I add in Step 1 ***
4) Select Add Updates & Subfolders, continue to select each GREEN folder (i just do them in sequence) and WinToolKit will properly add them all. When you reach the BROWN "RemoteDesktopProtocol8.0" use Add Updates and only add KB2574819, then finish off the rest of the GREEN folders.
I have now added all my updates that apply to my STEP-1. Now at this point I actually don't run it yet because I just created a new .ini and I want to compare it to an old one and make sure it looks right and that I haven't forgotten anything. As much as this seem overly anal, each integration takes more than 2 hrs so the few minutes I take to check my work is well worth it and I have often found something I left out or wanted to change. So what I do is select Presets-Save All and then name the ini something like "STEP-1-Updates-02-09-13"
So here is an example of what we have after I saved the latest Step-1 Preset and I reloaded an image and what to use it:
When I load that Preset it will look like this:
Here is my actual STEP-1-Updates-02-09-13.ini
Additional Notes:
I actually save lots of .ini files and I will even edit ini files sometime during the month as new updates get release. What I tend to do is wait until a week after the major release date (2nd Tuesday of the month) because that's about the time frame that McRips scanners finish and he and the others at have pretty much stabilized the releases then I create my new image. But we all know that additional files get release so sometime I just edit the .ini and add them that way. What that gives me is a new and updated .ini without having to really do much at all and if I want to use it as a preset for a new image I am good to go.
Also If I have already completed my images and new updates come out I just open that target, add the additional hotfixes to my already integrated image and the image will be up to date. I really don't due that often but it definitely works. I have found it just as easy to use the new preset, start a new integration, go to dinner, have some wine and come back and its done, then I just run the additional steps and since they run much faster it's not a big deal... just my preference.